Percy Liang's papers
Posted: 2016-05-04 , Modified: 2016-05-04
Tags: nlp
Posted: 2016-05-04 , Modified: 2016-05-04
Tags: nlp
Goal: Map natural language into logical forms (which can be executed).
We must use logic and statistics/machine learning. Early systems were very rule-based (hand-crafted); we want to use ML to learn without hand-crated rules.
The field is called statistical semantic parsing.
Two ideas:
Recent developments:
There are linguistic, statistical (generalization), and computational challenges.
Example: What is the largest prime less than 10? becomes \(\max(\text{primes}\cap (-\iy,10))\).
5 components
that satisfies blah” is \(\la x. blah(x)\)—lift functions to truth values.Note the grammar can be coarse, and application-specific.
Chart parsing? Builds derivations in fixed order, causing parser to waste resources.
Use a simple grammar to generate logical forms paired with canonical utterances. Then use crowdsourcing to paraphrase them into natural utterances, and train (natural utterances, logical forms).
(This means we don’t have to start with data to train on!)
Look at CCG, it’s interesting! Number less than…