Interior point methods

Posted: 2016-08-26 , Modified: 2016-08-26

Tags: convex optimization


The idea: Given \(\min_{f_i\le 0} f\),

  1. Find a feasible point.
  2. Turn into soft constraints: let \(F(t,x) = \min f+ \sum -\rc t \ln (-f_i)\). (Add a barrier function.) As \(t\to \iy\), \(F(t,x)\) becomes steeper and \(\to f(x)\) pointwise.
  3. Solve iteratively. Start at some \((x_0,t_0)\): Find a value within \(\ep\) of \(\min F(t_i,x)\). (Centering)
  4. Set \(t_{i+1}=\ga t_i\) (updating schedule).
  5. Go back to 3. Repeat until \(t\) is large enough. (\(m/t<\ep\))

Define the central path. What are the properties of the central path. Explain the relationship to the dual problem.

\[ C = \set{(t,x)}{x=\amin f(x) + \sum -\rc t \ln (-f_i(x))}. \] Now \(f(c(t))\to f(x^*)\). For \((t,x')\in C\), we have \[ \nb f + \sum - \fc{\nb f_i}{tf_i}=0.\] This is the first KKT condition with \(\la_i = -\rc{tf_i(x')}\). (Complementarity is not satisfied though: we have \(-\la_if_i=\rc t\), not 0.)

Let \(x^*=\amin_{f_i\le 0} f\), \(x'=\amin f - \sum \rc t \ln (-f_i)\). Substituting \(x',\la_i\) in the dual problem, we get \[\begin{align} f(x^*) &\ge \min_x f(x) - \sum \rc{t f_i(x')} f_i(x) \\ & = f(x') - \fc mt & x=x'\\ \implies f(x^*) \le f(x') &\le f(x^*) + \fc mt. \end{align}\]

Now add in the condition \(Ax=b\), and the term \(\nu^T(Ax-b)\). The analysis stays the same.

(\(\ln(-f_i)\) has the magic that its gradient is \(\nb f_i\) times something.)

What questions do we need to address?

  1. How do we find a point to start—find a feasible point?
  2. Given the previous almost-optimal solution, what’s the complexity of finding the next one, given ratio \(\mu\)? (Number of inner steps)
  3. How many outer steps do we need? When to stop? (We’ve shown the gap is \(\fc mt\), so stop when \(t>\fc m\ep\).

What assumptions do we need?

This is reasonable because it is self-concordant if all \(f_i\) are linear or quadratic, and \(\ln\) is good at making functions self-concordant.

Give an example of a problem that can be reformulated to be self-concordant. Technique is to add redundant constraints or extra variables.

Analysis and algorithm explanation

1 Place to start

How to find a feasible point? A feasibility problem can be transformed into an optimization problem

\[ \exists x, f_i\le 0, \iff \min_{f_i\le m} m\le 0. \] Assume \(\{\forall i, f_i\le 0\}\subeq B_R(0)\). Let \(\ol p^*\) be the optimal value of this optimization problem.

Actually add an extra constraint (\(a\) satisfies \(\ve{a}_2\le \rc R\) so is redundant). \[ \min_{f_i\le s, a^Tx \le 1} s. \] Choose \(a,s_0\) so that \((x=0,s=s_0, t_0)\) is on the central path (to make analysis easier), i.e., so \(x=0,s=s_0\) minimizes \[t^{(0)}s- \sumo im \ln (s-f_i(x)) - \ln (1-a^T x).\] Set the gradient to 0 to see that we require \[\begin{align} t^{(0)} &= \sumo im \rc{s_0 - f_i(0)}\\ a &= -\sumo im \rc{s_0-f_i(0)} \nb f_i(0). \end{align}\]

What to choose for \(s_0\)? We need \(s_0>F:=\max_i f_i(0)\) and \(\ve{a}_2\le \rc{R}\). Upper bound \(\ve{a}_2\) by \[ \ve{a}_2\le \sumo im \rc{s_0-f_i(0)}\ve{\nb f_i(0)} \le \fc{mG}{s_0-F},\quad G=\max_i \ve{\nb f_i(0)}_2, \] so we can take \(\boxed{s_0=mGR+F}\). Then \(t^{(0)} \ge \rc{mGR}\) so the initial duality gap is \(\fc{m+1}{t^{(0)}} \le (m+1) mGR\). Use the barrier method until the duality gap is \(<|\ol p^*|\), so that we can determine \(\sgn(\ol p^*)\). This requires (take \(\mu = 1+\rc{\sqrt{m+1}}\)) \[ \le \ce{\sqrt{m+1} \log_2 \fc{m(m+1)GR}{|\ol p^*|}}\pa{\rc{2\ga} + c} \] Newton steps. (Interpret \(\lg\pf{GR}{|\ol p^*|}\) as how close the feasibility problem is to the boundary between feasibility and infeasibility.)

