Logical induction

Posted: 2017-02-01 , Modified: 2017-02-01

Tags: ai safety, logic



For any deductive process \(\ol D\), there exists a computable belief sequence \(\ol \Pj\) satisfying the logical induction criterion relative to \(\ol D\).

For any recursively axiomatizable \(\Ga\), there exists a computable belief sequence that is a logical inductor over \(\Ga\).

Intuition: Consider any polynomial-time method for efficiently identifying patterns in logic. If the market prices don’t learn to reflect that pattern, a clever trader can use it to exploit the market. For example, if there is a polynomial-time method for identifying theorems that are always underpriced by the market, a clever trader could use that pattern to buy those theorems low, exploiting the market. To avoid exploitation, logical inductors must learn to identify many different types of patterns in logical statements.

(Note: I expected that the logical inductor would be the trader, but no, it’s the market! The traders are people trying to take advantage of the market. But I’m thinking of the AI against nature, and nature throwing catastrophes in the sense of trying to find things the AI would reason badly about.)


Limit properties

Pattern recognition



I’m confused: Consider a sequence \(y_n=f(x_n)\), \(f:B^{2n}\to B^n\) which is hard-to-invert. Theorem \(n\) is \(y_n\in \im f\). How can we hope to assign probabilities \(\to 1\)?

Can we add true randomness? Randomness in \(\Ga\) is not allowed because axioms are recursively computable. (Footnote 3 in paper says we can add randomness to market.) How about allowing traders to be random?




You can use the logic to encode the computation of the market prices, i.e. \(\ul{\Pj}_{\ul{n}}(\ul{\phi_n})\). (I’m omitting underlines in the following theorem statements.)

Extended paper: Intro


  1. Convergence and Coherence: In the limit, the prices of a logical inductor describe a belief state which is fully logically consistent, and represents a probability distribution over all consistent worlds.
  2. Timely Learning: For any efficiently computable sequence of theorems, a logical inductor learns to assign them high probability in a timely manner, regardless of how difficult they are to prove. (And similarly for assigning low probabilities to refutable statements.)
  3. Learning Statistical Patterns: If a sequence of sentences appears pseudorandom to all reasoners with the same runtime as the logical inductor, it learns the appropriate statistical summary (assigning, e.g., 10% probability to the claim “the nth digit of \(\pi\) is a 7” for large n, if digits of \(\pi\) are actually hard to predict).
  4. Calibration and Unbiasedness: Logical inductors are well-calibrated and, given good feedback, unbiased.
  5. Learning Logical Relationships: Logical inductors inductively learn to respect logical constraints that hold between different types of claims, such as by ensuring that mutually exclusive sentences have probabilities summing to at most 1.
  6. Non-Dogmatism: The probability that a logical inductor assigns to an independent sentence \(\phi\) is bounded away from 0 and 1 in the limit, by an amount dependent on the complexity of \(\phi\). In fact, logical inductors strictly dominate the universal semimeasure in the limit. This means that we can condition logical inductors on independent sentences, and when we do, they perform empirical induction.
  7. Conditionals: Given a logical inductor P, the market given by the conditional probabilities \(P(- | \psi)\) is a logical inductor over \(\ol D\) extended to include \(\psi\). Thus, when we condition logical inductors on new axioms, they continue to perform logical induction.
  8. Expectations: Logical inductors give rise to a well-behaved notion of the expected value of a logically uncertain variable.
  9. Trust in Consistency: If the theory \(\Ga\) underlying a logical inductor’s deductive process is expressive enough to talk about itself, then the logical inductor learns inductively to trust \(\Ga\).
  10. Reasoning about Halting: If there’s an efficient method for generating programs that halt, a logical inductor will learn in a timely manner that those programs halt (often long before having the resources to evaluate them). If there’s an efficient method for generating programs that don’t halt, a logical inductor will at least learn not to expect them to halt for a very long time.
  11. Introspection: Logical inductors “know what they know”, in that their beliefs about their current probabilities and expectations are accurate.
  12. Self-Trust: Logical inductors trust their future beliefs.

Others not covered before

[Q: can SoS give reasonable estimates of probabilities to a given statement given a web of propositional statements?]

[Don’t want traders to do more computation beyond propositional correctness… they can still utilize eventual theoremhood by not keeping too much open.]


Given deductive process \(\ol D\), construct computable belief sequence \(\ol{LIA}\).


Sets market prices anticipating what a single trader is about to do.

