
Posted: 2016-05-17 , Modified: 2016-05-17

Tags: sampling

A TOC for the sampling faction of optimization, including

From a TOC viewpoint:

See two cultures of optimization.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

This is a catch-all term for any method for sampling by running a Markov chain on the state space.

Formally, running MCMC for a distribution \(\pi\) on \(\Om\) means running a Markov chain \(X_t\) on \(\Om\) with stationary distribution \(\pi\).


Suppose * \(\Om\) has a graph structure where at each vertex we can easily choose a neighbor. (Ex. for valid colorings, it is easy to tweak a valid coloring to get another one, but it is hard to simply choose a random coloring.) * We want to sample a distribution on \(\Om\), but all we know is a function \(f\) such that \(P(x) \prop f(x)\). Equivalently, we only know the ratios between probabilities.

Can we sample from \(\Om\)? Yes, using Metropolis-Hastings. We already have a way to choose a neighbor randomly. However, running this Markov chain may give the wrong stationary distribution, so we sometimes “reject” a proposed move, using what we know about the desired distribution.

Definition. Consider a Markov chain where the probability of transitioning from \(x\) to \(y\) is \(\Psi(x,y)\). The Metropolis chain corresponding to \(\Psi\) is \[P(x,y) = \begin{cases} \Psi(x,y) \ba{\fc{\pi(y)\Psi(y,x)}{\pi(x) \Psi(x,y)} \wedge 1},&\text{if } y\ne x\\ 1- \sum_{z:z\ne x} \Psi(x,z) \ba{\fc{\pi(z)\Psi(z,x)}{\pi(x)\Psi(x,z)}\wedge 1},&\text{if }y=x. \end{cases}.\] In particular, if \(\Psi\) is symmetric, then it cancels out in the ratio.

Theorem. The stationary distribution of this Metropolis chain is \(\pi\).

Proof/derivation. At \(x\), we propose to move to \(y\) with probability \(\Psi(x,y)\). For the new chain, let’s accept this move with probability \(a(x,y)\), and reject with probability \(1-a(x,y)\) and stay at the current location. Then \(P(x,y) = \Psi(x,y) a(x,y)\) for \(y\ne x\). For \(\pi\) to be stationary, we want detailed balance, \[\begin{align} \pi(x) \Psi(x,y) a(x,y) &= \pi(y) \Psi(y,x) a(y,x)\\ \fc{ a(x,y)}{a(y,x)} &= \fc{\pi(y) \Psi(y,x)}{\pi(x) \Psi(x,y)}. \end{align}\]

We want \(a\) to be as large as possible for fast mixing, so choose \(a\) as defined.

Examples: coloring, optimization

Gibbs sampling/Glauber dynamics