Posted: 2016-03-04
, Modified: 2016-03-04
Tags: gradient
(See 10/15 notebook for detailed notes.)
See also AO15 and mirror descent.
Gradient descent |
\(\rc{\sqrt{T}}\) |
\(\rc{\al T}\) |
\(\fc{\be}T\) |
\(e^{-\ga T}\) |
Accelerated gradient descent |
\(\fc{d}{T}\) |
\(\rc{\al T^2}\) |
\(\fc{\be}{T^2}\) |
\(e^{-\sqrt{\ga} T}\) |
GD (average regret) |
N/A |
\(\rc{\al} \ln T\) |
\(\rc{\sqrt T}\) |
\(\fc{n}{\ga} \ln T\) |
“\(\ga\)-convex” is also called “condition number \(\ka\)” (\(\ka= \ga\)).
Gradient descent main points
- What is the general framework?
- Pick a descent direction \(\De x\).
- Choose a step size \(\tau>0\): \[x^{(t+1)} \leftarrow x+\tau \De x.\]
- Backtracking OR
- Exact line search OR
- Fixed multiplier
- Continue until stop criterion.
- What is vanilla (one shot) gradient descent?
- Gradient descent lemma: Suppose \(f\) is convex and \(L\)-smooth, \(\ve{\nb f(x)-\nb f(y)}\le L\ve{x-y}\).
x':&=x-\rc L \nb f(x)\\
\implies f(x')&\le f(x) - \rc{2L}\ve{\nb f(x)}^2.
- There’s no guarantee for linear convergence unless we assume \(f\) is \(l\)-strongly convex, \(\ve{\nb f(x)-\nb f(y)}\le l\ve{x-y}\). Let \(\ka=\fc{L}{l}, t = \fc{2}{L+l}\). Then linear convergence holds:
\ve{x_{k+1}-x^*} \le \pf{\ka-1}{\ka+1} \ve{x_k-x^*}
- This requires knowing the condition number. If we don’t know the condition number, use something like backtracking to get similar convergence guarantees.
- What is gradient descent with backtracking?
- Parameters \(\al\in (0,0.5)\), step size, \(\be\in (0,1)\) scaling factor.
- Choose \(\De x=\nb f(x)\).
- Choose \(\tau\) by backtracking: Set \(t=1\). While \(f(x+t\De x)>f(x)+\al \nb f^T\De x\), \[\De x\leftarrow \al \De x.\]
- Lemma: suppose \(mI \preceq \nb^2 f \preceq MI\). Then \[\fc{f(x_t)-f(p^*)}{f(x_{t-1})-f(p^*)}\le 1-\min\bc{\fc{2\al \be m}{M}, 2m\al}.\]
Gradient descent lemma: Let \(D=\nb f(x)\). Move to origin. Upper bound is \[f(x) \le \fc{L}2 x^2 + Dx.\] The minimum is at \(-\fc{D}{L}\) and is \(\fc{-b^2}{4a} = -\fc{D^2}{2L}.\)
For strongly convex: Choose \(s\) to maximize the minimum progress in terms of \(x\). \[\fc{s-\rc{l}}{\rc{l}} = \fc{\rc L-s}{\rc L} \implies s = \fc{2}{L+l}.\]
Backtracking analysis:
- Translate to \((0,0)\) and look at 1-D slice. Then \(f\le b x + \rc2 M x^2\), \(b = \ve{\nb f(x)}\).
- One of the following holds.
f(x+t_0\De x) &> f(x) + \al \nb f^T \De x\\
t &= \fc{2\nb f^T\De x (1-\al)\be}{M} \ge \fc{\nb f^T \De x \be}{M}
where the last inequality follows from \(\al<0.5\).
- What’s the right measure of progress?
- It shouldn’t be the absolute progress; it should depend on what the minimum actually is. Closer to \(x^*\), we make a smaller step size but more progress proportionally. The right measure is \(\fc{f(x_{n+1}) - f(x^*)}{f(x_n)-f(x^*)}\).
- Abstractly, given a quadratic upper and lower bound for \(f\), make progress towards minimum.
- Consider the 1-D case at \((0,0)\). We have \(\wt f(t) \in - d^2 t + \rc 2 (m,M) d^2 t^2.\)
- The minimum possible is \(-\rc 2 \fc{d^2}{M}\).
