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Posts tagged "none"
Weekly summary 2018-11-10
Weekly summary 2017-09-09
Weekly summary 2017-07-22
Weekly summary 2017-04-29
Weekly summary 2017-04-08
Weekly summary 2017-03-18
Weekly summary 2017-03-11
Linear convex regulator 2
Linear convex regulator
Weekly summary 2016-12-03
Weekly summary 2016-11-19
Probabilistic models - Ideas
Weekly summary 2016-11-12
Weekly summary 2016-11-05
Weekly summary 2016-10-29
Weekly summary 2016-10-22
MDP's with continuous state space (scratch)
MDP's with continuous state space
Hidden Markov Models
Weekly summary 2016-10-15
Weekly summary 2016-10-08
Weekly summary 2016-10-01
Weekly summary 2016-09-24
Weekly summary 2016-09-17
Weekly summary 2016-09-10
Weekly summary 2016-09-03
Weekly summary 2016-08-27
Distribution of critical points
Weekly summary 2016-08-13
Approximation theory and approximation practice
Weekly summary 2016-08-06
Chebyshev polynomials
Types and programming languages, Benjamin Pierce
Type theory
LLVM tutorial
Representation learning
Stanford quals
Weekly summary 5-14-16
Weekly summary 4-30-16
Geometric functional analysis
Perfect LCCs
Notes index
Matrix factorizations
Weekly summary 4-9-16
Maximum entropy distributions
Fisher information
(AGM14) New algorithms for learning incoherent and overcomplete dictionaries
LCC lower bounds by geometry
(Bar13) Convexity of the image of a quadratic map via the relative entropy distance
Weekly summary 4-2-16
Type and Cotype
(CHMAL15) The Loss Surfaces of Multilayer Networks
(SD15) Minimax rates for memory-bounded sparse linear regression
(Rem16) The Hilbert Function, Algebraic Extractors, and Recursive Fourier Sampling
Recursive Fourier Sampling
MAT529 notes
Real channels
Conversation with Zeev 2-24-16
Calculus formulas
AI Control References