(DKLPRS) Markov logic

Posted: 2016-05-17 , Modified: 2016-05-17

Tags: graphical model, probabilistic model, logic, FOL

Markov logic: Questions

(OK to have some kind of “complexity measure” of formulae saying how amenable they are to random-walk methods?)

Perhaps I need to learn about databases.

Wait, you aren’t flipping nodes! I thought of the nodes as the actors, and unary functions on them. But are the nodes supposed to be formulae? Like \(u_1(x)\), \(b_1(x,y)\), and everything not in it is false?

An atom is not a node but predicates applied to nodes!

(Note the logical contradictions is not on the level of node values, but on the formulas relating them? Don’t have \(A\wedge B\) as nodes, only have \(A\), \(B\).) Atoms are formulas without connectives like \(\wedge, \implies,\forall...\)

basic inference problem in first-order logic is to determine whether a knowledge base KB entails a formula F, i.e., if F is true in all worlds where KB is true

Sparsity in the sense that only the relations in the database can be true; everything else has to be false?

Also, I don’t understand how to deal with intermediate functions like \(f(x,g(y))\). It seems there’s too many possible values of \(g\)!

Approaches to get past intractability:

6.3 Structure learning: how do we even find the formulae?

19 Dependencies are really probabilistic. Ex. two titles sharing a word are more likely to be the same?


Lifted inference, lifted resolution in FOL #lookup

[KSJ] A general stochastic approach to solving problems with hard and soft constraints

I think people do MCMC in problem-solving. Try to tweak things locally. Sometimes though there’s a larger restructuring—view it as a step in a more abstract space, a more abstract transformation?


(Patterns you construct are patterns you could have found?)

Goal in learning should be to find the formula with weights which decrease the entropy the most?

SAT refutations corresponding to reasonable mathematical statements have short proofs but not the SAT framework? (Any way to compile down?)
