Posted: 2016-05-04 , Modified: 2016-05-04

Tags: nlp

Language models

A language model is a probability distribution over sentences consisting of words from a finite set \(\mathcal V\).

in speech recognition the language model is combined with an acoustic model that models the pronunciation of different words: one way to think about it is that the acoustic model generates a large number of candidate sentences, together with probabilities; the language model is then used to reorder these possibilities based on how likely they are to be a sentence in the language.

A \(t\)th order Markov model (\(n+1\)-grams) assumes the probability distribution of the next word depends only on the previous \(t\). To model variable-length sentences, include STOP as a word. Treat the \(0,\ldots,-(t-1)\) words as \(*\).

The most naive estimate is to let \[\wh p_{x_{t+1}|x_1\ldots x_t} = \fc{\#(x_1,\ldots, x_{t+1})}{\#(x_1,\ldots, x_t)}\] but this requires lots of computations and makes many counts 0.

Let \(x^{(i)}\) be the test sentences. Letting \(l=\rc{M} \sumo im \lg p(x^{(i)})\) (average log probability), the perplexity is \(2^{-l}\) (geometric mean of probabilities).

  1. Linear interpolation is \[ \wh p(x_{t+1}|x_1\cdots x_t) = \sumo i{t+1} \la_i p(x_i|x_{[1,i-1]}).\] Find \(\amax_{\la} L(\la)\) over the development data (separate from training and test data).
  2. Replacing \(\la_{t+1} = \fc{\#(x_1,\ldots, x_{t})}{\#(x_1,\ldots, x_{t})+\ga}\), \(\la_{t} = (1-\la_{t+1}) \fc{\#(x_1,\ldots, x_{t})}{\#(x_1,\ldots, x_{t})+\ga}\),…
  3. Discount counts by \(c^*(\mathbf x) = c(\mathbf x) - \be\), \(\be\in [0,1]\), let \(\wh p = \fc{c^*(\cdots)}{c(\cdots)}\). Spread the missing mass evenly over those that have not appeared.
  4. Linear interpolation with bucketing: Let \(\Pi: \mathcal V^{t} \to [K]\) depending on counts seen in the training data. Now make the smoothing parameters depend on \(\Pi(u,v)\).

Note that bucketing and discounting only have 1 parameter.

HMMs and tagging


A CFG is \(G=(N,\Si,R,S)\) where

A leftmost derivation is one where we choose to replace the leftmost nonterminal each time.

Strings can be ambiguous under a CFG.


We want to

A PCFG has probabilities with \(\sum_{X\to \be\in R} a(X\to \be)=1\). The probability is the product of the probabilities of the derivations.

To learn parameters given parse trees, let \(\wh p (\al \to \be) = \fc{\#(\al\to \be)}{\#\al}\).

Chomsky normal form has rules in the form \(X\to Y_1Y_2\) and \(X\to Y\) where \(Y_1,Y_2\) are nonterminal and \(Y\) is terminal.

Lexicalized PCFGs

These have much higher parsing accuracy.

Weaknesses of PCFG’s are

  1. Lack of sensitivity to lexical information: PCFGs make a strong independence assumption. The identity of each lexical item depends only on the part-of-speech (POS) above that lexical item, but does not depend directly on other information in the tree.

    Example: Workers dumped sacks into a bin. What parsing is picked depends only on comparing \(q(VP\to VP,PP), q(NP\to NP, PP)\).

    Into is 9 times more likely to attach to a VP rather than NP.

    Example (coordination ambiguity): Dogs in houses and cats.
  2. Lack of sensitivity to structural preferences.

    Ex. President of a company in Africa.

    President of a (company in Africa) is close attachment. Close attachment is twice as frequent.

    When a PP can attach to 2 potential verbs, it is 20 times more likely to attach to the most recent verb.

To lexicalize a treebank,

Thus, each node in the parse tree is now POS(word). Note the number of non-terminals is now much larger.

