Self-taught learning ([RBLPN07] Self-taught Learning - Transfer Learning from Unlabeled Data)
Posted: 2016-08-31 , Modified: 2016-08-31
Tags: self-taught learning, dictionary learning, sparse coding
Posted: 2016-08-31 , Modified: 2016-08-31
Tags: self-taught learning, dictionary learning, sparse coding
Unlabeled data (ex. random Internet images, unlimited audio) need not have the same class labels or generative distribution as labeled data. This is different from
Makes ML easier and cheaper. Much of human learning is believed to be from unlabeled data. (Order of magnitude: \(10^{14}\pat{synapses}/10^9s=10^5\)bits/s)
Use sparse coding to construct higher-level features using unlabeled data. (cf. representation learning)
They use \(L^1\) norm regularization. \(\min_{A,x, \ve{A_{\cdot j}}\le 1} \sum_i \ve{y^{(i)} - Ax}_2^2 + \be \ve{x}_1\). Use AM.Now apply supervised learning algorithm, e.g. SVM.
?? Sparse coding model also suggests a specific specialized similarity function (kernel) for the learned representations. Once the bases b have been learned using unlabeled data, we obtain a complete generative model for the input x. Thus, we can compute the Fisher kernel to measure the similarity between new inputs.
(Disadvantages of PCA: linear and undercomplete)
What about auto-encoders and NMF?