Theorem proving with modern ML

Posted: 2017-09-05 , Modified: 2017-09-05

Tags: theorem proving

Vlad’s references

  1. Neural Meta-Induction and Program Synthesis
  2. DeepMath - continuous representations of symbolic expressions arxiv
  3. Terpret- A language for program Induction arxiv
  4. End to End differentiable proving arxiv
  5. Alemi et al., “Deepmath - Deep sequence models for premise selection”. NIPS 2016. arxiv, research@google.
  6. Kaliszyk, Chollet, Szegedy., “HolStep: A machine learning dataset for higher-order logic theorem proving”. ICLR 2017. arxiv,research@google
  7. Alemi et al., “Deep variational information bottleneck”. ICLR 2017. arxiv
  8. Loos et al., “Deep network guided proof search”. LPAR 2017. arxiv, research@google.
  9. Learning to Discover Efficient Mathematical Identities arxiv

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