(Equality constraints don’t change things too much. ?? \(G\), \(R\) refer to reduced/eliminated problem.)

Why did we add in \(a^Tx\le 1\)? Otherwise, we minimize \(ts-\sum \ln (-(f_i-s))\), and \[\begin{align} \ddd{s} &= t+\sum \rc{f_i-s} = 0\\ \nb_x &= \sum \fc{-\nb f_i}{f_i-s} =0. \end{align}\]

We can’t choose \(x=0\) because we need \(s>\max f_i\), and \(\nb_x>0\).

(Note if we add the constraint \(a^Tx\le 1\) for phase 1, we have to include it for phase II as well.)

Termination near phase II central path

During phase I, add in the extra constraint \(f_0(x)\le M\) to make it intersect the phase II central path. (We can add the constraint \(a^Tx\le 1\) below.) We want the point on the central path for phase I corresponding to \(s=0\) to also be on the phase II central path. (I think you won’t get to \(s=0\) exactly, but you get close—then the duality gap is \(m(M-f_0)+\)(something small).)

\[\begin{align} \min_{f_i\le s, f_0\le M, Ax=b} s:&& \nb(ts + (\sum-\ln (s-f_i)) - \ln (M-f_0) + A^T \nu) &=0\\ \iff && t&=\sum \rc{s-f_i} = \sum -\rc{f_i}\\ && \rc{M-f_0} \nb f_0 + \sum\rc{s-f_i} \nb f_i + A^T\nu &=0\\ \min_{f_i\le 0, Ax=b}f_0:&& \nb(tf_0+\sum - \ln (-f_i) + A^T \nu) &=0\\ \iff &&t\nb f + \fc{\nb f_i}{f_i} + A^T \nu &=0 \end{align}\]

Make these match by setting \(t=\rc{M-f_0}\). I.e., the initial duality gap for phase 2 is \(\fc{m}{t} = m(M-f_0)\).

2 Inner steps

Given \(x^*(t)\), how many steps does it take to compute \(x^*(\mu t)\)?

How can you use the fact that \(x\) is optimal for \(tf_0(x) + \phi(x)\) to prove how optimal it is for \(\mu t f_0(x)+\phi(x)\)?

Let \(x=x^*(t)\), \(x^+=x^*(\mu t)\).

It suffices to bound \[\mu t f_0(x) + \phi(x) - \mu tf_0(x^+) - \phi(x^+).\]

We can’t bound \(\ln(-f_i)\) directly. We can hope to bound the dual function \(\cL\) (we have info from the KKT conditions). Use the linear approximation to \(\ln\).

\[\begin{align} \mu t f_0(x) + \phi(x) - \mu tf_0(x^+) - \phi(x^+) &= \mu t f_0(x) - \mu t f_0(x^+) + \sum \ln \pf{\mu f_i(x^+)}{\mu f_i(x^+)}\\ &\le \mu t f_0(x) - \mu t f_0(x^+) + \sum \pa{\fc{\mu f_i(x^+)}{f_i(x)} - 1 -\ln \mu}\\ &= \mu t f_0(x) - \mu t f_0(x^+) + t\pa{\sum \rc{tf_i} \mu f_i(x^+)} - m - m\ln \mu\\ &= \mu t f_0(x) - \mu t \cL(x^+, \la, \nu) - m - m \ln \mu &Ax^+=b, \la_i = \rc{tf_i}\\ &\le \mu tf_0(x) - \mu t g(\la, \nu) - m - m\ln \mu\\ &=m(\mu-1 - \ln \mu). \end{align}\]

Thus, the number of inner steps is \[ \fc{f(x)=p^*}{\ga}+c = \fc{m(\mu - 1 - \ln \mu)}{\ga} + c \] (See Newton for definition of \(\ga\). We approximate \(\ln\ln\) by a constant.) This is approximately quadratic for small \(\mu\) (\(O(m(\mu-1)^2)\)), linear (\(O(m\mu)\)) for large \(\mu\). (This does not depend on \(n,p\).)

3 Outer steps

The number of outer steps needed is \(\ce{\fc{\ln (m/(t^{(0)}\ep))}{\ln \mu}}\) so the total number of Newton steps needed is \[\ce{\log_\mu \pf{m}{t^{(0)}\ep)}} \pa{\fc{m(\mu - 1 - \ln \mu)}{\ga} + c}. \]


\[\begin{align} N_I &= O(\sqrt m \log \pf{mGR}{|\ol p^*|} \rc{\ga})\\ N_{II} &= O(\sqrt m \log \pf{m(M-p^*)}{\ep}) \prc{\ga}. \end{align}\]

Explanation: The point at the end of phase I has duality gap \(\le (m+1)(M-p^*)\).


