Posted: 2016-03-04
, Modified: 2016-03-04
Tags: duality
These problems are dual.
\min_{f_i\le 0, Ax=b} f & \lra \max_{\la \ge 0,\nu} \ub{\min_x \ub{f+\la^T\vec{f} + \nu^T (Ax-b)}{\cal L(x,\la,\nu)}}{g(\la,\nu)}\\
\max_{f_i\ge 0, Ax=b} f & \lra \min_{\la \ge 0,\nu} \ub{\max_x \ub{f+\la^T\vec{f} - \nu^T (Ax-b)}{\cal L(x,\la,\nu)}}{g(\la,\nu)}
In (1) the \(f_i\) are convex; in (2) they are concave. In (1), we have dual\(\le\)primal: \[
\min_{f_i\le 0, Ax=b} f \ge \max_{\la \ge 0,\nu} \ub{\min_x \ub{f+\la^T\vec{f} + \nu^T (Ax-b)}{\cal L(x,\la,\nu)}}{g(\la,\nu)}
\] Note: \(f^*(y)=\sup_x y^Tx - f(x)\) is the conjugate or Legendre transform. It is convex, and for convex functions, the double conjugate is the original function.
Slater’s constraints: Equality holds if the problem is strictly feasible: there exists \(x\) such that \(f_i(x)<0, Ax=b\). Linear inequalities are allowed to be non-strict, \(f_i(x)\le 0\).
KKT conditions
The KKT conditions are (here \(h=Ax-b\))
- (derivative 0) \(\nb f+\sum \la_i \nb f_i + \nu^TA=0\).
- (constraints satisfied) \(\la \ge 0, f_i\le 0, h_i=0\).
- (complementary slackness) \(\la f_i=0\).
- If \(x,\la,\nu\) satisfy the conditions, then \(x\) and \((\la,\nu)\) are primal and dual optimal (and \(x\) is a minimizer of \(\cL(x,\la,\nu)\)) and the optimal values are equal.
- Conversely, if \(x\) is any primal optimum, \((\la, \nu)\) is any dual optimum, and the optimal values are equal, then KKT holds. (Proof: \(f(x) = g(\la,\nu) \le f(x)\).)
- If Slater’s condition is satisfied, \(x\) is optimal if and only if there exist, \(\la,\nu\) that satisfy KKT conditions.
- Linear programming (equality when there exists a feasible solution)
\min_{Ax=b,x\ge 0} c^Tx &= \max_{\la\ge 0, A^T\nu\ge -c} -b^T\nu\\
\min_{Ax\le b} c^Tx &= \max_{\la\ge 0, A^T\nu=-c} -b^T\nu.
Dual functions
(Check this.)
\(u\ln u\) |
\(e^{v-1}\) |
\(\ve{x}\) |
\(\begin{cases}0,&\ve{y}_*\le 1\\ \iy,&\text{else}\end{cases}\) |
\(\ln \det(X^{-1})\) |
\(\ln \det(-Y)^{-1}-n\) |
Proofs and intuition
Weak duality
Given a dual feasible \(\la,\nu\), choose \(x=x^*\). Then \[
g(\la,\nu) \le f(x^*) + \sum \la_i \ub{f_i(x^*)}{\le 0} + \nu^T \ub{(Ax^*-b)}{=0}\le f(x^*).
(Convexity not needed here.)
Strong duality
- Express in terms of graphs. Let
\mathcal G &= \{(\vec f, \vec h, f)\}\\
\mathcal A &= \mathcal G = (\R_+^m \times \{0\} \times \R_+).
p^* &= \inf_{(u,v,t)\in \mathcal G, u\le 0, v=0} = \inf_{(0,0,t)\in \mathcal A} t\\
g(\la,\nu) &= \inf_{(u,v,t)\in \mathcal G\text{ (or }\mathcal A)} \an{(\la,\nu, 1),(u,v,t)}.
Each value of \(g(\la,\nu)\) gives the \(t\)-intercept of a nonverticl supporting hyperplane \(\an{(\la,\nu,1), (u,v,t)}\ge g(\la,\nu)\).
- Weak duality (again). Set \((\la,\nu)=(0,0)\) to get \(g(0,0) = \inf_{(u,v,t)\in \mathcal A} t \le \inf_{(0,0,t)\in \mathcal A} = p^*\).
The idea is that there exists a supporting hyperplane tangent at \((0,0,p^*)\). To make this precise we separate \(\mathcal A\) from a ray \[ \mathcal B = \set{(0,0,s)}{s<p^*}.\] Note \(\mathcal A,\mathcal B\) are disjoint. There is a separating hyperplane \[ (u,v,t)\in \begin{cases}\mathcal A\\\mathcal B\end{cases} \implies \wt \la^T u + \wt \nu^T v + \mu t \begin{cases}\ge \\ \le \end{cases} \al.\] By definition of \(\mathcal A\), \(\wt \la \ge 0, \mu\ge 0\). The second part in the equation gives \(\mu p^*\le \al\).
- Case \(\mu>0\): Going back to the definition of \(\mathcal A\), we get \(L(x,\wt \la/\mu, \wt \nu/\mu)\ge p^*\). Then \(g(\wt \la/\mu, \wt \nu/\mu) \ge p^*\).
- Case \(\mu=0\): Applying the hyperplane inequality to the point \(\wt x\) satisfying Slater, \(\sumo im \wt \la_i f_i(\wt x)\ge 0\). Get \(\wt \la=0\), \(\wt \nu\ne 0\). Assume \(\rank A=p\) (what if this is not true?) Then there are points with \(\wt \nu^T (Ax-b)<0\), contradiction. (Slater shows the hyperplane cannot be vertical.)
(I don’t have intuition for this proof.)
Think of the dual as (1) relaxing the strict conditions that \(f_i\le 0\) and (2) being a game. If you fail to meet the constraint \(f_i\le 0\), you are penalized by cost \(\la_if_i\) (and you gain money from constraints that are met). The adversary first sets “shadow prices” \(\la_i,\nu_i\), the cost for violating the constraints, and then you choose \(x^*\). Duality says you can’t do better in this game. (You can do just as well by choosing your original \(x^*\); this is weak duality.)
\(p^*(u,v)\) be the optima under constraints
\(f_i\le u_i,h_i=v_i\). The sensitivity to the constraints are given by the dual optima. We have the following (the derivative equations hold if
\(p^*\) is differentiable).
p^*(u,v) &\ge p^*(0,0)-\la^{*T} u - \nu^{*T} v\\
\pd{p^*}{v_i} &= -\nu_i\\
\pd{p^*}{u_i} &= -\la_i.
von Neumann minimax theorem. \[
\min_{1^T p = 1,p\ge 0} \max_{1^T q =1,q\ge 0} p^TAq = \max_q\min_p...
\] Proof: Write the LHS as \(\min_{p\ge 0, 1^Tp=1, P^Tp \le t\one}t\) and use strong duality.
- Give the dual problems for \(\min_{f_i\le 0, Ax=b}f\). Ditto for \(f_i\ge 0\).
- What is weak duality? Prove it.
- Give Slater’s conditions for equality (strong duality).
- Give the KKT conditions.
- What is duality for linear programming?
- Give intuition for duality. Explain what “shadow prices” are. What quantities represent sensitivity to constraints?
If \(x\) is a primal optimal, is there necessarily a \((\la,\nu)\) that satisfies the equations? I think if \(x\) is primal optimal and \((\la,\nu)\) is dual optimal, \((x,\la,\nu)\) does not necessarily satisfy. Check this.