Confidence in neural nets
Posted: 2017-04-03 , Modified: 2017-04-03
Tags: neural net
Posted: 2017-04-03 , Modified: 2017-04-03
Tags: neural net
Related: adversarial examples.
From AAML: RBF/conservative classifier for in vs. out-of-distribution examples. AAML workshop notes
Q: how go get a neural net to keep a confidence bound?
High-confidence predictions frequently produced by softmaxes. Ex. random Gaussian noise gives 90+% confidence. (Q: what if you do before softmaxes?)
Prediction probability of incorrect/ood examples are lower.
Give tasks to evaluate.
2 problems
ROC (receiver operating characteristic) shows \[ \pa{tpr = \fc{tp}{tp+fn}, fpr = \fc{fp}{fp+tn}}. \] PR (precision-recall) shows \[ \pa{\text{precision} = \fc{tp}{tp+fp}, \text{recall} = \fc{tp}{tp+fn}}. \]
Improves detection.
Adversarial images place abnormal emphasis on lower-ranked principal components from PCA.
(Q: can you do this even independent of PCA - just by looking at e.g. wavelet/Fourier coefficients? Also, what if you adversarially keep PCA components low, incorporate weighted norm into adversarial optimization?)
Use variance of PCA coefficients of whitened images to detect. (What is whitening again?)