What are other ways to do Phase I?

What if we don’t know a point in \(\bigcap dom(f_i)\)? Add a translation, \(\min_{..., z_i=0} t^{(0)} f_0(x+z_0) - \sum \ln (s-f_i(x+z_i))\).

Disadvantage: There is no good stopping criterion when infeasible.

Primal-dual IPM

Review constrained optimization. Here there is no distinction between inner and outer iterations.

Applying the infeasible start Newton method to the barrier problem gives \[ \matt{t\nb^2 f_0+\nb^2 \phi A^T}{A^T}{A}{0} \coltwo{\De x_{nt}}{\nu_{nt}} = -\coltwo{t\nb f_0+\nb \phi}{0}. \] The residual is \((\nb f + \nb \phi + A^T\nu, Ax-b)\), \(\phi = -\sum \rc{t}\ln (-f_i)\).

But here \(t\) is fixed. We want to treat \(t\) as a variable. Actually, we introduce \(\la\).

Recall that a point on the central path gives a dual feasible \((\la, \nu)\) with \(\la_if_i=-\rc t\). We write everything in terms of the primal \(x\) and dual \((\la,\nu)\). Introduce \(\la\) as a variable that we want to satisfy \(\la_if_i=-\rc t\) (the modified KKT equation) to get the (dual, centrality, primal) residual \[r_t(x,\la,\nu) = \colthree{\nb f + Df^T\la + A^T\nu}{-\diag(\la) f - \rc t \one}{Ax-b} =: \colthree{\De x}{\De \la}{\De \nu} = -\colthree{r_{dual}}{r_{cent}}{r_{pri}}.\]

The Newton step for solving the modified KKT equations \[\begin{align} \nb f_0 + Df^T \la + A^T\nu &=0\\ -\la_i f_i &=\rc t\\ Ax-b &=0 \end{align}\] is hence (set the gradients of these equations to the negative residuals) \[\begin{align} \mattn{\nb^2 f_0+\sum \la_i \nb^2 f_i}{Df^T}{A^T}{-\diag(\la)Df}{-\diag(f)}{0}{A}00 \colthree{\De x}{\De \la}{\De \nu} = -\colthree{r_{dual}}{r_{cent}}{r_{pri}}. \end{align}\]

(\(Df\) has \(\nb f_i\) as rows.) The solution is the primal-dual search direction. It is not the same as the search direction in the barrier method (because here we’re changing \(\la\)).

Solving for \(\De \la\) and substituting gives \[\begin{align} \matt{\nb^2 f_0 + \sumo im \la_i \nb^2 f_i + \sumo im -\fc{\la_i}{f_i}\nb f_i \nb f_i^T}{A^T}A0 \coltwo{\De x_{pd}}{\De \nu_{pd}} &= \coltwo{r_{dual} - \sum \la_i \nb f_i - \sum \fc{\nb f_i}{tf_i}}{r_{pri}}\\ &=-\coltwo{\nb f_0 + \rc t \sumo im -\rc{f_i}\nb f_i+A^T\nu}{r_{pri}}. \end{align}\]

Compare to the Newton step for the centering method (\(t\) fixed) in the barrier method. The upper-left entry is replaced by \(t\nb^2 f_0 + \sumo im -\rc{f_i} \nb^2 f_i + \sumo \rc{f_i^2} \nb f_i f_i^T\), and the dual residual is instead \(t\nb f_0 + \sumo im -\rc{f_i} \nb f_i\).

The iterates are not necessarily feasible, so we can’t evaluate a duality gap. Define the surrogate duality gap for \(x,f(x)<0, \la\ge 0\) by \[\wh \eta(x,\la) = -f^T\la.\] It is the duality gap if \(x\) were primal feasible and \(\la,\nu\) were dual feasible (\(r_{pri}=0,r_{dual}=0\)).

The algorithm:

(Feasible start) Start with \(x\) such that \(f_i(x)<0\), \(\la>0\), \(\mu>1\), \(\ep_{feas}>0\), \(\ep>0\).

  1. Set \(t=\mu m/\wh eta\).
  2. Compute primal-dual search direction \(\De y_{pd}\).
  3. Line search and update.
  4. Repeat until \(\ve{r_{pri}}_2\le \ep_{feas}\), \(\ve{r_{dual}}_2\le \ep_{feas}\), and \(\wh \eta \le \ep\).

(Note \(r_{cent}\) means that we stick close to the central path.)