Fixed point lemma Let \(T_n\) be \(n\)-strategy, \(\Pj_{\le n-1}\) belief history. There exists \(\mathbb V\), \(\Supp(\mathbb V)\subeq \Supp(T_n):=S'\), s.t. \[ \forall \mathbb\in \mathcal W, \mathbb W(T_n(\Pj_{\le n-1}, \mathbb V))\le 0. \]

Proof. Define \(V' = [0,1]^{S'}\), \[ f(\mathbb V)(\phi):= \text{clamp}_{[0,1]} [\mathbb V(\phi) + T(\Pj_{\le n-1}, \mathbb V)[\phi]]. \] Idea: if the trader buys under \(\mathbb V\), then increase the price. (Note the scaling of \(T\) doesn’t really matter.) If the trader doesn’t buy/sell \(\phi\), there is no change.

By Brouwer on the simply connected compact \([0,1]^{S'}\), there is a fixed point \(\mathbb V^{\text{fix}}\). \(T_n\) only buys shares when \(\mathbb V^{\text{fix}}=1\), and sell when \(=0\): no profit!

MarketMaker: on input \(T_n, \Pj_{\le n-1}\), return \(\Pj\subeq [0,1]^{S'}\), \[ \forall \mathbb\in \mathcal W, \mathbb W(T_n(\Pj_{\le n-1}, \mathbb V))\le 2^{-n}. \]

(Note we haven’t restricted to consistent worlds at all.)

Idea: brute force approximate search.

Let \(\mathbb W' = \mathbb W\one_{S'}\). Consider \[g:\mathbb V \mapsto \max_{\mathbb W'\in \mathcal W'} \mathbb W'(T_n(\Pj_{\le n-1}, \mathbb V)).\] We find a rational belief state \(\Pj\in (g')^{-1}((-\iy, 2^{-n}))\) because we can compute \(g\).

Lemma. MarketMaker \(\Pj_n=MarketMaker_n(T_n,\Pj_{\le n-1})\) is not exploitable by \(\ol T\) relative to any \(\ol D\).

(No assumptions on \(D\).)

Proof. Sum \(\le 1\).


Alter trader to stay within budget \(b\).

If there is some PC world where the trader could have lost $b or more, do nothing. Else, scale down to stay within budget in worst possible world.

Define Budgeter\({}_n^{\ol D}(b, T_{\le n}, \Pj_{\le n-1})\) by:

Lemma (Properties):

  1. B doesn’t change \(T\) if for all past times \(m\le n\), in all PC worlds (\(\mathbb W\in PC(D_m)\)) the value is \(>-b\) (\(\mathbb W(\sum_{i\le m}T_i(\ol \Pj))>-b\)).
  2. (Stays within budget) \(\mathbb W(\sum_{i\le n}B_i^b(\ol\Pj)) \ge -b\).
  3. If \(\ol T\) exploits \(\ol\Pj\) relative to \(\ol D\)< then so does \(\ol B^b\) for some \(b\in \N^+\). (Proof. choose \(b\) to be the lower bound, then \(T\) doesn’t change.)


Uses budgeter to combine infinite (enumerable) sequence of e.c. traders into a single trader that exploits a given market if any e.c. trader exploits the market.

(5.3.1) there exists a computable sequence of e.c. traders containing every e.c. trader.

Idea of construction of TradingFirm

In math:

Note this is a computable finite sum because we can compute a lower bound on \(\mathbb W(\sum_{i\le m} S_i^k (\Pj_{\le m}))\), \(-C_n:=-\sum_{i\le n}\ve{S_i^k (\ol{\mathbb V})}_1\). When the budget is more than \(C_n\), the trading strategy doesn’t change.

Lemma (Trading firm dominance): If there exists any e.c. trader \(\ol T\) that exploits \(\ol\Pj\) relative to \(\ol D\), then \((\text{TradingFirm}_n^{\ol D}(\Pj_{\le n-1}))_{n\in \N^+}\) also exploits \(\ol\Pj\) relative to \(\ol D\).

Proof. Use repeatedly: If \(A_n\) exploits \(\ol\Pj\) and \(\mathbb W(\sum_{i\le n}A_n(\Pj)) \ge c_1 \mathbb W(\sum_{i\le n}T_n^k(\Pj)) + c_2\) for \(c_1>0\), then \(B_n\) exploits \(\ol \Pj\).

LIA (Logical Induction Algorithm)

Uses MarketMaker to make market not exploitable by TradingFirm.

