Weekly summary 2017-09-09

Posted: 2017-09-05 , Modified: 2017-09-05

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Current projects


Logic learning (with Kiran)



Instead of a log-linear model with features from (logical forms, canonical utterances), have something more principled.

Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing

Agenda-based parsing: reduce from n^3

Unanimous Prediction for 100% Precision with Application to Learning Semantic Mappings: certainty

Learning Executable Semantic Parsers for Natural Language Understanding: score derivations with log-linear (survey)

Bringing machine learning and compositional semantics together (survey)

Simpler Context-Dependent Logical Forms via Model Projections: add context dependence.

Inferring Logical Forms From Denotations: getting consistent logical forms

Building a Semantic Parser Overnight: entire pipeline, with crowdsourcing

“To generate candidate logical forms, we use a simple beam search” - it seems better to parse, keep top from beam search, and then convert?

moral: throw in lots of features

Paraphrasing and transformations

The cat was chased by a dog. The cat was bitten.

If CFG doesn’t have too much “latent”, everything is close to surface, then have hope? Prevents combinatorial blowup of possible hidden states/transitions.

Beyond CFGs

Have a superset of the right rules. Now use gradient update to find which best explain it. Also would like to match things that transform, like “You want x.” and “What do you want?”

Neuroscience reading

AISFP preparation