(HKY17) Hyperparameter Optimization - A Spectral Approach

Posted: 2017-07-19 , Modified: 2017-07-19

Tags: hyperparameters

The main theorem (Alg. 1, Thm. 6) is a theorem on learning Fourier-concentrated functions with much better sample complexity than [LMN93], using compressed sensing applied to orthonormal polynomials. Apply this theorem to the loss as a function of hyperparameters (A.g. 2, Harmonica). (Note this is heuristic.)

Compressed sensing for orthonormal polynomials

An orthonormal family with respect to distribution \(D\) has \(\EE_D[\psi_i (X) \psi_j(X)]=\de_{ij}\).

LASSO: With appropriate \(\la\), \[ \min_{x\in \R^n} [\ve{x}_1 + \la \ve{Ax-y}_2^2] \]

For \(z^1,\ldots, z^m\sim D\), \(A_{ij}=\psi_j(z^i)\), \(y=Ax+e\), \(\ve{e}_2\le \eta\sqrt m\), \(x^*\) solving LASSO, \[ \Pj(\ve{x-x^*}_2\le C \fc{\si_s(x)_1}{\sqrt s}+d\eta) \ge 1-\de \] where \(\si_s(x)_1=\min\set{\ve{x-z}_1}{z\text{ is s-sparse}}\), \(c,d\) constants, with \(m\ge CK^2 s \poly\log(K,s,N,\rc{\de})\) samples.

Apply for low-degree recovery: if \(f\) is (\(\ep,d,s\))-bounded, then using this finds \(g\equiv_\ep f\) in time \(O(n^d)\), with \(T=\wt O(K^2s^2 \ln N/\ep)\) samples. (? \(\ep\) outside)

(LMN93 needs \(\Om\pf{NL_\iy(f)^2}{\ep}\) samples.) (? What is \(N\) here? Number of orthonormal polys. Shouldn’t it be \(n^d\)?)


Apply in stages, with some degree \(d\) and sparsity \(s\). Note this can involve at most \(ds\) variables. Suppose the approximation \(g\) to \(f\) only involves variables in \(J\).

Take the best \(t\) solutions \(x_i*\) to \(g\) on \(J\), and now apply to \(\rc t \sumo it f_{J \leftarrow x_i^*}(x)\).
