Policy gradient

Posted: 2016-11-22 , Modified: 2016-11-22

Tags: reinforcement learning

[SASM00] Policy gradient methods for RL with function approximation

A version of policy iteration with arbitrary differentiable function converges to a locally optimal policy.

Problems with the value-function approach

\[\De \te \approx \al \pdd{\rh}{\te}.\]


The policy is parameterized by \(\te\), and gives probabilities of making action \(a\) in state \(s\), \[ \pi_\te(a|s) = \Pj_\te(a|s). \] Before, we considered the value at every state. Here, it’s more convenient to consider the value of a fixed start state, which we’ll denote by \(\rh\).

There are 2 ways we can have an expression for \(\rh\).

Consider two settings.

  1. Average reward setting. Here we want to maximize \(\lim_{T\to \iy} \rc{T}\sumz t{T-1} R_t\). Then let \(d_\te\) be the stationary distribution: \(d_\te(s)\) is the probability of being at state \(s\) under policy \(\pi_\te\).
  2. Discounted reward setting. Here we want to maximize \(\sumz t{\iy} \ga^t R_t\). Now \(d_\te\) has to take into account the discounting, so \[ d_\te (s) = \sumz t{\iy} \ga^t \Pj (s_t = s).\]
We also have to change our definition of \(Q\) for the average reward setting - otherwise all the \(Q\)’s would be the same! In the two cases, define \[\begin{align} Q^{\pi}(s,a) &= \sumz t{\iy} \E[R_t - \rh_\pi | s_0=s,a_0=a, \te]\\ Q^{\pi}(s,a) &= \E\ba{\sumz k{\iy} \ga^{k} R_{t+k} | s_t=s, a_t=a, \pi}. \end{align}\]

The second is the usual definition of the \(Q\)-function. Think of the first as “advantage” of starting at \((s,a)\). It converges because working out with matrices, \[ \E R_t = \rh_\te + O_{s,a} \pa{\la^t} \] where \(\la\) is the second-largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix (besides 1). So instead of discounting to make \(Q\) converge, we subtract the mean to make \(Q\) converge. Define \(V^\pi(s) = \max_a Q^\pi(s,a)\).

Then (for continuous spaces replace \(\sum\) with \(\int\)) \[\rh_\te = \sum_s d_\te(s) \sum_{a} Q^\te(s,a) \pi_\te(a|s) \] (Whenever something depends on the policy \(\pi_\te\), we write \(\te\) as shorthand: \(Q^{\te} = Q^{\pi_\te}\).


We need to calculate the derivative. Naively using the product rule, we would need \(\nb_\te d_\te(s)\) which we don’t have a way of estimating. But we can derive an expression that doesn’t include this term! To do this we differentiate the Bellman equation for \(V\) (which implicitly includes \(\rh\)).

Lemma 1. \[ \nb_\te \rh_\te = \sum_s d_\te(s) \sum_a \nb_\te \pi(s|a) Q^\te(s,a). \]

Proof. Our strategy is to write the one-step expansion of \(Q^\te\) Let \(R(s,a)\) be the one-step reward of action \(a\) in state \(s\). We write the proof for the undiscounted case. \[\begin{align} \nb_\te V^\te (s) &= \sum_a \pa{ (\nb_\te \pi_\te(a|s)) Q^\te(s,a) + \pi_\te(a|s) (\nb_te Q^\te(s,a))} &= \sum_a (\nb_\te \pi_\te (a|s)) Q^\te(s,a) + \pi(a|s) \nb_\te\pa{\E R(s,a) - \rh_\te + \sum_{s'} \Pj(s'|s,a) V^{\te}(s')}\\ \nb_\te \rh_\te &= \pa{\sum_a \nb_\te \pi_\te (a|s)) Q^\te(s,a) + + \pi(a|s) \sum_{s'} \nb_\te V^{\te} (s') \Pj(s'|s,a) }- \nb_\te V^{\te}(s) \end{align}\] This is unsatisfactory because we can’t estimate \(\nb_\te V^{\te}(s')\) for every \(s'\). But there is a combination of these we can estimate, namely the stationary distribution. So multiply by \(d_\te(s)\) and sum. \[\begin{align} \nb_\te \rh_\te &= \pa{\sum_{s} d_\te(s) \pa{\sum_a(\nb_\te \pi_\te(a|s)) Q^{\te}(s,a)} + \cancel{d_\te(s) \pa{\sum_a\pi(a|s) \sum_{s'} \nb_\te V^{\te}(s') \Pj(s'|s,a)}} - \cancel{\nb_\te V_\te(s)}}. \end{align}\]