For a rule \(X(H) \to_2 Y_1(M) Y_2(H)\) corresponding to \(R:X\to_2 Y_1Y_2\), factor the probability \[\Pj(X\to_2 Y_1Y_2, M|X, H) = \Pj(X \to_2 Y_1Y_2 |X, H) \Pj(M|S\to_2 Y_1Y_2, X, H)\] and estimate each of the factors with counts.

For DP, include also the head position \(h\in [i,j]\). Complexity goes up to \(O(n^4)\)!



7 Log-linear models

Log-linear models are more flexible; they allow a rich set of features. We can combine a much larger set of estimates with \(\la\) parameters. Linear interpolation becomes unwieldy.

We want to model the conditional probability \(p(y|x)\), \(x\in \mathcal X\), \(y\in \mathcal Y\). For example, \(\mathcal Y=\mathcal V\), \(\mathcal X = \mathcal Y^{i-1}\). Or \(\mathcal Y=\mathcal T\), the set of tags.

A loglinear model has \[\Pj_v(y|x) =\Pj(y|x;v) \propto e^{v\cdot f(x,y)}\] with \(f:\mathcal X\times \mathcal Y\to \R^d\).

Often features are indicator functions. Features can include all bigrams, trigrams… Other features include

A key idea is feature templates.

For any trigram seen in training data, create an indicator feature. Hash each \((u,v,w)\) to a unique integer (for trigrams). We can do the same for suffixes, etc.

Models can have millions of features.

Key observation: for any pair \((x,y)\), the number of values for \(k\) in \([d]\) such that \(f_k(x,y)=1\) is often very small.

Implementation: for any pair \((x,y)\), compute indices of nonzero features (ex. use hash functions).

ML estimates are bad because they overfit—ex. give 0 probability to \(n\)-grams that haven’t appeared. Include a regularization term like \(\ve{v}^2\), \[L(v) = \sumo in \ln p(y^{(i)}|x^{(i)};v) - \fc\la2\ve{v}^2.\] This is convex. Use gradient ascent. LBFGs is a gradient method that makes a more intelligent choice of search direction.

The gradient is \[\nb L(v) = \sumo in \pa{f(x^{(i)},y^{(i)}) - (p(y|x^{(i)};v))_{y} \cdot (f_k(x^{(i)},y))_{yk}}.\] (Think of the second part as the expected number of times \(f_k\) is equal to 1.)

MEMMs (Maximum entropy Markov models = Log-linear tagging models)

A generative tagging model defines a joint distribution \(p(x_1,\ldots, x_n,y_1,\ldots, y_n)\) where \(x_i\) is a sentence tagged with \(y_i\). A conditional tagging model defines \(p(y_1\ldots, y_n|x_1,\ldots, x_n)\).

Tag by taking the argmax.

  1. How to define a conditional tagging model?
  2. How to estimate the parameters?
  3. How to find argmax?

Consider trigrams for example. The independence assumption is that conditioned on \(X_{[1,n]}\), the distribution of \(Y_i\) depends only on \(Y_{i-1},Y_{i-2}\).

  1. Let the \(i\)th history \(h_i=(y_{i-2},y_{i-1},x_{[1,n]}, i)\). Let \(f:H\times \mathcal K\to \R^d\) be the feature-vector representation (\(H\) is the space of histories and \(\mathcal K\) is the space of tags). Define the probability as a loglinear model on \(f\).

    Features may include
    • Word/tag
    • Prefix, suffix (Ex. -ing is often with VBG, gerunds)
    • \(n\)-gram (on \(y\)) (Having \(i\)-grams for \(1\le i\le n\) is useful with regularized approaches to parameter estimation)
    • Word before/after
    • Spelling features
    • Contextual features (\(x_{i-2},x_{i+2}\))
  2. Use gradient methods.
  3. Use the Viterbi algorithm.


There are close connections to support vector machines, where linear models are learned in very high dimensional spaces, with good generalization guarantees hold as long as the margins on training examples are large. Margins are closely related to norms of parameter vectors.

