ICA (Independent components analysis)

Posted: 2016-06-28 , Modified: 2016-06-28

Tags: ICA


Given that the components of \(s\in \R^n\) are independent, and we observe \(x=As\), we want to find \(W=A^{-1}\) and recover \(s\). Let \(w_i^T\) be the rows of \(W\).

When the \(s_i\) are non-gaussian, the solution is unique up to permutation and scaling. (Otherwise, there is rotational invariance.)


Suppose the cdf of the components is logistic. (This is a reasonable default. Mean-center first.) Let \(g(s) = \rc{1+e^{-s}}\).

Change of coordinates gives \(p_x(x) = p_s(Wx)\det(W)\). The log-likelihood is \[\ell(W) = \sumo im \pa{\sumo jn \ln g'(w_j^T x^{(i)}) + \ln |W|}.\] Use stochastic gradient ascent.

Note: for problems where successive training examples are correlated, when implementing stochastic gradient ascent, it also sometimes helps accelerate convergence if we visit training examples in a randomly permuted order.

Tensor algorithm

See “new_thread.pdf” page 30.