(*) [KMN02] A Sparse Sampling Algorithm for Near-Optimal Planning in Large Markov Decision Processes paper
PAC formulation
[AAKMR02] A Note on the Representational Incompatibility of Function Approximation and Factored Dynamics.pdf
Barrier to solving factored MDP’s is not just computational ([PT87]), it is representational (there is no succinct policy)
DBN-MDP (factored MDP): transition law \(\de\) is dynamic Bayes net. The first layer are the variables (and action) at time \(t\), the second layer are the variables at time \(t+1\), the graph is directed, the indegree of each second-layer node is at most constant.
Rewards are linear.
Connection with AM-games: V’s state corresponds to state, P implements policy.
If PSPACE is not contained in P/POLY, then there is a family of DBN-MDPs, such that for any two polynomials \(s,a\), there exist infinitely many \(n\) such that no circuit \(C\) of size \(s(n)\) can compute a policy having expected reward greater than \(\rc{a(n)}\) times the optimum.
(This is the policy optimization part. Can you learn Bayes nets? @Andrej)
(Note that the “drifting context vector (RANDWALK)” model can be represented by a model with \(1\to 1', 2\to 2',\ldots\).)
What if you only compared to the best policy in a class of policies? (cf. EXP4)
Convergence of classic algorithms
[PB79] On the convergence of policy iteration in stationary dynamic programming.pdf
Equivalent to Newton-Kantorovich iteration procedure applied to functional equation of dynamic programming.
Sufficient conditions for superlinear or quadratic convergence. See [Howard].
Note: Does NOT apply to finite state MDPs! (Problem being that “best action” is not continuous in parameters?)
[SR04] Convergence properties of policy iteration.pdf
Compare to method of successive approximations. SA is bad when \(\ga\approx 1\).
[TVR96] An Analysis of Temporal-Difference Learning with Function Approximation paper
\(TD(\la)\) convergence
What is rate??
[B95] Residual Algorithms: Reinforcement learning with function approximation paper
Q-learning instability
[WD92] Q-learning
Given bounded rewards, learning rates \(0\le \al_n<1\), and \(\sumo i{\iy} \al_{n^i(x,a)}=\iy\) (\(n^i(x,a)\) is the \(i\)th time \(a\) is tried in state \(x\)) then \(Q_n\to Q^*\) wp 1.
Doesn’t address: under what \(Q\)? What if updating policy at same time? What’s regret?
Theory algorithms
(*) [AO06] Logarithmic online regret bounds for undiscounted reinforcement learning
Maintain confidence bounds on rewards and transition probabilities.
Only apply to unichain MDP’s: the stationary distribution of any policy does not depend on the start state (this is to make things easier, can do without)
Other work: adversarial reward, index policies (choose action with max return in confidence region)
UCRL, under assumption of 2 possible next-states for each state/action pair, PAC bound of \(\wt O \pa{\fc{|S\times A|}{\ep^2(1-\ga)^3}\ln \prc{\de}}\).
[KS02] Near-optimal reinforcement learning in polynomial time
(*) [JOA10] Near-optimal regret bounds for reinforcement learning paper
Improved UCRL (UCRL2)
[KN09] Near-Bayesian Exploration in Polynomial Time paper
[KAL16] Contextual-MDP, which is contextual bandits + RL.
Regret wrt policy class.
Poly in parameters, log in number of policies, independent of size of observation space. \(\poly(M, K, H, \ep, \ln N, \ln \prc\de)\)
Unlike POMDP, optimal policy is memoryless. (Definition is just this. For simplicity, consider layered POMDP’s.)
Ex. Disjoint contexts. Don’t know which observations correspond to which contexts! (Q: for HMM with “too many” observations what can we do?)
Warning: inefficient b/c requires enumeration of policy class. (? does this contradict the poly/log time above)
\(Q\) is realizable within the function class. (WHY doesn’t this work in the agnostic case?)
Deterministic transitions
Algorithm (cMDP-learn)
TD-elim: eliminate functions that do not approximate \(Q^*\) well (that do significantly worse than the best approximator so far)
Consensus: Compute MC estimates for the observable in the current state (run a lot of episodes, using the same actions up to the current point; because the system is deterministic the state is the same). If they are all close in value, return true, else return false.
