Finite model theory

Posted: 2016-10-14 , Modified: 2016-10-14

Tags: model theory


1 Definability and undefinability

\[Mod(\ph) = \set{\mathbb A}{ \mathbb A \vDash \ph}.\] Here \(\mathbb A\) ranges over finite relational structures.

What classes of structures are definable? (Set of possible \(Mod(\ph)\)’s for \(\ph\) in logic \(\mathcal L\).)

Expressive power

Relational vocabulary: finite set \(A\) with relations \(R_1,\ldots, R_m\) and constants \(c_1,\ldots, c_n\).

A property of finite structures is any isomorphism-closed class of structures. (Morphisms are permutations. Ex. graph ismomorphisms.) Given logic, for which properties \(P\) is there a sentence \(\ph\) such that \(\mathbb A\in P\iff A\vDash \ph\).

Ex. colored graphs: one binary relation \(E^2\) and some unary relations \(C_i^1\). First-order logic formulas involve these relations and \(\wedge, \vee, \neg, \exists, \forall\).

Compactness, completeness, preservation fail. (What are these exactly?)


Equivalence means satisfying the same statements in the logic. On finite structures, two structures are equivalent iff they are isomorphic.

Quantifier rank:

  1. For atoms, \(qr(\ph)=0\).
  2. \(qr(\neg \psi) = qr(\psi)\).
  3. \(qr(\psi_1\wedge/\vee \psi_2) = \max_i(qr(\psi_i))\).
  4. \(qr(\exists/\forall x \psi) = qr(\psi)+1\).

\(\mathbb A\equiv_p \mathbb B\) iff for all \(qr(\ph)\le p\), \(A\vDash \ph\iff B\vDash \ph\).

\(S\) is definable by first order sentence iff \(S\) is closed under \(\equiv_p\) for some \(p\). (13) ?? (Is \(S\) on finite set? What does “finite relational vocab” mean?) (Is this trivial by taking \(p=|A|\)?) (NO: \(A\) is of arbitrary finite size!)

Ex. I think connectedness is not first-order!

Define partial isomorphism.

Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse game:

For \(p\) rounds:

After \(p\) rounds, Duplicator wins if \(a_i\mapsto b_i\) is partial iso. Duplicator has winning strategy iff \(\mathbb A\equiv_p \mathbb B\).

Proof: choose the witnesses of existence, going to the other structure for a \(\forall\) because negated \(\forall\) gives \(\exists\).

So to show not definable, for every \(p\) produce \(\mathbb A_p\), \(\mathbb B_p\) such that one is in \(S\), and duplicator wins.

Ex. Not definable: 2-colorability, even cardinality, connectivity.

(Duplicator’s strategy is to ensure that after r moves, the distance between corresponding pairs of pebbles is either equal or \(2p^r\).)

Alternative: stratify by number of free variables (in any sub-formula), \(\equiv^k\). \(\equiv^k\implies \equiv_k\).

Connectivity and 2-colorability are axiomatizable in \(L^k\) (define \(path_{\le l}\), \(disconnect_l\)); even cardinality is not. (I’m confused… why can we reuse variables?? 21)

\(\equiv_p, \equiv^k\) have finitely/infinitely many equivalence classes.

How is the pebble game different?? 23