(SV16) The mixing time of the Dikin walk in a polytope - a simple proof
Posted: 2016-09-07 , Modified: 2016-09-07
Tags: gradient
Posted: 2016-09-07 , Modified: 2016-09-07
Tags: gradient
Problem: sample a point from the uniform distribution in a polytope \(K\subeq \R^n\). (This is used in many algorithms.)
Main theorem (informal): From a warm start (i.e., density \(\Pj(A)\le C\Pj_{U_K}(A)\) where \(U_K\) is the uniform distribution on \(K\)), the Dikin walk mixes in time \(O(mn)\) for a \(n\)-dimensional polytope described with \(m\) inequalities.
Consider the random variable \(g_x\) given by \[ z = x + \fc{r}{\sqrt n} H(x)^{-\rc 2}g,\quad g\sim N(0,1),\] i.e. it is a Gaussian with covariance matrix \(\fc{r^2}{n}H(x)^{-1}\) centered at \(x\).
Let \(p_x\) be the \(g_x\) with the Metropolis filter applied, \[ p_x(z) = \min\{g_x(z),g_z(x)\}\] (stay at \(x\) with remaining probability).
Define the cross-ratio distance \[\si(x,y) = \fc{|\ol{xy}||\ol{pq}|}{|\ol{px}||\ol{qy}|},\] where \(xy\) hits the boundary of \(K\) at \(p,q\) (\(pxyq\) are in that order). \(\ln (1+\si(x,y))\) is a metric on \(K\).
Theorem 1: Given a reversible random walk in \(K\) with stationary distribution uniform, suppose \(\exists \De>0\) such that for all \(x,y\in K\) with \(\si(x,y)\le \De\), \(\ve{p_x-p_y}_1\le 1-\Om(1)\). Then after \(O(\De^{-2})\), the lazy version of the walk from a warm start is within \(\rc4\) TV distance from the uniform distribution.
(This is saying something about uniform continuity of \(x\mapsto p_x\). There’s a “smoothing out” effect.)
Proof of main theorem.