Select a surviving policy, estimate \(V\) at root; if highly suboptimal value, invoke DFS-learn on paths visited by \(\pi_f\).
Idea: if a surviving policy \(\pi_f\) visits only states for which TD-Elim has been invoked, it must have near-optimal reward.
Deterministic transition
Enumerate class of regression functions
Realizability assumptions
[DPWR15] Bayesian Nonparametric Methods for Partially-Observable Reinforcement Learning paper
Factored MDPs, MDPs with exponential/continuous state space
[HSMM15] Off-policy Model-based Learning under Unknown Factored Dynamics.pdf
Under 3 assumptions, using a greedy approach to finding parents, estimate the transition function (parameters to Bayes net) (compre with prob models literature?)
This is for off-policy evaluation; it doesn’t tell us how to find the optimal policy.
(Is the model learning and policy evaluation coupled or not?)
(It seems to be learning the Bayes net rather than evaluating \(\pi\). Ah, once you learn the Bayes net then you can evaluate just by sampling.)
The difference from simpling learning a Bayes net is that the samples aren’t independent—they were from following a certain policy. Assumptions will ensure that you can still learn the model even if you only have samples from that policy.
(*) [AMS08] Fitted Q-iteration in continuous action-space MDPs
Fitted Q-iteration: Given a simulator, sample next actions \(s'\) given \(s,a\). Given \(Q^{n}\), approximate \(Q^{n+1}\) with these samples, then approximate \(Q^{n+1}\) as \(Q(s,a)=\te^T\phi(s,a)\). Use least squares: LSFQI. Then pick best \(\wh \pi_{n+1}\) using the approximation of \(Q^{n+1}\).
Space of functions can be neural networks, linear combination of selected basis functions, restriction of RKHS (cf. LS-SVM).
Warning: it’s not just the pseudo-dimension (related to VC dimension) of the function class \(\mathcal F\) that matters, but that of \(\mathcal F_{\max}^{\wedge} = \set{\max_{a\in A} Q(x,a)}{Q\in \mathcal F}\). (Actually, use the notion of fat shattering functions.)
Also called “fitted actor-critic algorithm”.
Under many assumptions, the error in \(V\) can be bounded in terms of the pseudo-dimension of the function class \(\mathcal F\).
[FDMW04] Dynamic Programming for Structured Continuous Markov Decision Problems paper
Group together states belonging to the same “plateau” where expected reward is nearly constant.
Use kd-trees to store the rectangular partitions.
[HK03] Linear Program Approximations for Factored Continuous-State Markov Decision Processes paper
2 settings
Factored MDP’s: approximate \(V\) within a class of functions \(\spn(\{f_i\})\). (Ex. each \(f_i\) depends on a small subset of variables.) Here, minimize \(\sum w_i \sum_x f_i(x)\) over all \(f\)’s that overestimate the reward: \(\sum_i w_i(f_i - \ga \sum_{x_i'} \Pj(x_i'|x_i, a)f_i(x_i'))-R(x,a)\ge 0\) forall \(x,a\).
Problem: infinite number of constraints. Insight: only a finite subset are active at any time.
Continuous MDP’s. Consider conjugate classes of transition models and basis functions that give closed-form expressions.
[LL05] Lazy Approximation for Solving Continuous Finite-Horizon MDPs paper
In value iteration \[V^{n+1}(x) = \max_{a\in A} \ba{R(x,a) + \int_X T(x'|x,a)V^n(x')\dx'}\] replace \(V^n\) with a piecewise constant approximation. (Otherwise it becomes a piecewise higher order polynomial.)
[MTT] A Fast Analytical Algorithm for MDPs with Continuous State Spaces paper
Focuses on MDP’s where the transition time (after an action) is governed by a exponential pdf \(\la e^{-\la t'}\).
[TS06] Probabilistic Inference for Solving Discrete and Continuous State Markov Decision Processes paper
The problem of solving a MDP (with decay \(\ga\)) can be reduced to max likelihood estimation. (It is over a mixture of finite-time MDP’s, weighted geometrically in \(\ga\) in the length.)
