Embedding methods in NLP

Posted: 2016-12-06 , Modified: 2016-12-06

Tags: nlp, word vectors


EMNLP 2014 tutorial



Embeddings for multi-relational data

[SPWC] Recursive deep models for semantic compositionality over a sentiment treebank

Put triplet (subj, rel, obj) through tensor network to predict. \[ g(e_1,R,e_2) = u_R^T f\pa{ e_1^T W_R^{[1:k]} e_2 + V_R\coltwo{e_1}{e_2} + b_R } \]

[SCMN16] Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion

Recursive neural tensor model

Sentiment Treebank: sentiment labels for phrases in parse trees of sentences. Website

Captures effects of negation and its scope.

Train: Classification at each node. Minimize KL-divergence.