Semantic shared response

Posted: 2016-09-24 , Modified: 2016-09-24

Tags: neuroscience

fMRI: \(10^5\) \((3mm)^3\) voxels, measuring blood flow.

Prior work



Distributional hypothesis of meaning: meaning comes from co-occurrence.

We have multiple words in each annotation. Approaches:

(Note: words have different meanings. Use DL to split up words into atoms. Ignores polysemy.)

Let \(A=\)fMRI, \(B=\)text. We learn a linear map \(\Om A\approx B\). We can vary the way we constrain the maps.

  1. \(\Om\) orthogonal.
  2. Ridge regression (penalizes by norm of columns).

  3. 20 dimensional SRM vs. averaging
  4. Weighted vs. unweighted
  5. Procrustes vs. ridge
  6. Temporal average subtraction vs. not.

Annotation vectors 1000-dimensional.

Is true chunk in top 5? (See table in paper.)

Average, else correlated


  1. Unweighted \(\Pj(w|c) = \fc{\exp(v_w^T c)}{Z}\).
  2. Weighted \(\Pj(w|c) = \al p(w) + (1-\al) \fc{\exp(v_w^T c)}{Z}\), \(\al\in [0,1]\). (Ex. more accurate for common words.)