Fitted value iteration: Given a simulator, sample next actions \(s'\) given \(s,a\). Given \(V^{n}\), approximate \(V^{n+1}\) with these samples, then approximate \(V^{n+1}\) as \(V(s)=\te^T\phi(s)\) (ex. using least squares).
Can be extended to least-squares policy iteration.
(*) [ALA16] Reinforcement Learning of POMDPs using Spectral Methods paper
Spectral parameter estimation for POMDP’s
Combine with UCRL (exploration-exploitation framework) to get regret bounds (compared to memoryless policies) optimal in dependence on \(N\) (\(O(\sqrt N)\))
Unlike HMM, consecutive observations not conditionally independent
Technical: Concentration inequalities for dependent rv’s. Extend to marix value functions.
Previous/other work
model-free algorithms (\(Q\)-learning)
policy search methods
separate exploration and exploitation collect examples, then estimate parameters [Guo16]. PAC in RL POMDP?
Regret bounds optimal in \(N\) (\(\wt O(\sqrt N)\)). Depends on a natural notion of “diameter” for POMDP’s (different from definition for MDP’s. max mean passage time using best \(\pi\)).
Idea: by restricting to memoryless policies, generate conditionally independent views.
\(\mathcal P\) set of all stochastic memoryless policies that have a non-zero probability to explore all actions. Assume \(\pi\in \mathcal P\).
Can’t use spectral method for HMM’s.
But same idea: find 3 conditionally independent views (given \(x_t, a_t\)), use a “symmetrization” technique, and find spectral decomposition.
UCRL integration
distribution of the views \(v_1, v_2, v_3\) depends on the policy used to generate the samples. As a result, whenever the policy changes, the spectral method should be re-run using only the samples collected by that specific policy.
Construct set of admissible POMDP’s whose T, O, R models are in confidence interval
Open: analyze UCRL for finite horizon.
Stochastic policies are near-optimal in many domains (?). NP-hard to optimize but under some conditions can approximate
[ALA16] Open Problem - Approximate Planning of POMDPs in the class of Memoryless Policies (COLT2016) paper
Find exact or approximate optimal stochastic memoryless policy for POMDP.
What [ALA16] don’t address in other paper: planning. (Complexity considerations? i.e. is this tractable? Kaelbling98)
In their paper they assume access to an optimization oracle that gives best memoryless planning policy at end of each episode. - No algorithm for this right now!
[GDB16] A PAC RL algorithm for episodic POMDPs paper
PAC: whp, selects near-optial action on all but a number of steps poly in problem paramters (what is the definition?)
PAC learns in time \(T(\ep)\) means: achieves an expected episodic reward of \(V\ge V^*-\ep\) on all but \(T(\ep)\) episodes.
First PAC POMDP RL algorithm for episodic domains
Algorithm 1:
In each episode, take first four steps randomly (in correlated fashion) to explore. Need to assume that have probability of being anywhere in 2 steps.
Take chosen policy for the rest of the steps.
Algorithm 2: Update estimates for POMDP parameters.
Algorithm 3: Find best policy for current estimates of parameters.
Open questions
[S99] Open Theoretical Questions in Reinforcement Learning (not sure how open these are anymore!)
Control with function approximation
TD(\(\la\)) understood [TsVR97]
Q-learning unstable [Baird95]
Sarsa ??? (tends to oscillate close to best)
MC ES convergence (see update in BS?)
Bootstrapping more efficient than MC?
VC dimension over RL
Difficulty: different actions lead to different parts of space, so we don’t have a natural “test set” that can be reused to evaluate different policies (Test set seems like it would be drawn from different policies?)
Proposal: trajectory trees: tree of all sample transitions
Extend PAC to this setting.
[G] Reinforcement learning - a Tutorial Survey and Recent Advances.pdf
[KLM96] Reinforcement Learning - A Survey.pdf
[P14] Clearing the Jungle of Stochastic Optimization
4 classes of policies
Dynamic vs. stochastic programs
[P14] Energy and Uncertainty - models and algorithms for complex energy systems.pdf
(*) [P16] A Unified Framework for Optimization under Uncertainty