Neural net separation

Posted: 2017-02-09 , Modified: 2017-02-09

Tags: neural nets, circuit complexity

Notes (See section 2.)

k vs. k+1

One idea:

Relate to arithmetic circuits

Cf. CSS16.

Idea: write out everything as power series. Perhaps fix a probability measure such as Gaussian.

The circuit model is \(\sum P \sum P...\) where \(P\) is any univariate power series. We hope that it can be approximated by its first few terms, so that we get a polynomial.

Restrict the \(k+1\)-depth circuits to be somewhat smooth, so they can be approximated by the first few terms of the power series.

Problem 1: Approximation

We can find pairs of functions which differ very much on the first few terms of their power series but that are arbitrarily close on \(L^2(\mu)\).

The natural thing to do is to look at families of orthogonal polynomials on \(\mu\). But these

Can we require our approximating function to also be somewhat smooth? Then e.g. we can use compactness (Arzela-Ascoli) - arbitrarily close approximation means expressible, otherwise you can’t get closer than \(\ep\). But \(\ep\) might depend on \(n\)… (Ex. with certain bounds on coefficients, and a requirement that your power series starts with \(p(x)\), what is the minimial \(L^2(\mu)\) norm it has?)

Order of quantifiers?

Problem 2: Arithmetic question

The circuit model is \(\sum P \sum P...\) where \(P\) is any univariate power series/polynomial. Find a polynomial that is attainable by the degree \(\le d\) portion of a depth \(k+1\) circuit (depth \(k+1\) means \(\sum (P\sum)^{k}\)) that is not attainable by the degree \(\le d\) portion of any depth \(k\) circuit of subexponential size.

What are separation results for normal arithmetic circuits?

Look at constant-depth circuits: keep \(k\) fixed; you’re allowed to take \(n\to \iy\).