Posted: 2016-12-28
, Modified: 2016-12-28
Tags: neural nets
Ferenc: When the goal is to train a model that can generate natural-looking samples, maximum likelihood is not a desirable training objective. Under model misspecification and finite data (that is, in pretty much every practically interesting scenario), it has a tendency to produce models that overgeneralise.
Train 2 neural networks \(D\) and \(G\). \(P\) generates real data, and \(G=\wh P\) generates fake data. Suppose either \(P\) or \(\wh P\) is chosen with probability \(\rc2\) and then one same \(x\) is drawn. (I.e., consider \(\rc2 (P+\wh P)\).)
- \(G\) is generator: it tries to generate \(x\) with distribution close to \(P\).
- \(D\) is discriminator: given \(x\), it tries to output the probability that \(x\) is real data.
\(G\) tries to minimize the objective and \(D\) tries to maximize it: \[
V(D, G) = \E_P \ln D + \E_G \ln (1-D).
\] (The second expectation is over \(G(z)\), \(z\sim p_z\) a fixed distribution.) If the data was real, there is a loss \(\ln \wh\Pj\pat{real}\), and if the data was fake, there is a loss \(\ln \wh \Pj\pat{fake}\). (Penalize for mistakes.)
Note that given
\(G\), the optimal
\(D\) is $ $,
\max_D V(D,G) &= \EE_p \ln \fc{p}{p+\wh p} + \EE_{\wh p} \ln \fc{\wh p}{p+\wh p}\\
&= -2\ln 2 + KL\ba{p||\fc{p+\wh p}2} + KL\ba{\wh p ||\fc{p+\wh p}2}.
Interpretation of objective
KL[Q||P] := \EE_Q\ln \fc{Q}{P} = H(Q) - \EE_Q\ln P = H(Q) + CE(Q,P)
\] where CE is cross-entropy.
JSD[P||Q] &= \rc 2 KL\ba{P||\fc{P+Q}2}
+ \rc 2 KL\ba{Q||\fc{P+Q}2}\\
JSD[Q||P] &= \pi KL\ba{P||\pi P+(1-\pi)Q}
+ (1-\pi) KL\ba{Q||\pi P+(1-\pi)Q}
Let \(P\) be the natural distribution and \(Q\) be the estimated one.
- \(KL[Q||P] = H(Q) + CE(Q,P)\), \(CE(Q,P)\) is the perplexity of seeing samples from \(P\) when you think the distribution is \(Q\). It is maximized by a model \(Q\) that deterministically picks the most likely stimulus. \(H(Q)\) tries to counteract by enforcing diversity.
- Favors undergeneralization, ex. describing the largest mode only. It’s infinitely penalized in introducing probability mass when \(P\) has none.
- Hard to optimize based on a finite sample. (Why? It’s not well-behaved unless \(\Supp(Q)\subeq \Supp(P)\)!)
- \(KL[P||Q] = H(P) + CE(P,Q)\), \(H(P)\) is constant and \(CE(P,Q)\) is the average negative log likelihood. Optimizing this corresponds to maximizing the log likelihood.
- Favors approximations \(Q\) to overgeneralize \(P\). It’s allowed to introduce probability mass where \(P\) has no or little mass.
- JSD is a compromise.
Another interpretation
Let \(s=0,1\) wp \(\rc2\), determining whether we see real or fake data. Let \(\wt p\) be combined distribution. \[I[s;x] = KL[\wt p(s,x)||\wt p(s) \wt p(x)].\] This is intractable to estimate. Subtract out KL divergence: \[
L[p;q] := I[s;x] - \E_{\wt p(x)} [KL[\wt p(s|x)||q(s|x)]] = H[s] + \E_{\wt p(s,x)} [\ln q(s|x)]
\] (CHECK THIS) The second term is the GAN objective function. “GAN can be viewed as an augmented generative model which is trained by minimizing mutual information.” YZL
- Alternate between \(k\) steps of optimizing \(D\) and one step of optimizing \(G\).
- At the beginning \(G\) is poor so \(D\) predicts close to 1, and \(\ln (1-D)\) can blow up. So at the beginning train \(G\) to maximize \(\E_G\ln D\) instead.
- Use stochastic backprop.
- Use momentum.
- Generator nets used ReLU and sigmoid, discriminator used maxout, dropout.
- Estimate probability of test set data under \(p_g\) by fitting Gaussian Parzen window. (What is this? [7])
- No explicit representation of \(p_g\).
