Legendre transform

Posted: 2016-12-28 , Modified: 2016-12-28

Tags: convexity, duality




The Legendre transform (or conjugate dual) of a function \(f:X \to \R\) is defined as1 \[ f^*(y) = \sup_{x\in \Om} [\an{y,x} - f(x)] \] \(f^*\) is a function \(Y\to \R\) where \(Y=\set{y}{\sup_{x\in X} [\an{y,x} - f(x)]<\iy}\).

Proposition. \(f^*\) is convex.

Proof. \(f^*\) is a sup of linear (hence convex) functions.

Note that if \(f\) is differentiable, the argmax satisfies \(f'(x) = y\).

Theorem. If \(f\) is convex with domain \(X\) that is compact (and convex), then \(f=f^{**}\).

(Does this work without \(X\) being compact?)

Proof. We have \[ f^{**}(x') = \sup_{y\in Y} \inf_{x\in X} \an{x',y}-\an{y,x} + f(x). \] We want this to \[ =\inf_{x\in X} \sup_{y\in Y} \an{x',y}-\an{y,x} + f(x). \] \(\le\) is clear (it’s better to go second). We want to show \(\ge\) using minimax. A technical point is that we have to restrict to compact sets by adding a penalty term. Take compact sets \(\bigcup K_i = \R^n\) \[\begin{align} &= \lim_{i\to \iy} \sup_{y\in K_i} \inf_{x\in X} \an{x',y}-\an{y,x} + f(x)\\ & = \lim_{i\to \iy} \inf_{x\in X} \sup_{y\in K_i} \an{x'-x,y} f(x)\\ & = \lim_{i\to \iy} \inf_{x\in X} f(x) + (\sup_{y\in K_i} \an{x'-x,y}). \end{align}\]

Thus first player would choose \(x=x'\), giving the value \(f(x')\).

Appendix: von Neumann minimax

Let \(K\subeq \R^n\), \(L\subeq \R^m\) be compact and convex. Let \(f:K\times L\to \R\) where \(f\) is concave in \(x\) and convex in \(y\). Then there exists \((x_*,y_*)\in K\times L\) such that for all \(x\in K\), \(y\in L\), \[ f(x,y^*) \le f(x_*,y_*) \le f(x_*,y). \]

  1. This definition is suited for convex functions. The definition suited for concave functions is \[f^(y) = \inf_{x\in \Om} [\an{y,x} - f(x)].\]