Define \[ LIA_n := \text{MarketMaker}_n(\text{TradingFirm}_n^{\ol D}(LIA_{\le n-1}), LIA_{\le n-1}). \]

LIA satisfies the logical induction criterion.

Proof. If any e.c. trader exploits LIA, then so does the trading firm, contradiction.

Runtime and convergence

Tradeoff between runtime of \(\Pj_n\) as function of \(n\) and how quickly \(\Pj_n(\phi) \to \Pj_\iy(\phi)\).

Selected proofs

Idea: if a market doesn’t satisfy nice properties, then there are ec traders taking advantage of this.


Compare with Solomonoff induction.

This (uncomputable) algorithm is impractical, but has nevertheless been of theoretical use: its basic idiom-consult a series of experts, reward accurate predictions, and penalize complexity-is commonplace in statistics, predictive analytics, and machine learning.

experts consulted by logical inductors don’t make predictions about what is going to happen next; instead, they observe the aggregated advice of all the experts (including themselves) and attempt to exploit inefficiencies in that aggregate model.

consider the task of designing an AI system that reasons about the behavior of computer programs, or that reasons about its own beliefs and its own effects on the world. While practical algorithms for achieving these feats are sure to make use of heuristics and approximations, we believe scientists will have an easier time designing robust and reliable systems if they have some way to relate those approximations to theoretical algorithms that are known to behave well in principle

3 takeaways.

  1. Make predictions by combining advice from ensemble of experts (Solomonoff + Gaifman). Note LIA many only see sequence of sets from a theorem prover. (Ex. only see “#1 is true” “#2 is false or #3 is true”, etc.)
    • No meta-cognition (what to think about)
    • Not practical—bad bounds
  2. Keep experts small. Experts do not predict the world. They identify inconsistencies even if they don’t know what’s actually happening.
  3. Make trading functions continuous.

Showing traders the current market prices is not trivial, because the market prices on day n depend on which trades are made on day n, creating a circular dependency. Our framework breaks this cycle by requiring that the traders use continuous betting strategies, guaranteeing that stable beliefs can be found… something like continuity is strictly necessary, if the market is to have accurate beliefs about itself.

This breaks paradoxes. Ex. \(\chi = "\Pj_n(\chi)<0.5"\).


Open problems


“No dutch book” in expected utility theory, Bayesian probability theory

Given a sequence of bits which follow a polytime generable pattern, will it learn it in the limit?

Limitation (5.5.1): If \(\ol\Pj\) is a logical inductor over \(\Ga\) representing computable functions, \(\forall \phi, \Ga\vdash \phi, \forall n>f(\phi,\ep), \Pj_n(\phi) >1-\ep\), then \(f\) is uncomputable.

Otherwise, you can use \(f\) to design an algorithm that tells whether \(\Ga\vdash \phi\). (Falsify \(\phi\) by finding \(n>f(\phi,\rc b)\) and \(\Pj_n(\phi)\le 1-\rc b\).

If \(D\) does not eventually spew out a theorem \(\phi\), then there’s no guarantee of convergence for \(\phi\)?

Extended paper

  1. What does this mean? Surely not \(L\) is only propositional logic. \(L\) is any logic that’s universal (in the sense that you can express anything in arithmetic), right?

  2. Checking propositional consistency is tractable if you restrict to a finite number of sentences. Otherwise (given oracle to \(\mathbb W\)), of course not because there’s infinitely many things to check.

  3. Why this definition? (Note: in the paper this is written as \(T_i(\ol{\mathbb{V}})\). I changed this to be more consistent in notation.)

  4. At any finite time a trader can earn arbitrarily large amount of money, but this is a statement about unbounded, not arbitrarily large.

  5. ??? Prefix complexity has to be with respect to something.

  6. What is this?

  7. What about transformations? Ex. if \(P\) is a polytime transformation \(S\to \R^{\opl (S\cup \{1\})}\), such that \(P(s)=0\) in all worlds ((or just is provable) and this is provable within \(\Ga\)?), then eventually it becomes 0? (I mean on worst case \(s\) too, not just specific \(s\).) Also, do there exist computable sequences \(A_n\) of theorems such that for each \(n\), \(A_n\) is provable, but \(\forall n, A_n\) is not provable? (Here we don’t have the generators for \(A_n\). Could we do more with the generators? The \(A_n\) are just given to us by some adversary.)

  8. How do polytime traders get access to prices if they are real numbers? Do they only get \(\rc{\poly(n)}\) precision?