- \(D\) must be synchronized well with \(G\) during training. (? Avoid “Helvetica”)
Table p. 8
Improved techniques.
“GANs are typically trained using gradient descent techniques that are designed to find a low value of a cost function, rather than to find the Nash equilibrium of a game.”
- Feature matching: new objective for generator that prevents it from overtraining on current discriminator. Train the generator to match the expected value of features \(f(x)\) on intermediate layer of discriminator. \[ \ve{\E_{x\sim p_{\text{data}}}f(x) - \E_{z\sim p_z(z)} f(G(z))}_2^2.\]
- Minibatch discrimination: A failure mode for GAN is for the generator to collapse to a point. So allow discriminator to look at multiple data examples in combination.
- Historical averaging: include term \(\ve{\te - \rc t \sumo it \te[i]}^2\). cf. fictitious play [16] algorithm that works for other games.
- One-sided label smoothing. Replace positive and negative classification targets 1, 0 with \(\al,\be\). This makes it less vulnerable to adversarial examples. Actually, don’t change \(\be=0\).
- Virtual batch normalization
Semi-supervised learning
Label generated samples with “generated” class \(K+1\). For unlabeled data, maximize \(\ln p_{\text{model}}(y\in [K]|x)\).
- Extend the GAN objective with new term encouraging high mutual information between generated samples and subset of latent variables \(c\). (Other variables are noise variables.)
- Hopefully \(c\) will represent the most meaningful sources of variation.
- Use a variational lower bound to maximize mutual information. (cf. variational autoencoders)
\[L_{infoGAN}(\te) = I[x,y] - \la I[x_{\text{fake}},c].\]
Want \(c\) to effectively explain most variation in fake data.
Variational bound on MI: \[I[X,Y] = \max_q \bc{H[Y] + \EE_{x,y} \ln q(y|x)}.\]
Thus, \[
I[x_{\text{fake}},c]\ge \EE_{x_{\text{fake}}\sim G(z,c), c\sim C|x}[\ln \fc{Q(c|x)}] + H(c)
\] Sample using Monte Carlo.
GANs use the variational bound in the wrong direction \(I(s;x) \ge H(s) + V\). InfoGANs use it twice. \[
\ub{I(s;x)}{\ge H(s)+V} - \la \ub{I[x_{\text{fake}}, c]}{\ge ...}
Example: for MNIST, have 10 known labels and 2 latent variables which turn out to represent slant and width.
AdaGAN: Boosting Generative Models
Background on boosting
GANs suffer from missing modes: the model doesn’t produce examples in certain regions.
Idea: combine multiple generative models into a mixture. Each step, focus on examples that the mixture has not been able to properly generate, and add another model addressing those.
This is a meta-algorithm which can be used with any implementation of generative models (e.g. GANs).
Minimizing f-divergence with additive mixtures
\(f\)-divergence is \[
D_f(Q||P):=\int f\pa{\dd QP (x)}\,dP(x)
\] Note \(D_f(P||Q) = D_{f^{\circ}}(Q||P)\) where \(f^{\circ}(x) = xf(1/x)\). Adding a multiple of \(x-1\) doesn’t change.
\(f\) is Hilbertian if \(\sqrt{D_f(P||Q)}\) satisfies the triangle inequality (ex. JSD, H, TV)
- KL \(-\ln x\)
- reverse KL \(x\ln x\)
- TV \(|x-1|\)
- JSD \(-(x+1)\ln \fc{x+1}2 + x\ln x\)
AdaGAN derivation
- At each step we want to combine a mixture of the current distribution \(P_g\) with the new distribution \(Q\) to minimize divergence with real distribution \(P_d\) \[
\min_{Q\in \mathcal D} D_f((1-\be)P_g+\be Q||P_d).
- If we can get a constant factor closer at each step \[
D_f((1-\be)P_g + \be Q||P_d) \le c D_f(P_g||P_d)
\] then we can get exponential convergence.
- Difficulty, and where boosting comes in: we somehow need to focus attention on the mistakes.
- What is the optimal for \(Q_\be^*\)? By calculation, (Theorem 1) \[
Q = \rc \be (\la^* P_d - (1-\be)P_g)_+
\] for some \(\la^*\).
- How well does this optimum do? (Lemma 2) \[
D_f((1-\be)P_g+\be Q_\be^* ||P_d) \le D_f((1-\be)P_g + \be P_d||P_d) \le (1-\be)D_f(P_g||P_d).
