(ALLMR16) Linear Algebraic Structure of Word Senses, with Applications to Polysemy

Posted: 2016-03-15 , Modified: 2016-03-15

Tags: nlp, word embeddings

Words don’t just live in a small-dimensional space; they are composed of a small number of atoms plus noise.

\[v_w = Ax_w + n_w\] where \(\Supp(x_w)\le s\) (\(s=5\) works well), \(A\) is overcomplete \(d\times k\), \(k>d\), and \(n_w\) is noise. \(k=2000\) works well. The \(A_{\bullet i}\) are discourse vectors. They correspond to different senses (meanings) of the word. (Rather than just different features of the word.)

Do dictionary learning another time (recursive/hierarchical!)1 with \(k'=200\) and sparsity \(s'=2\). Get meta-discourse vectors.

For a polysemous word, given lists (by WordNet/humans) of sets of 8 words representing senses,

  1. find 5 atoms of the word and its inflectional forms to obtain 10-20 candidate discourse atoms.
  2. for each atom, find top 2 senses with highest normalized similarities, \[S(a,L) = \sqrt{\sum_{u\in L}\an{a,v_u}^2/|L|} + \sqrt{\sum_{u\in L}\an{v_w,v_u}^2/|L|}.\]
  3. return top \(k\) senses.

Let \(r=\fc{\Pj(w_2)}{\Pj(w_1)}\). The set of words that appear in both \(w_1,w_2\) is much smaller than the set of words that appear with exactly one of them.

Suppose each \(\chi\) appears with only one \(w_i\). Let \(T_i\) be the \(\chi\) appearing with \(w_i\). Then \[\begin{align} \chi&\in T_1\implies &PMI(\chi,w) &= PMI(\chi,w_1) - \ub{\log(1+r)}{\ka_1}\\ \chi&\in T_2\implies &PMI(\chi,w) &= PMI(\chi,w_2) - \ub{\log(1+\rc r)}{\ka_2}. \end{align}\]

Identify words and their context vectors.

Claim: under the assumptions

  1. \(v_1\perp v_2\)
  2. For words that coappear with \(w_1\), their vectors are pretty correlated with \(v_1\), and orthogonal components behave like random vectors, \(\chi= \an{\chi,v_1}v_1/ve{v_1}^2 + \xi\)

we have \[\amin_z \sum_\chi \Pj(\chi,w) (PMI(\chi,w)-\an{\chi,z})^2\approx \sumo i2(1-\ka_ic_i)v_i.\] 2

Note the logarithmic scaling—this means that even small senses are detectable.

  1. cf. hierarchical topic models (but sparse coding is very different from topic modeling. does it work better?), cf. a multiple-layer neural net

  2. This tells us how the word vectors change, provided that the other terms in the sum don’t affect things much.