Brownian Motion
Posted: 2017-03-07 , Modified: 2017-03-07
Tags: brownian motion
Posted: 2017-03-07 , Modified: 2017-03-07
Tags: brownian motion
Notes from Schilling, Partzsch.
A particle
Let \(X_t\) be position at time \(t\in [0,T]\).
Note the last property is implied by the previous.
Characteristic function of Gaussian: \[ \E e^{i\an{\xi,\Ga}} = e^{i \E\an{\xi, \Ga} - \rc \Var\an{\xi, \Ga}} = e^{i\an{\xi, \Ga}} = e^{i\an{\xi, m} - \rc 2\an{\xi, \Si\xi}}. \]
\((X_t)_{t\ge 0}\) is a Gaussian process if for all \(0\le t_1<t_2<\cdots\), \((X_{t_1},\ldots, X_{t_n})\) is a Gaussian random vector.
Theorem. \((B_t)_{t\ge 0}\) is a Gaussian process. The covariance of \((B_{t_1},\ldots, B_{t_n})\) is \(C = (\min(t_j,t_k))_{j,k}\).
Proof. Linearly transform \((t_1-t_0,t_2-t_1,\ldots)\).
Converse: If the covariance matrices are given by the above and \((X_t)_{t\ge 0}\) has continuous sample paths, then \((X_t)_{t\ge 0}\) is 1-D Brownian.
\(B_t\) is \(BM^d\) iff its coordinates are \(BM^1\).
Proof. Forward: Show increments are independent—characteristic function factorizes.
\(Q\)-Brownian motion: \(X_t-X_s\sim N(0,(t-s)Q)\), \(s<t\).
Write paths as random series wrt complete orthonormal system of \(L^2([0,1],dt)\). Let \((G_n)_{n\ge 0}\) be sequence of \(N(0,1)\) variables. \[ W_N(t):=\sumz n{N-1} G_n\an{\one_{[0,t)}, \phi_n}_{L^2}. \]
Theorem. \(\lim_{N\to \iy} W_N(t)\) is Brownian motion.
Identify \(\Om\) (in \((\Om, A, \Pj)\)) as a subset of \((\R^d)^I\), actually \(C_{(0)}\) consisting of continuous \(w:[0,\iy)\to \R^d\), \(w(0)=0\).
Consider the product \(\si\)-algebra \[ B^I(\R^d) = \si\set{\pi_t^{-1}(B)}{B\in B(\R^d), t\in I} = \si\set{\pi_t}{t\in I}. \] Consider the intersection with \(C_{(0)}\), \[ C_{(0)}\cap B^T(\R^d) = \si(\pi_t|_{C_{(0)}}:t\in I). \] \(C_{(0)}\) is complete separable metric space with metric of locally uniform convergence \(\rh(w,v)=\sumo n{\iy} (1\wedge \sup_{0\le t\le n} |w(t)-v(t)|)2^{-n}\).
The finite-dimensional distributions uniquely determine \(\mu\) (cylinder sets generate). \(\mu\) is Wiener measure, the space is the path space.
Theorem \((C_{(0)}, B(C_{(0)}), \mu)\): \((\pi_t)_{t\ge 0}\) is Brownian motion (canonical model of Brownian motion).
Some properties
Theorem. Let \(I\subeq [0,\iy)\), \(p_{t_1,\ldots, t_n}\) be probability measures defined on \((\R^d)^n\). If the family is consistent (\(p_t(C) = p_{t_{\si}} (C_\si)\) and \(p_{t_{1:n-1},t_n}(C_{1:n-1}\times \R^d) = p_{t_{1:n-1}} (C_{1:n-1})\)), then there exists \(\mu\) on \(((\R^d)^I, B^I(\R^d))\), \(p_{t_{1:n}}(C) = \mu(\pi_{t_{1:n}}^{-1}(C))\).
Corollary: can construct canonical process for any family of consistent finite dimensional probability distributions.
(Still not too clear on it sufficing to consider finite-dim projections…)
Can use this theorem to construct BM. Continuity follows from Theorem 4.11.
(I’m confused about what more 6.1 says. Is this related to stopping times? \(F_t\) is info up to time \(t\)?)
