PCANet - A simple deep learning baseline for image classification?

Posted: 2016-09-10 , Modified: 2016-09-10

Tags: pca, neural net

PCANet: A simple deep learning baseline for image classification?

Each stage in a CNN consists of 3 layers:

Replace these:

convolutional filter bank PCA filter
nonlinear processing binary quantization (hashing)
feature pooling block-wise histograms of binary codes

Lesson: Deep learning has a lot of hype, but in fact simpler, better theoretically justifiable architectures can do just as well or better! In particular, one weakness of DL is that it depends on parameter tuning expertise and ad hoc tricks.



  1. design a simple deep learning network which should be very easy, even trivial, to train and to adapt to different data and tasks.
  2. such a basic network could serve as a good baseline for people to empirically justify the use of more advanced processing components or more sophisticated architectures for their deep learning networks.


Input: \(N\) training images \(\{I_i\}_{i=1}^N\) of size \(m\times n\).

  1. Learn PCA: Vectorize all \(k_1\times k_2\) patches, mean-center and put them all in a matrix \(X\in \R^{k_1k_2\times Nmn}\)1. Do rank \(L_1\) PCA on \(X\). The \(l\)th filter (\(l\in [L_1]\)) is \[ W_l^1 := mat_{k_1,k_2}(q_l(XX^T))\] where \(mat_{k_1,k_2}\) maps \(\R^{k_1k_2}\to \R^{k_1\times k_2}\) and \(q_l\) is the \(l\) largest eigenvectors.

    Now let \(I_i^l = I_i * W_l^1\). (Zero-pad \(I_i\) so that \(I_i^l\) has the same size.)

    You can apply this multiple times. Suppose we apply it twice to get \(I_i^{l_1, l_2}\).
  2. Hashing: Binarize the outputs to get \[\{b_{l_1,l_2} = H(I_i^{l_1,l_2})\}\] where \(H\) is Heaviside function. Let \[T_i^{l_1} := \sumo{l_2}{L_2} 2^{l_2-1} b_{l_1,l_2}.\] (I.e., treat \((b_{l_1,l_2})_{l_2=1}^{L_2}\) categorically.)
  3. Histogram: Express histogram with \(L_2\) bins as a vector \(Bhist(T_i^l)\). The feature vector of \(I_i\) is \[f_i := \text{map Bhist }[T_i^{1:L_1}]\in \R^{2^{L_2}L_1B}.\]

On many layers: Note that we DON’T stack by repeating 1-3. Instead, 2-3 happen only once at the end. The stacking happens within 1—doing PCA multiple times.



(Does this mean LDANet will fail on things like concentric circles?)


Face recognition, MNIST.

MNIST: basic (10000-2000-50000), rot, noise bg, image bg, etc.


  1. Or \(N(m-k_1+1)(n-k_1+1)\) if you don’t go past the border.