LCC lower bounds by geometry

Posted: 2016-04-02 , Modified: 2016-04-02

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General plan

See LDCs for basics.

Suppose the LCC is large.

Convex hull of image is large


Intuitively this can work: consider a simplexification; if each simplex is large the volume grows rapidly in terms of the number of vertices.

Image close to convex

The idea is from Bar13.

We modify it to give a bound on \(L^2\) distance instead of KL-divergence, and to look at the image of the unit ball instead. (Normalize the domain by \(\rc{\sqrt{n}}\).) The image is of size on the order \(\sqrt{n}\), and we get \(\ep\sqrt{n}\) approximations.

Problem: Is this enough?

Volume of image small

For \(q=2\), get \(\pf{C}{\sqrt n}^n\).

For \(q>2\), use the matrix Efron-Stein inequality.

We might want to look at surface areas, etc. I think 1-dimensional length between code-words gives a ECC condition.