Types and programming languages, Benjamin Pierce

Posted: 2016-07-31 , Modified: 2016-07-31

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20 Recursive types

\(\mu\) is a recursion operator for types. A definition \(T = \mu X. Y\) means: let \(T\) be the infinite type satisfying \(X=Y\).

Hungry = \mu A. Nat -> A
Stream = \mu A. Unit -> {Nat, A}
Process = \mu A. Nat -> {Nat, A}
Counter = \mu C. {get: Nat, inc: Unit -> C}

Note: you can’t define Hungry in Haskell because (Then how does printf work? Something with type classes?)

Recursive types well-types the fixed-point combinator. \[ fix_T = \la f:T\to T.(\la x:(\mu A. A\to T). f (x x)) (\la x:(\mu A. A\to T). f (x x)) \]

Every type is inhabited (\(\la\_:(). fix_T (\la x:T.x)\)), so systems with recursive types are useless as logics.

[Embed untyped lambda calculus]

20.2 Formalities

There are 2 basic approaches to recursive types. What is the relationship between the type and its one-step unfolding?

  1. Equi-recursive: They are definitionally equal.
  2. Iso-recursive: They are different but isomorphic. There are functions unfold and fold going both ways. (Ex. Haskell)

Note equi-recursive places more demands on the typechecker.

20.3 Subtyping

21 Metatheory of recursive types

Theorem (Knaster-Tarski): Let \(X\) be a poset, \(f:X\to X\) be order-preserving. Then there exists a fixed point, \(\sup\set{x\in X}{x\le f(x)}\).

Let \(\cal U\) be the universal set. Consider \((\cal P(\cal U), \subeq)\). Say \(X\) is \(F\)-closed/consistent if \(F(X)\subeq/\supeq X\).

Corollary. The intersection/union of all \(F\)-closed/consistent is the least/greatest fixed point of \(F\), denoted by \(\mu F, \nu F\).

(Principle of induction/coinduction) If \(X\) is \(F\)-closed, \(\mu F\subeq X\); if \(X\) is \(F\)-consistent, \(X\subeq \nu F\).

Finite tree types are given by

T = Top | (T, T) | T -> T 

Infinite tree types are like this but the tree can be infinite.

21.3 Subtyping

Say \(T<:Top\), \(S_1<:T_1, S_2<:T_2 \implies (S_1\times S_2)<:(T_1,T_2)\) and similarly for \(\to\). Take the transitive closure to get the subtyping relation.

21.7 Regular trees

A tree type is regular if subtrees(T) is finite.

21.8 Mu-types

T = X
	| Top
	| T x T
	| T -> T
	| \mu X. T

“Keep substituting” \(\mu X. T\) to get the tree type corresponding to the \(\mu\)-type, treeof\(([X\mapsto \mu X. T]T)(\pi)\).

22 Type reconstruction

2 questions:

  1. Are all substitution instances of t well typed? \[\forall \si, (\si \Ga \vdash \si t:T)\] Type variables should be held abstract. This leads to parametric polymorphism.
  2. Is some substitution instance of \(t\) well typed? \[\exists \si, (\si \Ga \vdash \si t:T)\] Can \(t\) be instantiated to a well-typed term by choosing appropriate values? This leads to type reconstruction/inference.

Constraint typing: \(\Ga \vdash t:T|_{\cal X} C\) means “term \(t\) has type \(T\) under assumptions \(\Ga\) whenever constraints \(C\) are satisfied.” \(\cal X\) tracks type variables introduced in each subderivation.

(This is a hybrid between the normal deductive system, and the bottom-up constraint generation system.)

22.7 Let-polymorphism

Not allowed: doubleFun:\(\forall a . (\forall f : a\to a) \to a \to a\) defined by

let doubleFun = \f x -> f (f x)

Reason: a polytype cannot appear inside ->.

T-LetPoly: \[ \frac{\Ga \vdash [x\mapsto t_1]t_2:T_2 \quad \Ga \vdash t_1:T_1}{\Ga \vdash \text{let }x=t_1\text{ in }t_2:T_2}. \] Instead of calculating a type for \(t_1\), it substitutes \(t_1\) in the body. I.e., perform a step of evaluation before calculating types.

Problem: If the body contains many occurrences, we have to check once for each occurrence. This can take exponential time. See p. 333-4 for solution. Worst-case is still exponential, but in practice it is essentially linear.

Universal types

We need to abstract out a type from a term and instantiate the abstract term with concrete type annotations.

23.3 System F

Equivalent to polymorphic lambda-calculus a.k.a. 2nd-order lambda calculus because it corresponds to 2nd-order intuitionistic logic, which allows quantification over predicates (types) not just terms.

New terms are


Impredicative: definition involves thing being defined. \(T=\forall X.X\to X\) ranges over all types, including \(T\) itself.

Predicative/stratified: range is restricted to monotypes.