Posted: 2016-04-04
, Modified: 2016-04-04
Tags: topic models
- the \(\ell_1\) condition number \[\ka(A) = \min \set{\ka}{\forall x\in \R^k, \ve{Ax}_1\ge \rc{\ka}\ve{x}_1}\]
- the \(\ell_\iy\to \ell_1\) condition number \[\la(A) = \min \set{\la}{\forall x\in \R^k, \ve{Ax}_1\ge \rc{\la}\ve{x}_\iy}\]
- the \(\de\)-biased \(\ell_\iy\to \ell_1\) condition number
\la_\de&=\min_{|BA-I_k|\le \de, B\in \R^{k\times D}} |B|_{\iy}\\
&=\max_{\ve{Ax}_1\le 1} \ve{x}_{\iy} - \de\ve{x}_1.
(The equality follows from a duality calculation.)
- the restricted \(\ell_1\to \ell_1\) condition number is \[\ol{\ka}_r(A) = \min\set{\ol{\ka}}{\forall \ve{v}_0, \ve{Av}_1\ge \rc{\ol \ka}\ve{v}}.\]
Note \[\la_\de\le \la_0=\la \le \ka.\] (To see this, take \(x=By\).)
- \(A\) is a fixed \(n\times k\) matrix with \(\de\)-biased condition number \(\la_\de(A)\). (We want this to be small.)
- \(x\in \De_k\) is \(r\)-sparse.
- \(y\sim Ax\) (\(Ax\) is treated as a probability vector).
Given \(y\sim Ax\) and \(A\),
- Thresholded linear inverse
- Let \(B=\amin_{|BA-I_k|\le \de, B\in \R^{k\times D}} |B|_{\iy}\) be a \(\de\)-biased minimum variance inverse.
- Compute \(\wh x = \rc n By\).
- Let \[x_i = \wh x_i (\wh x_i \ge \ub{2\la_\de(A) \sfc{\ln k}{n} + \de}{\tau}).\]
- TLI finds the support of \(x^*\) with high probability. Now find the MLE \(x^*\) given the support. (This is a convex problem.)
Thresholded linear inverse algorithm
We have \[ \E \wh x_i =x_j^* + \sumo jk ((BA)_{ij} - \de_{i,j}) x_j^*.\] This is why it’s natural to consider the \(\de\)-biased inverse: we don’t need \(B=A^+\) exactly, we can relax this to each \((BA)_{ij} - \de_{i,j}\) being small. Now use Bernstein’s inequality to get concentration on the order of \(\tau\). Finally use union bound.
MLE estimate
- \(x^*\in \De_k\) is \(r\)-sparse
- \(x_i^*\ge \fc{\tau}r\) for any \(i\in R\),
- \(A\) has \(\le \ol{\ka}\) restricted \(\ell_1\to \ell_1\) condition number (a bound on \(\ka\) is sufficient as \(\ol\ka\le \ka\))
- \(n\ge c\ol{\ka}^2 r^2 \fc{\log k}{\tau^2}\)
then with high probability
\ve{Ax_{MLE}-Ax^*}_1 &\le \wt O\pa{\sfc rn}\\
\ve{x_{MLE}-x^*}_1 &\le \wt O\pa{\ol \ka \sfc rn}
The proof is like the proof of asymptotic normality of MLE, but with matrix concentration to get a finite sample bound.
Sample complexity lower bounds
These exist!