Control theory

Posted: 2016-12-06 , Modified: 2016-12-06

Tags: control theory

Course notes

1 Introduction

Setup \[\begin{align} \dot x(t) &= f(x(t),\al(t))\\ x(0) &= x^0\\ P[\al] &= \int_0^T r(x(t),\al(t))\,dt + g(x(T)) \end{align}\]

where \(\al: [0,\iy)\to A\) is the control, \(r:\R^n\times A\to \R\) is the reward and \(g:\R^n\to \R\) is the terminal reward. The goal is to find the optimal \(\al\). (We can think of \(x\) as a function of \(t, \al, x^0\), \(x(t, \al, x^0)\).)

Example: Economics (investment) - \(x\) is output and \(\al\) is proportion to reinvest. \[\begin{align} \dot x &= k\al x\\ x(0)&=x^0\\ P(\al)&=\int_0^T (1-\al(t))x(t)\,dt. \end{align}\] Example: Try to stop a train with rockets on both sides - Here \(T\) is not fixed, but the \(\tau\), the first time that \((x,\dot x)=0\). \(\al\in [-1,1]\), \(x=\coltwo qv\). \[\begin{align} \dot x & = \matt 0100 x + \coltwo 01 \al\\ P(\al) & = -\tau \end{align}\]

2 Controllability

Let \(C(t)=\set{x}{\exists \al, x(t, \al, x^0)= x}\) and \(C=\bigcup_{t\ge 0} C(t)\).

Consider linear systems with solution \[\begin{align} \dot x &= Mx + \ub{N\al}{f}\\ X&=e^{tM}\\ x(t) &= X(t) x^0 + X(t) \int_0^t X^{-1}(s) f(s)\,ds. \end{align}\]

(If \(A=\R^n\), then \(\rank G=n \iff C=\R^n\).)


Suppose we observe \(y=Nx\) where \(N\in \R^{m\times n}\). Think of \(m<n\).

Say the system is observable if \(Nx_1\equiv Nx_2\) on \([0,t]\) implies \(x_1\equiv x_2\).

Duality. \(\dot x = Mx\), \(y=Nx\) is observable iff \(\dot z = M^Tz + N^T \al\), \(\al\in \R^m\) is controllable.



Theorem. Any extreme point of the set of admissible controls \(\set{\al:\R^n\to [-1,1]^n}{x(t,\al,x^0)=x}\) has, for each \(t\ge 0\), \(i\), \(|\al^i|=1\) (is “bang-bang”). In particular, there always exists a bang-bang solution.



For the linear system and \(A=[-1,1]^n\), there exist a time-optimal bang-bang solution. I.e. \(\tau^*=\inf \set{t}{x^0\in C(t)}\) is attainable.

Proof. Take \(t_n\to t\), \(\al_n\). Use Alaoglu.

Let the reachable set be \(K(t,x^0) = \set{x^1}{\exists \al, x(x^0, \al, t) = x^1}\). It is convex and closed (Pf. Alaoglu).

Theorem. There is \(h\) (depending on \(x_0\), but not on \(t\)) such that the optimal action is \[ \al^*(t) = \max_{a\in A} [h^T X^{-1}(t)Na]. \]


  1. By convexity of \(K(\tau, x)\), \(0\in \pl K(\tau^*,x^0)\). Take \(g\) such that \(g^T x_1\le 0\) for \(x_1\in K(\tau^*,x^0)\).
  2. Write the trajectories \(\al, \al^*\) ending in \(x^1, 0\). Dot with \(g\). Het \(h^T = g^T X(\tau^*)\), get \(\int_0^{\tau^*} h^T X^{-1}(s) N(\al^*-\al)\,ds\ge 0\).
  3. If \(h^TX^{-1}N\al^* \le \max_{a\in A}h^T X^{-1}Na\) on some set then we can replace \(\al^*\) on that set and get something larger, contradiction.
Corollary. For \(H(x,p,a) = (Mx + Na)^Tp\), the optimal trajectory solves \[\begin{align} \cdot x &= \nb_p H\\ \cdot p &= -\nb_x H\\ \al &= \max_a\in A H. \end{align}\]

(Take \(p(0) = h\), \(p=h^TX^{-1}\).)


4 The Pontryagin Maximum Principle

Let \(L:\R^n\times \R^r\to \R\) (a Lagrangian). Suppose we want to solve (action equation) \[ \min I[x], \quad I[x] = \int_0^T L(x,\dot x)\,dt. \] Assume that \(p=\nb_v L(x,v)\) can be solved for \(v\). (How important is this?) The solution satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation \[ \ddd t \ub{[\nb_v L(x^*, \dot x^*)]}{p} = \nb_x L(x^*, \dot x^*). \]

Proof. Consider “differentiating” in directoin \(y:[0,T]\to \R^n\), \(y(0)=y(T) = 0\). Consider \(i(\tau) = I[x+\tau y]\). \(i(\tau)\ge i(0)\) so \(i'(0)=0\). \[ i'(0) = \sumo in \int_0^T L_x(x,\dot x)y_i + L_{v_i} (x,\dot x) \dot y_i\,dt. \] Choose \(y = \psi(t) e_j\). IbP gives \(L_{x_j} - (L_{v_j})_t=0\).

