
Posted: 2016-12-29 , Modified: 2016-12-29

Tags: kernels, RKHS

Mostly from Percy Liang’s 229T notes.


If \(w=\sumo in \al_i \phi(x^{(i)})\) then \(\an{w,\phi(x)} = \sumo in \al_i \an{\phi(x^{(i)}), \phi(x)}\).


The following are equivalent (although multiple feature maps can correspond to the same kernel/RKHS):



A reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) is a Hilbert space of functions \(X\to \R\) in which point evaluation \(L_x[f] = f(x)\) is a continuous linear functional. (Equivalently, it is bounded: \(f(x)\le M_x\ve{f}_H\).)

Theorem A Hilbert space of functions is a RKHS iff for every \(x\in X\), there exists \(K_x\) such that \(g(x) = \an{g, K_x}\).1

Proof. \(\Leftarrow\): inner product is continuous. \(\Rightarrow\): Riesz representation.

Note \(K_x(y) = \an{K_x,K_y}=:K(x,y)\). \(K\) is symmetric and positive definite. (Think of \(K\) as \(X_0^\R\times X_0^\R\to \R\) where \(X_0^\R\) is the set of functions \(X\to \R\) nonzero only at a finite number of \(x\)’s. I.e. formal span of \(X\).)

Theorem (Moore-Aronszajn). Suppose \(K\) is a symmetric, positive definite kernel on a set \(X\). Then there is a unique Hilbert space of functions on \(X\) for which \(K\) is a reproducing kernel.

Proof. Extend \(K\) by bilinearity to \(\spn(X)\). Take the completion. (Extend to functions \(f=\sumo i{\iy} a_i K_{x_i}(x)\) where \(\sumo i{\iy} a_i^2 K(x_i,x_i)\).)

(Question: how to realize this inner product as an integral?)

See also: Mercer’s theorem


Representer theorem states that every function in an RKHS that minimises an empirical risk function can be written as a linear combination of the kernel function evaluated at the training points.

If \[ f^*\in \amin_{f\in H} L(\{(x_i,y_i,f(x_i))\}) + Q(\ve{f}_H^2) \] where \(Q:[0,\iy)\to \R\) strictly increasing is a regularizer, then \[ f^*\in \spn(\set{k(x_i, \cdot)}{i\in [n]}). \]

Example: kernel ridge regression \(\al = (K+\la I)^{-1}Y\).

Fourier properties

\(k:X\times X\to \R\), \(X\subeq \R^b\) is shift-invariant if \(k(x,x') = h(x-x')\). Let \(t=x-x'\).

Bochner’s theorem. Let \(k(x,x') = h(x-x')\) be a continuous shift-invariant kernel (\(x\in \R^b\)). There exists a unique finite nonnegative measure \(\mu\) (spectral measure) such that \[ h(t) = \int e^{-i\an{t,\om}}\mu(d\om). \] (\(h\) is the characteristic function of \(\mu\). For \(\mu(d\om)=s(\om)d\om\), call \(s\) the spectral density.) (See probability notes.)

Efficient computation

Ex. when points are clustered into \(m\) clusters, kernel matrix looks like block diagonal with \(m\) blocks \(J\), so rank \(m\) approximation is effective.

Random features

Draw \(\om_i\sim \mu\), and estimate \[ \wh k(x,x') = \rc m \sumo im \phi_{\om_i}(x)\ol{\phi_{\om_i}(x)}. \]

Theorem. Let \[\begin{align} \mathcal F &= \set{x\mapsto \int \al(\om)\phi_\om(x)\mu(d\om)}{\forall \om, |\al(\om)|\le C}\\ \wh{\mathcal F} &= \set{x\mapsto \rc m\sumo im \al(\om_i)\phi_{\om_i}(x)\mu(d\om)}{\forall \om, |\al(\om)|\le C} \end{align}\]

where \(\om_i\sim \mu\). Let \(\an{f,g}=\EE_{x\sim p^*}[fg]\). Then \[ \Pj\pa{ \exists \wh f\in \wh{\mathcal F}, \ve{\wh f- f^*}\le \fc{C}{\sqrt m} \pa{1+\sqrt{2\ln(1/\de)}} }. \]

Proof. McDiarmid and Jensen. (p. 133-5, omitted.)

(Q: what about generalization guarantee? See p. 134)

For other kernels, note \[\an{x,x'}=\E[\an{\om, x}\an{\om,x'}].\] For \(\an{x,x'}^p\), take \(p\) independent draws and multiply together. For general \(f\), expand in Taylor series.

Comparison to neural nets: “the random features view of kernels defines a function class where \(\om_{1:m}\) is chosen randomly rather than optimized, while \(\alpha_{1:m}\) are optimized. The fact that random features approximates a kernel suggests that even the random initialization is quite sensible starting point.”

For \(\phi_\om(x) = \one_{\om^Tx\ge 0}(\om^Tx)^q\), as \(m\to \iy\), get the kernel \[\begin{align} k(x,x') &= 2\int\phi_\om(x)\phi_\om(x')p(\om)d\om\\ &= \rc\pi \ve{x}^q\ve{x'}^q J_q\ub{\pa{\cos^{-1}\pf{x^Tx'}{\ve{x}\ve{x'}}}}{\te}\\ J_0(\te) &= \pi - \te\\ J_1(\te) &= \sin\te + (\pi - \te)\cos\te. \end{align}\]

(Bessel function?) Decouples magnitude from angle. (Cho/Saul 2009)


\[K \approx \matt{K_{II}}{K_{IJ}}{K_{JI}}{K_{JI}K_{II}^{+}K_{IJ}}.\]

\(K_{JJ} - K_{JI}K_{II}^{+}K_{IJ}\) is the Schur complement.

Drineas/Mahoney: Choose \(I\) by sampling \(i\) with probability \(\fc{K_{ii}}{\sumo jn K_{jj}}\). (p. 138)


Let \(X\) be locally compact Hausdorff. \(k\) is a \(c_0\)-universal kernel if \(H\) with reproducing kernel \(k\) is dense in \(C_0(X)\) (continuous bounded functions wrt uniform (\(L^{\iy}\)) norm).

Carmeli2010: Let \(k\) be shift-invariant with spectral measure \(\mu\). If \(\Supp(\mu) = \R^b\), then \(k\) is universal.

RKHS embedding of probability distributions

Kernels can be used to represent and answer questions about probability distributions without having to explicitly estimate them.

Maximum mean discrepancy \[ D(P,Q,F) := \sup_{f\in\mathcal F} \pa{ \EE_{x\sim P}[f(x)] - \EE_{x\sim Q}[f(x)] }. \]

If \(\mathcal F=C_0(X)\), then \(D(P,Q,\mathcal F)=0\implies P=Q\). Better: Can let \(\mathcal F = \set{f\in H}{\ve{f}_H\le 1}\) where \(k\) is universal. (Check proof p. 140)

  1. Letting \(f_x=\delta_x\) is cheating—we want actual functions, not distributions.