- We show that it suffices to find \(Q\) such that \[D_f(Q||Q_\be^*)\le \ga D_f(P_g||P_d)\] where \(Q_\be^*\) is optimal for the objective.
- Use a triangle-like inequality (Lemma 1 (10)): For Hilbertian metrics, \[
D_f((1-\be)P_g + \be Q||P_d) \le (\sqrt{\ga D_f(Q||R)} + \sqrt{D_f ((1-\be)P_g + \be R||P_d)})^2.
- Let \(R=Q_\be^*\). Corollary 3 and the calculation for \(R\) then gives (Lemma 2) \[
D_f((1-\be) P_g + \be Q||P_d) \le (\sqrt{\ga \be} + \sqrt{1-\be})^2 D_f(P_g||P_d).
- Comment: this can be refined if \(\dd{P_g}{P_d}\) is almost surely bounded (Lemma 3).
- Comment: this requires a pretty strong weak learner, because we need \(\ga <\fc{\be}{4}\) to get the coefficient \(<1\). Often \(\be\to 0\).
- Hope is that GAN can estimate \(Q_\be^*\). How to estimate \(Q_\be^*\)? We can reinterpret the expression for \[Q_\be^*= \rc\be (\la^* P_d-(1-\be)P_g)_+\] as reweighting the samples.
- How does discriminator give an estimate for \(P_g\)? As long as the optimal discriminator satisfies \[ \dd{P_g}{P_d}(x) =h(D(x))\] for some \(h\). Ex. for GAN \(h(y) = \fc{1-y}{y}\). Thus we get an estimate of \(\dd{P_g}{P_d}\).
- Think about \(dQ_\be^*\) as giving a weighting over sample points. For point \(i\), \[
w_i = \fc{p_i}{\be}(\la^* - (1-\be)h(d_i))
\] where \(d_i\) is the discriminator output on \(x_i\), \(p_i=\rc N\).
- Solving for \(\la^*\) gives
I(\la) &= \set{i}{\la >(1-\be) h(d_i)}\\
\la^* &= \fc{\be}{\sum_{i\in I(\la^*)} p_i} \pa{1+\fc{1-\be}{\be} \sum_{i\in I(\la^*)} p_i h(d_i)}.
This is in terms of \(\la^*\), but we can break this by noting that \(I(\la^*)\) will contain \(k\) smallest \(d_i\)’s for some \(k\). Thus, initialize \(k=1\); while \((1-\be)h(d_k)\ge \la\), set \(k\leftarrow k+1\) and \(\la \leftarrow \fc{\be}{\sumo ik p_i}(1+\fc{1-\be}\be \sumo ik p_ih(d_i))\).
- Mixture weights \(\be\) can be constant, \(\be_t=\rc t\) for equal weights, etc. (S3.2)
- Run GAN with modified weights at each step.
An alternate analysis:
- Instead bound (Lemma 1 (9)) (note this doesn’t require Hilbertian) \[
D_f((1-\be)P_g + \be Q||P_d)\le
\be D(Q||R) + (1-\be) D_f\pa{P_g||\fc{P_d-\be R}{1-\be}}.
- Minimize this upper bound instead. Assume \(P_d(dP_g=0)<\be\). (Theorem 2) \[
dQ_\be^{\dagger} = \rc\be (dP_d-\la^{\dagger} (1-\be)dP_g)_+
- The optimum satisfies (Lemma 2.2) \[
D_f\pa{P_g||\fc{P_d-\be Q_\be^{\dagger}}{1-\be}}\le D_f(P_g||P_d).
- If \(D_f(Q||Q_\be^{\dagger}) \le \ga D_f(P_g||P_d)\) and \(P_d\pa{\dd{P_g}{P_d}=0}<\be\), then \[D_f((1-\be) P_g + \be Q||P_d)\le (1-\be(1-\ga))D_f(P_g||P_d).\]
- The condition on \(\ga\) is milder here. However, we need the extra condition that \(\be\)>(mass of true data missed by current model). (Else, need to increase the weight \(\be\)!)
- Convergence rate depends on the ratio of probability mass: logarithmic in \(\fc{dP_1}{dP_d}\). (Corollary 1)
Two views of GANs
- Divergence minimization: minimize divergence between real data and implicit generative model \(q_\te\). Problems
- GAN algorithms minimize lower bounds. The discriminator must be powerful.
- Degenerate distributions
- Constrast function view: learn a function that takes low values on data manifold and high values everywhere else. The generator is a smart way of generating contrastive points.
Adversarial training with maximum mean discrepancy