The solution to EL satisfies Hamiltonian system: let \(H=p^Tv - L(x, v(x,p))\), \[\begin{align} \dot x &= \nb_p H\\ \dot p &= -\nb_x H. \end{align}\] Proof. \[\begin{align} \nb_x H &= p\nb_x v - \nb_x L - \nb_v L \nb_x v = -\nb_xL\\ \nb_p H &= v(p) + p^T \fc{Dv}{Dp} - \nb_p L \\ &= \dot x + p^T \fc{Dv}{Dp} - (\nb_v L)^T\fc{Dp}{Dv}=\dot x. \end{align}\]

(This is pretty confusing. \(v\) is implicitly defined in terms of \(p\), the value such that \(p=\nb_v L(x,v)\).)

Example: \[\begin{align} L &= \fc{m|v|^2}{2} - V(x)\\ m\ddot x &= -\nb V(x(t))\\ p &= \nb_v L = mv\\ H(x,p) &= \fc{|p|^2}{2m} + V. \end{align}\]

4.2. Constraints create Lagrange multipliers, which contain valuable information. If \(x^*\in \pl R\), \(R=\{g\le 0\}\), \(x^*=\amax f\), then \(\nb f = \nb g\), \(\mu \nb f(x^*) = \la \nb g(x^*)\).

Maximal principle

The control theory Hamiltonian corresponding to \[\begin{align} \dot x & = f(x(t),a(t))\\ P[\al] &=\int_0^T r(x(t),a(t))\,dt + g(x(T)) \end{align}\]

is \[ H(x,p,a) = f(x,a)^Tp+r(x,a)\]

  1. Fixed time, free endpoint \[\begin{align} \dot x &= \nb_p H\\ \dot p &= -\nb_x H\\ H(x,p,\al) &= \max_{a\in A} H(x(t),p(t),a)\\ p(T) &= \nb g(x^*(T)). \end{align}\] Moreover \(t\mapsto H(x(t), p(t),\al(t))\) is constant.
  2. Free time, fixed endpoint \(P[\al] = \int_0^\tau r\,dt\). Everything is same except there is no end boundary value condition, and there is \(H(x(t),p(t),\al(t))\equiv 0\).

(See warning on p. 50.)

Methodology: solve for \(\al(x,p)\), substitute back, solve the DE, then sub \(x,p\) into expression \(\al\). “Feedback controls”: set \(\al(t) = c(t)x(t)\) and write equation for \(c(t)\). (Cf. eigenfunctions??)

Transversality: adding condition to start in \(X_0\) and end in \(X_1\), we have \(p^*(\tau^*)\perp T_1\), \(p^*(0)\perp T_0\).

Dynamic programming

Adding a variable can help. Ex. \[ I(\al) = \iiy \redd{e^{-\al x}} \fc{\sin x}{x} \dx,\quad I'(\al) = -\rc{\al^2+1}. \]

Fix \(T\). Vary starting time and point: \[ v(x,t) = \sup_{\al \in A} P_{x,t}[\al]. \]

Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation \[\begin{align} v_t + \ub{\max_{a\in A}[f\cdot \nb_x v + r]}{a^*(x,\nb_x v)} &= 0\\ v(x,T) & = g(x). \end{align}\] Proof. Taking the first equation, dividing by \(h\to 0\), using the chain rule \[\begin{align} v_t & \ge \int_t^{t+h} r\,ds + v(x(t+h), t+h) \\ v_t + \nb_x v \cdot x + r&\le 0. \end{align}\]

Now take the max. Equality attained at optimal \(\al^*\).

General procedure;:

  1. Solve HJB, compute \(v\).
  2. Solve for \(\al\), plug in.
  3. The feedback control is \(\al^*(s) = \al(x^*(s),s)\).
General linear-quadratic regulator \[\begin{align} \dot x &= Mx + N\al\\ P[\al] &= \int_t^T (x^TBx+\al^TC \al) \,ds - x(T)^T D x(T)\\ v_t + \max_{a\in \R^m} (\nb v^T Na - a^TCa) + (\nb v)^T Mx - x^TBx &=0\\ v(x,T)&=-x^TDx\\ a & = \rc 2 C^{-1} N^T\nb_x v\\ &=C^{-1} N^T Kx \end{align}\]

where \(K\) satisfies the matrix Riccati equation.

5.3. HJ equations…