A Boltzmann machine has joint distribution of two adjacent layers to be \(\exp(x^TAh)\). If it has only two layers it is reversible, i.e., \(\Pj(x|h),\Pj(h|x)\) are both easy to calculate. (A regularized version would be \(\exp(x^TAh - hh^T)\). (?))
A DBM stacks these units (so that the probability of a configuration is now \(\exp\pa{\sum x_i^TA_ix^{i+1}}\)). It loses reversibility.
This is a graphical model. It’s a probability distribution rather than a deterministic function as in a vanilla neural net.
RELU \((x\ge 0) x\).
On nodes: zero out each node in a layer with probability \(1-\rh\).