Geometric functional analysis

Posted: 2016-04-20 , Modified: 2016-04-20

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Notes from Vershynin’s course Geometric functional analysis.

Functional analysis and convex geometry

Theorem (Approximate Caratheodory): Let \(x\in \conv A\). There exist \(N\) points \(x_i\in A\) such that \[\ve{x-\rc N\sumo iN x_i}\le \fc{r(A)}{N}.\] (Given \(x\) as a linear combination of elements of \(A\), there is a probabilistic algorithm to find this combination.)

(Here, \(r(A)\) is the radius of \(A\).)

Proof. If \(x=\sum a_i z_i\), sample by \(a_i=\Pj(x=z_i)\). By Chebyshev, \[\E\ve{x-\rc N \sumo jN z_j}\le \fc{r(A)^2}{N}.\]

Remark: This can be adapted to \(L_p\).

Banach-Mazur distance


Concentration of measure and Euclidean sections of convex bodies

Observation: Convex bodies like spheres tend to have a lot of mass concentrated in the “middle”. This is a very powerful observation: concentration of measure for a set implies concentration for Lipschitz functions on the set.

Johnson-Lindenstrauss says that a random projection approximately preserves distances. A sophisticated way to look at this is the following. We can view this as a concentration result: the norm of the projection of \(x\) is a Lipschitz function; it must be concentrated around its mean.

A powerful application of concentration of measure is Dvoretzky’s Theorem (big generalization of JL?), which find large Euclidean-like subspaces in general Banach spaces. (What’s the relationship between the \(\log\) here and in Dvoretzky?)

Concentration of measure

For a set \(A\) let \(A_\ep\) denote the \(\ep\)-neighborhood.


  1. (Isoperimetric inequality) Among all sets with given measure, spherical caps minimize \(\si(A_\ep)\). (Proof?)
  2. Let \(\si\) be the measure on the sphere. For any measurable \(A\subeq \bS^{n-1}\) with \(\si(A)\ge \rc 2\), \(\si(A_\ep)\ge 1-e^{-\fc{n\ep^2}2}\). Proof:
    • For the equator \(E\), \(\si(E_\ep)\ge 1-2e^{-\fc{n\ep^2}{2}}\). Use isoperimetric inequality.
  3. Corollary: For \(f:\bS^{n-1}\to \R\) 1-Lipschitz, letting \(M\) be the median, \[\si(|f-M|\le \ep) \ge 1-2e^{-\fc{n\ep^2}{2}}.\] This remains true if \(M\) is replaced by the mean.


Consider \(\R^n\) with measure \(\ga\) given by \(N(0,I)\).

  1. (Isoperimetric inequality) Among all sets with given measure, halfspaces minimize \(\si(A_\ep)\).
  2. If \(\ga(A)\ge \rc2\), then \(\ga(A_t)\ge 1-e^{-\fc{t^2}{2}}\).
  3. Corollary: For \(f:\R^{n-1}\to \R\) 1-Lipschitz, letting \(M\) be the median, \[\ge(|f-M|\le \ep) \ge 1-2e^{-\fc{n\ep^2}{2}}.\] This remains true if \(M\) is replaced by \((\E|X|^p)^{\rc p}\) for any \(p\ge 1\).


See JL.

Theorem (Johnson-Lindenstrauss): Let \(|X|=n\), \(X\) a subset of Hilbert space. For any \(\ep>0\), there exists a \((1+\ep)\)-embedding of \(X\) into \(\ell_2^k\), \(k\ge \fc{C}{\ep^2}\ln n\).

Proof. Project randomly using gaussians. We can directly bound the concentration, but let’s be more sophisticated.