We have to replace \(Q^\te\) by an estimate. This doesn’t correspond to an update rule directly, because we can’t estimate \(\nb_\te(s|a)\).

We estimate of \(Q^\te\) by a function approximation, updating by \(\nb_w (\wh Q^\te(s,a) - f_w(s,a))^2\) given a sample \((s,a)\). This converges to a local min where (\(\wh Q^\te\) is an unbiased estimator) \[\begin{align} \E \nb_w \pa{\wh Q^{\te} (s,a) - f_w(s,a)} &=0\\ \sum_s d_\te(s) \sum_a \pi_\te(s|a) (Q^\te(s,a) - f_w(s,a)) &=0 \end{align}\]

We would like to be able to replace \(Q^\te(s,a)\) in Lemma 1 with the approximation \(f_w(s,a)\). In order to do this we need the error to be 0: \[ \sum_s d^{\pi}(s) \pa{ \sum_a (\nb_\te \pi_\te(s|a)) Q^\te(s,a) - \nb_\te\pi(s|a) f_w(s,a) } \] In order for these to match up, we need \[ \nb_w f_w(s,a) = \fc{\nb_\te \pi(s|a)}{\pi(s|a)} = \nb_\te(\ln \pi(s|a)). \]

Question: Do people wait until convergence, or do they do alternating minimization in practice? Does alternating minimization converge?

Work out the loglinear case: \[\begin{align} \pi(s|a) &= \fc{e^{\te^T \phi_a(s)}}{\sum_b e^{\te^T\phi_b(s)}}\\ \nb_\te \ln \pi(s|a) &= \phi_a(s) - \fc{\sum_b e^{\te^T\phi_b(s)} \phi_b(s)}{\sum_b e^{\te^T \phi_b(s)}}\\ &= \phi_a(s) - \sum_b \pi(s|b) \phi_b(s). \end{align}\]

So take \[ f_w(s,a) = w^T ( \phi_a(s) - \sum_b \pi(s|b) \phi_b(s)). \]

How well does this parametrization work, compared to Q-learning by FA?

Questions, notes

  1. Does the LP formulation give a way to understand the derivative? In terms of slack constraints, etc.
  2. How nonconvex is this? What does the optimization landscape look like? Ex. take 2-action, 3-action case, random transition matrices, some kind of grouping together of states. See POMDP
  3. Try to prove intractability - see POMDP. The parametrization there is a slice of the product of simplices, rather than a subspace in logspace. But you can relate it to optimizing rational functions this way. The main reason I suspect intractability is that the degree can be as large as number of parameters…
Minimizing cross-entropy for loglinear is a convex problem. Minimize perplexity for distribution \(\Pj(y|x)\) with distribution \[ \wh P(y|x) = \fc{e^{\te_y^T\phi(x)}}{\sum_{y'} e^{\te_{y'}^T \phi(x)}}. \] To show convexity, we need to show log of partition function is convex. Reducing to 1-variable case, \[\begin{align} f &= \ln \sum_i e^{a_i+b_i\te}\\ f_\te & = \E b_i\\ f_{\te\te} &= \E b_i^2 - \pa{\E b_i}^2 \ge 0. \end{align}\]