EMNLP 2014 tutorial
- Ranking/retrieval
- Language modeling
- Supervised prediction
- Convolutional nets for tagging (SENNA)
- Bag of words (baseline)
- LSI \(\phi(d) = Ud\) (\(d\) document as sum of words)
- SSI Similarity of query \(q\) to document \(d\) given by \(f(q,d) = q^TWd\), \(W\) from data.
- \(W\) is big.
- Make \(W\) low rank. \(W=U^TV+I\).
- Maximize AUC. Want \(f(q,d^+)>f(q,d^-)\). (14)
- Ex. cross-language retrieval
- Better: replace AUC with rank weighted loss
- \(n\)-gram (baseline)
- Arrange in tree. Cluster dictionary according to semantics or frequency.
- Word2Vec
- CBOW: predict current word from neighbors
- Skip-gram: predict neighbors from current word
- Compositionality (addition)
- NLP tasks: POS tagging, chunking (NP, VP), named entity recognition, semantic role labeling
- Hand-made features, SVM. ASSERT. Pipeline
- POS tagger, parser
- NER tagging
- Put together for SRL labeler
- Deep learning way
- Avoid parse tree
- Avoid hand-built features
- Joint train NLP tasks on common embedding
- Window approach: feed fixed-size window around each word
- Sentence: feed whole sentence, tag 1 word at a time, convolutions handle variable length inputs. Max pool over time
- Deep SRL
- Softmax: Train for word tag likelihood, or
- Sentence tag likelihood. Sentence score is sum of likelihoods for individual words and transition score
- Bad for rare words
- ? semi-supervised (61)
- Recursive NN’s
- Socher ICML13, EMNLP13
- Build sentence representations using parse tree \(f(W[c_1;c_2]+b)\)
- Paragraph vector predicts words in doc, \(n\)-grams in the doc.
- Words are combined with linear matrices dependendent on the P.O.S.: G. Dinu and M. Baroni. How to make words with vectors: Phrase generation in distributional semantics. ACL ’14.
- Previous common belief in NLP: engineering syntactic features necessary for semantic tasks. One can do well by engineering a model/algorithm rather than features.
Embeddings for multi-relational data
- Embeddings for multi-relational data
- Relation (sub, rel, obj)
- WordNet: dictionary where each entity is a sense (synset).
- Freebase
- KB’s are hard to manipulate.
- Large
- Sparse
- Noisy/incomplete
- Solutions:
- Encode into low-dimensional vector spaces
- Use representations to complete/visualize, in applications
- Link prediction
- RESCAL (\(X_k\) are matrices) \[
\min_{A,R} \rc2 \pa{\sum_k \ve{X_k - AR_k A^T}_F^2} + \la_A \ve{A}_F^2 + \la_R \sum_k \ve{R_k}_F^2.
- Downsides: many parameters, bad scalability, bad reconstruction criteria for binary data
- Ideas
- Low-dimensionsal continuous vector embedding trained on similarity
- Stochastic training based on ranking loss
- \(d(sub, rel, obj) = -\ve{R^{left}s^T - R^{right} o^T}_1\). (Note: this is projection onto a common space, rather than something quadratic!)
- SGD with negative examples
- Still have problems
- Neural tensor networks
- \(d(sub, rel, obj) = u_r^T \tanh (h^TW_r t + V_r^1 h + V_3^2 t + b_r).\)
- \(d^3\) parameters
- Model relations as translations
- $d = _2^2.
- there may exist embedding spaces in which relationships among concepts are all decribed by translations
- Much fewer parameters. Does better!
- Refinements (108)
- Embeddings for information extraction
- Entity linking: Identify mentions
- Relation extraction: extract facts
- Word-sense disambiguation is key
- Embedding-based classifier to predict relation (Weston13, 11) (predict based on other text besides subj, obj. Can combine with KB
- Universal schemas (I don’t get this.)
- Question answering
- Subgraph embeddings: learn embeddings of questions and candidate answers (Bordes14) (Q: How to embed subgraph???)
- Convert Freebase to Q&A pairs.
- Paraphrase questions
- Issues
- Must train embeddings together
- Compression, blurring (How to one-shot learn new symbols?)
- Sequential models suffer from long-term memory
- Need many updates
- Negative example sampling inefficient
- How to use nonlinearity?
- Code
[SPWC] Recursive deep models for semantic compositionality over a sentiment treebank
Put triplet (subj, rel, obj) through tensor network to predict. \[
g(e_1,R,e_2) =
u_R^T f\pa{
e_1^T W_R^{[1:k]} e_2 +
V_R\coltwo{e_1}{e_2} + b_R
[SCMN16] Reasoning With Neural Tensor Networks for Knowledge Base Completion
Recursive neural tensor model
Sentiment Treebank: sentiment labels for phrases in parse trees of sentences. Website
Captures effects of negation and its scope.
- RNN with a classifier at each node in the parse tree that predicts sentiment in one of 5 classes. (\(W\) is the same matrix.) (Q: how do you make it a binary tree?)
- MV-RNN (matrix-vector): represent every word and longer phrase in parse tree as both vector and matrix (initialized as \(I_d+\)noise). Matrix of one multiplied by vector of other. (parameters is large and depends on vocab)
- RNTN allows quadratic interaction: \(p = f\pa{(b\,c)V^{[1:d]}\coltwo bc + W \coltwo bc}\).
Train: Classification at each node. Minimize KL-divergence.