- 1st case: \(\wt f(1) > - \al d^2 t_0\).
- 2nd case: \(\wt f(t) > - \fc{2\al \be (1-\al)d^2}{M}\)
- Progress \(\fc{2\al \be m}{M}\).
- Convergence \(\fc{f(x_t) - f(x^*)}{f(x_{t-1}) - f(x^*)} \le 1-\min\pa{\fc{2\al \be (1-\al)d^2}{M}, 2m\al}\).
Different settings
\(\be\)-smooth: see AO15. Note that proof starts with \(f(x_k)-f(x^*)\) rather than \(\ve{x_k-x^*}\), and telescopes on \(\rc{D_k}\) instead of \(\ve{x_k-x^*}\).
Alternate proof off by factor of \(\log T\): reduce to \(\ga\)-convex by adding \(\fc{\al}2\ve{x-x_1}^2\).
- \(\al\)-sc: Proof off by factor of \(\log T\): average \(f*\mu(\pl \bS_\de)\) is \(\fc{dG}{\de}\) smooth; optimize parameters.
General case: Consider \(g(x)=f(x) + \fc{\al}2\ve{x-x_1}^2\). Use the \(\al\)-sc case to get error \(\fc{\al}2R^2 + \rc{\al T}\). Take \(\al \propto \rc{\sqrt T}\).
Regret bounds
- General (can replace gradient by subgradient): Suppose \(\ve{\nb f(x)}_2\le M\) and \(\ve{x_1-x^*}_2\le R\).
\rc 2\ve{x_{k+1}-x^*}_2^2
& = \rc2 \ve{x_k-\al_k g_k -x^*}_2^2 \\
&= \rc 2\ve{x_k-x^*}_2^2 - \al_k \an{g_k,x_k-x^*} + \fc{\al_k^2}{2}\ve{g_k}^2\\
&\le \rc 2\ve{x_k-x^*}_2^2 - \al_k [f(x_k) - f(x^*)]+ \fc{\al_k^2}{2}\ve{g_k}^2& (f(x^*) \ge f(x_k) + \an{g_k,x^*-x_k}).
Rearranging, \[
\al_k [f(x_k) - f(x^*)] \le \rc2 \ve{x_k-x^*}^2 \le
\rc2 \ve{x_k-x^*}-\rc2 \ve{x_{k+1}-x^*}^2 + \fc{\al_k^2}{2}\ve{g_k}_*^2.
\] Summing and telescoping, (n.b. we don’t divide through by \(\al_k\) before summing) \[
\sumo kK \al_k [f(x_k)-f^*] \le \rc2\ve{x_1-x^*}_2^2 + \sumo kK \fc{\al_k^2}2 \ve{g_k}_2^2.
\] Letting \(\ol x_K = \rc K \sumo kK x_k\), (for simplicity of notation, set \(\rc{2\al_0}=0\)) \[
f(\ol x_K) - f(x^*) \le \rc K\pa{
\sum_k \pa{\sumo kK\rc{2\al_k}-\rc{2\al_{k-1}}\ve{x_k-x^*}} - \rc{2\al_K} \ve{x_{K+1}-x^*}^2+ \sumo kK \fc{\al_k}2\ve{g_k}^2}
\le \rc{2\al K}R + \rc{2}\al M^2.
\] Choose \(\al=\fc{\sqrt{R}}{M\sqrt{K}}\) to get this is \(\le \boxed{\fc{M\sqrt{R}}{\sqrt K}}\). Note this is a regret bound, and it gives a bound on \(\ol x_K\) not \(x_K\). For the bound on \(x_K\) see AO15. Note that proof starts with \(f(x_k)-f(x^*)\) rather than \(\ve{x_k-x^*}\), and telescopes on \(\rc{D_k}\) instead of \(\ve{x_k-x^*}\).
- What is the performance of GD, AGD, and regret GD on general, \(\al\)-convex, \(\be\)-smooth, and \(\ga\)-convex functions?
- Describe gradient descent (a) when condition number is known and (b) using backtracking. What are parameters for backtracking?
- State the gradient descent lemma and prove it. Prove GD for \(\ga\)-convex functions.
- Prove the bound for \(\al\)-smooth functions.
- Prove a regret bound in the general case.