Define strongly convex. What estimates can you make using strong convexity? Why is it useful?
Define smoothness. What does it give you?
Define condition number for sets and matrices. What is the relationship? What do bounds on \(\nb^2\) give on condition number?
Strongly convex means \[ f(y) \ge f(x) + \nb f(x)^T (y-x) + \fc m2 \ve{y-x}_2^2. \] For twice-differentiable functions, this is equivalent to \(\nb^2 f\succeq mI\). Strong convexity lower-bounds suboptimality: if the gradient is small, then you are not too far from the minimum, because the gradient changes fast. (Ex. for \(c+dx+\fc m2x^2\), the minimum is at \(-\fc dm = -\rc m \nb f\).) The following inequality hold: (bound the optimal value in terms of the gradient, and bound the distance in terms of the gradient.
p^* &\ge f(x) - \rc{2m}\ve{\nb f(x)}_2^2\\
\ve{x-x^*}_2 & \le \fc 2m \ve{\nb f}_2^2.
Smoothness means \[ f(y) \le f(x) + \nb f(x)^T (y-x) + \fc M2 \ve{y-x}_2^2. \] For twice-differentiable functions, this is equivalent to \(\nb^2 f\preceq MI\). Smoothness upper-bounds suboptimality, and ensures that step sizes don’t overshoot the minimum (much)
p^* &\le f(x) - \rc{2M}\ve{\nb f}_2^2.
The condition number of a convex body \(C\) is (\(W_{\max},W_{\min}\) are max and min width) \[ \text{cond} (C) = \fc{W_{\max}^2}{W_{\min}^2}.\] For an ellipsoid defined by \(x^TA^{-1}x\le 1\), \[ \text{cond} (\mathcal E) = \fc{\la_{\max}(A)}{\la_{\min}(A)} = \ka(A).\] Strong convexity and smoothness together bound the condition number of sublevel sets \(C_\al =\set{x}{f(x)\le \al}\). We have for \(p^*<\al\), \[B_{\sfc{2(\al-p^*)}{M}}\subeq C_\al \subeq B_{\sfc{2(\al-p^*)}{m}},\]\(\text{cond}(C_\al)\le \fc{M}{m}\). Moreover, \(\lim_{\al\to 0^+} \text{cond}(C_\al) = \ka (\nb f(x^*))\).