Maximum entropy distributions

Posted: 2016-04-04 , Modified: 2016-04-04

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Many naturally occurring distributions are the maximal entropy distribution under some constraint. Here is a table.

Constraint | Distribution | Entropy (base e)

Mean \(\mu\), variance \(\si^2\) | Normal\((\mu,\si^2)\) | \(\rc2 (1+\ln (2\pi \si^2))\) Support \([0,\iy)\), mean \(la\) | Exponential \(\rc{\la} e^{-\fc x\la}\) | \(1+\ln \la\) \(\E X= \mu\), \(\E |X - \E X| = \la\) | Laplace\((\mu,2\la^2)\) | \(1+\ln(2\la)\) Energy \(\sum p_iE_i = \ol E\) | Boltzmann \(\Pj(i) = \fc{e^{-\be E_i}}{Z}\), \(Z=\sum_i e^{-\be E_i}\) | \(\E(-\be E) - \ln Z\)

Note that in the continuous case, the Boltzmann formula encompasses everything! For example, for the normal distribution, energy is \((x-\mu)^2\).

A systematic way to show this is Lagrange multipliers.

A more elegant way is to do the following:

Here is an example. For \(q=\rc{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\fc{x^2}{2\si^2}}\), \[-\int_{\R} p \ln q \dx = \rc2 \ln(2\pi \si^2) + \int_{\R}p\cdot \rc2 \pf{x}{\si^2}^2\dx = \rc2 \ln(2\pi \si^2) + \rc{2}\fc{\Var(q)}{\si^2}.\]

Question: why is the maximum entropy distribution the best choice in statistical problems?