Posted: 2017-02-28
, Modified: 2017-02-28
Tags: neural nets
9 Classification with real-valued functions
9.1 Intro
- VC dim grows with number of parameters
- Training set \(\ll\) number of parameters, but still avoids overfitting.
- 7.1: arbitrarily small modification to activation makes VC-dimension infinite
- In theo theory model, learning algorithm is required to perform well for any probability distribution.
- Learning model not appropriate for NN learning algorithms. Many learning algorithms take into account the real output.
- Take into account the margin
- Get bounds on misclassification \(\pat{error}\le \pat{estimate of error} + \pat{complexity penalty}\). Complexity parameter depends on size of parameters in the network.
- Interpret: value of the function as an estimate of the probability that the correct label is 1
9.2 Large margin classifiers
- \(Z=X\times \{0,1\}\). Margin of \(f\) on \((x,y)\in Z\) is \(\sign(y) (f(x)-\rc 2)\).
- Error \(err_P^\ga(f) = \Pj(\text{margin}(f(x),y)<\ga)\).
- Classification learning algorithm for real-valued functions: \(err_P(L(\ga,z)) < \inf_{g\in F}err_P^\ga(g)+\ep\).
- \(\wh{err}_z^\ga(f) = \rc m |\set{i}{\text{margin}(f(x_i),y_i)<\ga}|\).
- Chebyshev: if \(\ep\) is \(L_2\) error, \(\wh{err}_z^\ga (f) < \fc{\ep}{(\rc2-\ga)^2}\).
- \(N(\ep, W, d_\iy)\) is the minimum cardinality of a cover of \(W\) by \(\ep\)-balls in \(L^{\iy}\).
- Ex. if \(F|_{x_{1:k}}\) is contained in a linear subspace of dimension \(d\), then grows as \(\pf k\ep^d\).
- \(N_\iy(\ep, F, k) =\max_{x\in X^k} N(\ep, F|_x, d_\iy)\).
\Pj^m [\exists f\in F, err_P(f) \ge \wh{err}_z^\ga (f) + \ep] \le 2N_\iy(\fc \ga2, F, 2m) e^{-\fc{\ep^2m}{8}}.
\] (\(\max\) here signals that \(L^\iy\) is the right covering.)
If covering number grows as \(\poly(m)\), then this approaches 0 exponentially.
11 Pseudo-dimension and fat-shattering dimension
Is there a combo measure like the VC dimension to bound covering numbers?
11.2 Pseudo-dimension
- \(F\) is a set of functions \(X\to \R\), \(S=\{x_1,\ldots, x_m\}\subeq X\). \(S\) is pseudoshattered by \(F\) if there are \(r_i\), s.t. for all \(b\in \{0,1\}^m\), there is \(f_b\in F\), \(\sign(f_b(x_i)-r_i)=b_i\). (Achieve all possible above/below combinations.)
- Pseudo-dimension is maximum \(|S|\) pseudo-shattered by \(F\).
- The pseudodimension of \(F\) is the VC dimension of \(\set{\sign(f(x)-y)}{f\in F}\).
- Pseudoshattered iff some translate of \(F|_x\) intersects all orthants.
- Composing with nondecreasing function doesn’t increase.
- If \(F\) is vector space, \(Pdim(F)=\dim(F)\).
- \(F=\set{w_0+w^Tx}{w\in \R^n}\): \(P\dim(F)=n+1\).
- Poly transformations of degree \(\le k\): \(P\dim(F) = \binom{n+k}k\).
- Poly transformations on \(\{0,1\}^k\) of degree \(\le k\): \(\sumz ik \binom ni\).
11.3 Fat-shattering dimension
- \(S\) is \(\ga\)-shattered by \(F\) if there are \(r_i\) such that for each \(b\in \{0,1\}^m\), there is \(f_b\in F\),
f_b(x_i) & \ge r_i+\ga,&b_i=1\\
f_b(x_i) &\le r_i - \ga,&b_i=0.
- \(\ga\)-dimension is max cardinality of \(S\) that is \(\ga\)-shattered by \(F\), \(fat_F(\ga)\).