12 IO algorithm

Consider CFG in Chomsky normal form with potential function \(\psi(r)\).

(Q: complexity of turning into CNF?)

Nonnegative potential function \(\psi\), \[ \psi(t) = \pa{\prod_{\an{A\to BC, i, k, j}\in t} \psi(A\to BC, i, k, j)} \pa{\prod_{\an{A,i}\in t} \psi(A,i)}. \]


  1. probabilities
  2. \(\psi(r) = \exp(v^T\phi(r))\). (TODO read on this)

Letting \(T\) be the set of all possible parse trees. Calculate

  1. \(Z=\sum_{t\in T} \psi(t)\).
  2. For all rules \(r\), \(\mu(r) = \sum_{t\in T, r\in t}\psi(t)\) (Note: only include rule once for each tree. Why?)
  3. For nonterminals \(A\in N\), for \(i,j\) such that \(1\le i\le j\le n\), \(\mu(A,i,j)=\sum_{t\in T:(A,i,j)\in t}\psi(t)\) - contains nonterminal \(A\) spanning words \(x_{i:j}\) in the input.

Algorithm (DP)

  1. \(\al(A,i,i)=\psi(A,i)\) if \(A\to x_i\) is in CFG, 0 else
  2. \(\al(A,i,j) = \sum_{A\to BC\in R} \sum_{k=i}^{j-1} \psi(A\to BC, i,k,j)\al(B,i,k) \al(C,k+1,j)\)
  3. \(\be(S,1,n)=1\), \(\be(A\ne S,1,n)=0\).
  4. \(\be(A,i,j) = \sum_{B\to CA\in R}\sumo k{i-1} \psi(B\to CA, k, i-1,j)\al(C,k,i-1)\be(B,k,j) + \sum_{B\to AC\in R} \sum_{k=j+1}^n \psi(B\to AC, i, j, k) \al(C,j+1,k)\be(B,i,k)\).
\[\begin{align} Z&=\al(S,1,n)\\ \mu(A,i,j) &= \al(A,i,j) \be(A,i,j)\\ \mu(A,i) &= \mu(A,i,i)\\ \mu(A\to BC, i,k,j) &= \be(A,i,j)\psi(A\to BC,i,k,j) \al(B,i,k)\al(C,k+1,j). \end{align}\] Note (here \(T(A,i,j)\) is set of trees rooted in \(A\), \(O(A,i,j)\) is set of outside trees with nonterminal \(A\) and span \(x_i,\ldots, x_j\)) \[\begin{align} \al(A,i,j) &=\sum_{t\in T(A,i,j)} \psi(t)\\ \be(A,i,j) &=\sum_{t\in O(A,i,j)}\psi(t). \end{align}\]

EM algorithm for PCFGs

(How to do in online fashion? Instead take “gradient steps”, actually multiplicative updates.)

\[\begin{align} q^t(A\to \ga) &= \fc{f(A\to \ga)}{\sum_{A\to \ga\in R} f(A\to \ga)}\\ \text{count}(A\to BC) &= \sum_{i,k,j} \fc{\mu(A\to BC,i,k,j)}{Z}\\ \text{count}(A\to x) &= \sum_{i:x_i=x} \fc{\mu(A,i)}{Z}. \end{align}\] Once count calculated, \[\begin{align} f^{t-1}(r) &=\sumo in \text{count}_{i}(r)\\ q^t(A\to \ga) &= \fc{f^{t-1}(A\to \ga)}{\sum_{A\to \ga\in R} f^{t-1}(A\to \ga)}. \end{align}\]

Output \(q^T(r)\).


Can we extract simple features/algorithms out of neural nets?

Extracting code from a neural net may be NP-hard?

Can a neural net do at least as well as \(n\)-gram, and can you crystallize a \(n\)-gram from it?

What information is present in memory?

Allow a neural net to revise, or wait before it outputs…

Matrix indexed by Indexable.