
Posted: 2016-02-28 , Modified: 2016-02-28

Tags: abbe


Mossel, Elchanan, Joe Neeman, and Allan Sly. “Stochastic block models and reconstruction.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.1499 (2012).

Model: Given a stochastic block model \(G(n, \fc an, \fc bn)\), recover the communities and estimate \(a\) and \(b\).

They prove 3/4 of the problem. The conjectured threshold is \((a-b)^2>2(a+b)\).

  1. When $(a-b)^2>2(a+b),
    1. Recovery: can we recover the communities efficiently? (Still open.)
    2. Estimate \(a,b\) (w.h.p. get \(a(1+o(1))\) as \(n\to \iy\)). (Theorem 2.5)
  2. When \((a-b)^2\le 2(a+b)\),
    1. Non-recovery: we can recover communities exactly (with probability \(1-o(1)\)). (Theorem 2.1)
    2. Non-estimation: we cannot estimate \(a,b\). (Theorem 2.4)

Note that recovery seems stronger than estimation (is this true formally?).

Details of the theorems: Let \(\Pj_n=\cal G(n,\fc an, \fc bn)\), \(\Pj_n' = \cal G(n,\fc{a+b}{2n})\).



Idea: The number of cycles for \(\Pj_n,\Pj_n'\) follow a Poisson distribution. They are spaced farther apart than their standard deviation exactly when \((a-b)^2>2(a+b)\).

  1. Calculation of number of \(k\)-cycles: \[ X_{k,n}\xra{d} \Pois\pa{\rc{k2^{k+1}}((a+b)^k + (a-b)^k)}.\] (For the Erdos-Renyi random graph \(a'=b'=\fc{a+b}{2}\), there is no 2nd term.) To calculate this,
    1. Expected value: Use linearity of \(\E\) over all \(\binom nk\) cycles. The probability of the cycle depends on the number of sign changes. Get \(n^{-k}2^{-k+1}\sum_{m\text{ even}} \binom km a^{k-m}b^m\).
    2. Higher moments: We’re counting number of \(m\)-cycles. It suffices to show the expected number of non-vertex disjoint \(m\)-types converges to 0.2 Then it’s Poisson.
  2. Parameters. \(a+b\) can be estimated from average degree. Estimate \(a-b\) using the estimate for \(a+b\) and \(X_{k_n}\).
  3. Algorithm. This is Proposition 3.2 which I don’t understand!3


First consider a problem on trees.

Model: A Galton-Watson tree has \(\Pois(d)\) offspring. An offspring is flipped with probability \(\ep\). Can you deduce the sign of the root from the sign of the depth-\(R\) signs?

Answer: There is threshold.

Idea of non-recovery: On neighborhoods, the distribution of signs is close to that of the model. The posterior distribution of the signs given the graph is approximately a Markov.

  1. Theorem 4.1: \(d(1-2\ep)^2\le 1 \iff \lim_{R\to \iy} \Pj(\tau_p=+|\tau_{\pl T_R})=\rc2\) a.s.4
  2. Pr. 4.2: The distribution of a small neighborhood of a given vertex is statistically close the the distribution for the tree model. Take the radius to be \(\rc{C} \log_{\fc{a+b}2} n\), so that the expected number of nodes is \(O(n^{\rc C})\). Think of this as a coupling argument. Do an inductive argument on the depth, the distance between distributions grows a little each time. Bound the probability of the bad event of having too many children—if this doesn’t happen, there are still approximately \(\fc n2\) \(+\)’s and \(-\)’s left, and the appromate number of children that switch/don’t switch will be close to \(\fc a2, \fc b2\). (See lemmas 4.3-6.)
  3. Consider \(\Pj(\si|G)\). This is not a Markov field because the probability (multiplying factor) of non-edge is different for if the vertices are same/different. But the ratio is \(\fc{1-\fc an}{1-\fc bn}\approx 1\), so it shouldn’t have much effect. We show we still have approximate independence in the sense of Lemma 4.7: \(\Pj(\si_A|\si_{B\cup C,G} = (1+o(1))\Pj(\si_A|\si_B,G)\) for a.a.e. \(G,\si\),5 when \(A,B,C\) is a partition with \(|A\cup B|=o(\sqrt n)\). (This condition is necessary to make sure we’re not multiplying too many \((1-\fc an)\) and \((1-\fc bn)\)’s.) Take \(A\) to be \(B_{R-1}(v)\), \(B\) to be \(\pl G_R\), and \(C\) to be the rest. This gives that \(\si_v,\si_\rh\) are conditionally independent given the boundary.
  4. Use 1 with \(\ep = \fc{b}{a+b}, d=\fc{a+b}{2}\) (proportion of edges corresponding to flipping). The variance approaches the variance without conditioning on \(\si_v\). The variance without conditioning \(\Var(\si_\rh|G_,\si_v)\) is close to tht for the tree model, which is 1 (the nonrecovery regime) when \(d(1-2\ep)^2\le 1\), which is exactly the condition. From the variance going to 1, the expectation goes to 0;probability goes to \(\rc2\).



Define \(\Pj_n(\si|G)\) to be the same as \(\Pj_n'(\si|G)\). The joint distribution is not the same because the marginal distribution over the graphs is different.

Use a criteria for contiguity, Theorem 5.16. See this as a black box. Calculate moments, etc. of \(Y_n=\fc{\Pj_n}{\Pj_n'}\). Using independence of edges given \(\si\), you can decompose this as a product nicely.



  1. Note that the “a.s.” is with respect to \((\si,G)\). Two neighboring vertices will have a lot of information on each other, but two vertices will be neighboring with low probability with respect to the distribution over \(G\).

  2. ? (How? Reference given is Bollobas, Ch. 4. Need \(k=O(\ln^{\rc 4}n)\).)

  3. ?

  4. It would be good to understand this proof for \(d\)-ary trees (without the GW complication).

  5. I don’t understand what it means by random partition.

  6. I don’t understand the motivation/theory behind this. Reference is [35], Wormald, Models of random regular graphs.