- This is a scale-sensitive dimension.
- Ex. \(F\) set of functions \([0,1]\to [0,1]\) with total variation \(\le V\). \(fat_F(\ga) = 1+\ff{V}{2\ga}\).
- \(fat_F(\ga)\le P\dim(F)\). \(P\dim(F) = \lim_{\ga\to 0} fat_F(\ga)\).
- If closed under scalar multiplication, \(fat_F(\ga) = Pdim(F)\).
12 Bounding covering numbers with dimensions
- \(W\subeq A\) is \(\ep\)-separated/packing if \(\forall x,y\in P\) distinct, \(d(x,y)\ge \ep\).
- \(\ep\)-packing number \(M(\ep,W,d)\) max cardinality of \(\ep\)-separated subset.
- Uniform packing number \(M_p(\ep, H, k) = \max_{x\in X^k} M(\ep, H|_x, d_p)\).
- \(M(2\ep, W, d)\le N(\ep, W, d)\le M(\ep, W,d)\).
- If \(F:\{X\to [0,B]\}\), \(N_\iy(\ep, F, m)\le \sumo id \binom mi \pf B\ep^i\le \pf{emB}{\ep d}^d\).
- (Bound covering number by fat-shattering dimension)
M_\iy(\ep, F, m) &< 2(mb^2)^{\ce{\lg y}}\\
y&=\sumo id \binom mi b^i.
- Fat-shattering dimension determines in a fairly precise manner the covering numbers of a function class: \(F:\{X\to [0,B]\}\). \(m\ge fat_F\pf{\ep}4\ge 1\).
\fc{\lg e}8 fat_F(16\ep) \le \lg N_1(\ep, F, m) \le \lg N_\iy(\ep, F, m) \le 3fat_F\pf{\ep}4 \lg\pf{4e Bm}{\ep}^2.
Large margin SEM algorithm: gives \(\wh{err}_z^\ga (L(\ga, z)) = \min_{f\in F}\wh{err}_z^\ga (f)\).
14 Dimensions of neural networks
We bound the covering numbers and fat-shattering dimensions for net- works that are fully connected between adjacent layers, that have units with a bounded activation function satisfying a Lipschitz constraint, and that have all weights (or all weights in certain layers) constrained to be small.
Two types of bounds. Two notions of complexity: parameters and size of parameters
14.3 In terms of number of parameters
- \(F:\{X\to Y_1\}\), \(G:\{Y_1\to \R\}\), \(G\) is \(L\)-lipschitz. Let \(d_\iy^\rh(y,z) = \max_{1\le i\le m}\rh(y_i,z_i)\). Then \[N_\iy(\ep, G\circ F_1, m)\le \max_{x\in X^m} N\pa{\fc{\ep}{2L}, F_1|_x, d_\iy^\rh} N(\pf \ep2, G, d_{L_\iy}).\]
- Note finite \(L_\iy\) cover is very strong.
- Neural network
- \(l\) layers
- \(W\) weights
- Computaion maps into \([-b,b]\)
- For each unit, \(\ve{w}_1\le V\).
- Activation functions \(L\)-Lipschitz
- \(N_\iy (\ep, F, m) \le \pf{4embW(LV)^l}{\ep(LV-1)}^W\).
14.4 On Fat-shattering dimensions, independent of number of parameters
\(fat_F(\ga)\) increases with \(\rc{\ga}\), weight bound, and number of layers.
- Neural network
- \(B=b\) bound on magnitude of input values and activation function
- \(l\)-layer
- \(\ve{w}_1\le V\).
- \(s\) is \(L\)-Lipschitz
- \(l\ge 1, b\ge 1, V\ge \rc{2L}, \ep\le VbL\). Then \(\lg N_2(\ep, F_l,m) \le \rc2 \pf{2b}{\ep}^{2l} (2VL)^{l(l+1)} \lg (2n+2)\).
- \(fat_{F_l}(\ep) \le 4 \pf{32b}{\ep}^{2l} (2VL)^{l(l+1)} \ln (2n+2)\).