  1. Project randomly using gaussians. Let \(f:\R^{k\times n}\to \R\) be defined by \(G\mapsto \ve{Gx}_2\). This is 1-Lipschitz. Use concentration of measure for Gaussian space, and then union bound.
  2. Take a uniformly random projection (ise the Grassmannian, or equivalently, take a uniform rotation followed by a fixed projection). Let \(f:\bS^{n-1}\to \R\) be defined by \(x\mapsto \ve{Tx}_2\). Use concentration of measure for the sphere.

Dvoretzky’s Theorem


Dvoretzky finds large Euclidean subspaces.

  1. Theorem (General Dvoretzky): Let \[M(K) = \int_{\bS^{n-1}}\ve{x}\,d\si(x).\] There exists a subspace \(E\), \(\dim E=c(\ep) nM^2\) such that \[ \ve{x}\in [1-\ep,1+\ep] M \ve{x}_2.\] We can take \(c(\ep) = C\fc{\ep^2}{\ln \rc{\ep}}\).
  2. Theorem (Dvoretzky): Let \(X\) be \(n\)-dimensional Banach. Given \(\ep>0\) there exists a subspace \(E\) of \(X\) of dimension \(k=k(n,\ep)\to \iy\) as \(n\to \iy\), such that \(d(E,\ell_2^k)\le 1+\ep\).
  3. Theorem (Geometric Dvoretzky): Let \(K\) be a symmetric convex body in \(\R^n\). Given any \(\ep > 0\), there exists a section \(K \cap E\) of \(K\) by a subspace \(E\) of \(\R^n\) of dimension \(k = k(n, \ep)\to \iy\) as \(n \to \iy\) such that \(E \subeq K \subeq (1 + \ep)\mathcal E\) for some ellipsoid \(\mathcal E\).

There is an alternative formulation for gaussian space, which is often computationally easier.

Define \(\ell_X:=\pa{\int_{\R^n} \ve{x}^2\,d\ga_n(x)}^{\rc 2} = (\E\ve{g}^2)^{\rc 2}\). This is off from \(M\) by a factor of \(\sqrt n\): \[ \ell_X\sim \sqrt n M_X.\] Thus we can replace \(M_X\) by \(\fc{\ell_X}{\sqrt n}\) in the bound.


  1. Show it suffices to bound on \(\ep\)-nets, and bound the size of the smallest \(\ep\)-net.
    1. Let \(\mathcal{N}_\de\) be a \(\de\)-net of \(S_X\). Then \[\begin{align} \ve{T}&\le \rc{1-\de} \sup_{x\in \mathcal{N}_\de}\ve{Tx}\\ \inf_{y\in S_X} &\ge \inf_{x\in N} - \de\ve{T}. \end{align}\] Applying this to the identity map from \(\ved_2\) to \(\ved\), obtain: if \(\ve{x}\in [1-\ep,1+\ep]M\) for all \(x\in \cal N\), then for all \(x\in \bS^{n-1}\), \[\ve{x} \in \ba{1-\ep-2\de, \pf{1+\ep}{1-\de}M}.\]
    2. There is an \(\ep\)-net of size \(\pa{1+\fc 2\ep}^n\).
  2. General Dvoretzky: Apply concentration of measure to a fixed vector \(x\) of the function \(\ved\). Union bound over a \(\de\)-net and approximate the sphere by the \(\de\)-net using 1.
  3. (Aside) We can calculate \(\ell_X\) for many spaces. Standard concentration bounds give \[\begin{align} 1\le p\le 2\implies \ell_{\ell_p^n} &= c(\ep) n&\implies k(\ell_p^n) &\ge c(\ep)n\\ q\ge 2\implies \ell_{\ell_q^n} &= c(\ep) q n^{\fc 2q}&\implies k(\ell_q^n) & \ge c(\ep)q n^{\fc 2q}\\ \ell_{\ell_{\iy}^n} & c\sqrt{\ln n} &\implies k(\ell_\iy^n) & \ge c(\ep)\ln n. \end{align}\]
  4. We show \(k(\ell_\iy^n) \asymp\ln n\). Spherical caps!