Let \[ \Pj^x(B_{t_i}\in A_i:1\le i\le n) = \Pj(B_{t_i}+x\in A_i:1\le i\le n). \]
A semigroup \((P_t)_{t\ge 0}\) on a Banach space is family of linear operators \(P_t:B\to B, t\ge 0\), satisfying \(P_tP_s=P_{t+s}\), \(P_0=\id\).
Banach spaces:
Lemma 7.2. \((B_t)_{t\ge 0}\) is uniformly stochastically continuous, \[ \lim_{t\to 0}\sup_{x\in \R^d} \Pj^x (|B_t-x|>\de)=0\] for all \(\de>0\).
(1-4 is Markov, 2-4 is sub-Markov, 2-6 is Feller, 2-4+7 is strong Feller.)
7.5: \[\Pj^x(B_{t_i}\in C_i:1\le i\le n) = P_{t_1}[\one_{C_1} P_{t_2-t_1}[\one_{C_2}\cdots ]].\]
This gives a way to construct a Markov process from a semigroup of operators. (Apply to indicator functions.) A Feller semigroup has a corresponding Feller process.
Motivation: If \(\phi:[0,\iy)\to \R\), additive, \(\phi(0)=1\), then \(\phi(t) = e^{at}\), \(a=\ddd t^{+}\phi(t)|_{t=0}\).
Definition. Let \((P_t)_{t\ge 0}\) be Feller semigroup on \(C_\iy(\R^d)\). Then \[\begin{align} Au :&= \lim_{t\to 0} \fc{P_t u-u}t\\ D(A) :&= \set{u\in C_\iy(\R^d)}{\exists g\in C_\iy(\R^d), \lim_{t\to 0} \ve{\fc{P_tu-u}t-g}_{\iy}=0} \end{align}\]is the infinitesimal generator of \((P_t)_{t\ge 0}\). \(A\) is a function \(A:D(A)\to C_\iy(\R^d)\).
Ex. for \(BM^d\), \(P_tu(x) = \E^xu(B_t)\), \(A=\rc 2 \De\) on \(C_\iy^2(\R^d)\). Proof: Taylor expansion.
Lemma 7.10. Let \(P_t\) be Feller semigroup with generator \(A\). \(P_t\) and \(\int_0^t P_s\cdot\,ds\) are \(D(A)\to D(A)\). \[\begin{align} \ddd tP_tu &= AP_tu = P_tAu\\ P_t u - u &= A\int_0^t P_su\,ds. \end{align}\]Proof. Use: \(P_t\) is contraction to get \(\ddd t^+\). Use this and strong continuity to get \(\ddd t^-\). Fubini’s Theorem for part 2.
Corollary 7.11. Let \((P_t)_{t\ge 0}\) be Feller semigroup with generator \(A\).
Proposition 7.13. Let \(P_t\) be Feller. Then \(\al U_\al\) is conservative, contraction on \(B_b\), positivity preserving, Feller, strongly continuous on \(C_\iy\). Moreover
(Intuition for (1). \(\iiy e^{(A-\al I) t}u\,dt = (A-\al I)^{-1}\).)
Example 7.14. For Brownian motion \[ U_\al u(x) = \begin{cases} \int \fc{e^{-\sqrt{2\al}y}}{\sqrt{2\al}}u(x+y)\dy,&d=1\\ \int \rc{\pi^{\fc d2}}\pf{\al}{2y^2}^{\fc d4-\rc2} K_{\fc d2-1}(\sqrt{2\al}y) u(x+y)\dy,&d\ge 2. \end{cases} \]
Determining domain of generator:
Theorem. If \((A', D(A'))\) extends \((A,D(A))\), and for any \(u\in D(A)\), \(A'u=u\implies u=0\)< then \((A,D(A))=(A', D(A'))\). (? I don’t get this.)
For many classical PDE problems probability theory yields concrete representation formulae for the solutions in the form of expected values of a Brownian functional. These formulae can be used to get generalized solutions of PDEs (which require less smoothness of the initial/boundary data or the boundary itself) and they are amenable to Monte-Carlo simulations
Lemma 8.1. \(f\in D(\De)\), \(u(t,x):=\E^x f(B_t)\). \(u\) is unique bounded solution of heat equation with initial value \(f\).
Proof. Laplace transform and IbP. Use uniqueness of resolvent operator.