Weekly summary 2016-10-01

Posted: 2016-09-26 , Modified: 2016-09-26

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Meeting with Arora


Thoughts about PMI


In the CKN, given that one layer is \(x\), the next layer (before pooling) is computed as \(y_i=(e^{v_i^x+b_i})_i\) for some \(v_i,b_i\). We have that the dimension of \(y\) is larger than the dimension of \(x\).

This looks very much like in PMI for word vectors, where the probability of word with vector \(v\) given context \(x\) is \(e^{-v^Tx}\), and the low-rank approximation to the PMI matrix recovers the \(v\)’s.

But does that mean applying weighted SVD for PMI for the CKN feature vectors is somehow just trying to recover the \(v_i\)? In that case the dimension reduction would just be going from \(y\) back to \(x\), which doesn’t help classification.

(This doesn’t take into account the Gaussian pooling though.)

What would be the “test” for interpretability? For word embeddings, the test was analogy completion.

If the PMI matrix is low-rank, then what do we get beyond the fact that the feature vectors (7200-dim) came from a lower-dimensional (28x28) space? (In what sense would we expect the dimension-reduced feature vectors to be more interpretable than the original image?)