Perfect LCCs

Posted: 2016-04-13 , Modified: 2016-04-13

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There are many proofs showing we must have \(n=2^k\) for perfect 2 LCCs. Can we extend these methods to give

A perfect \(q\)-LCC of input length \(k\) in \(n\) dimensions is a set of \(2^k\) points in \(\{\pm 1\}^n\), together with \(n\) unions of perfect \(q\)-matchings \(M_i\) (or just matchings) and a sign \(s_m\) for each \(m\in M_i\), such that on codewords, the decoding process defined by taking any \(m\in M_i\) and taking \(s_m \prod_{j\in m}x_i\) recovers \(x_i\) with probability 1. In other words, \[\EE_{m\in M_i} s_m\prod_{j\in m} x_j = 1.\]

Proof 1

For \(q=2\), these are quadratic forms \(Q_i\), with associated matrices \(A_i\). The fact that they are matchings means that \(A_i = \rc nS_i\) where \(S_i\) is (doubly) stochastic. (In fact, we can deal more generally with perfectly smooth LCCs that recover perfectly on codewords.) The codewords are those with \[Q_i(x)=x \iff \an{x,A_ix}=x_i.\] Now \(S\), being stochastic, satisfies \(\ve{S}_{\iy\to \iy} \le 1\). Now \(\ve{x}_{\iy}\le 1\) so \(\ve{A_i x}_{\iy}\le \rc{n}\). We have \[n=\ve{x}_1 =\sum_i |\an{x,A_ix}|\le \sum_i \ve{A_ix}_{\iy}\ve{x}_1=n,\] so equality holds and \(A_ix = x_ix\).

This means the \(x\in C\) are simultaneous eigenvalues for the \(A_i\). The sequences of eigenvectors are different, so \(|C|\le n\), i.e., \(2^k\le n\). Equality is acheived for the Hadamard code.

To extend this: some notion of “approximate eigenvector,” “well-conditioned linear dependency”?

Proof 2

For LDCs whose matching correspond to a group action, every \(i\) corresponds to a matching \(M_i=\{(y, y+x_i)\}\). Now for any \(\ep\in \{-1,1\}^k\), there must exist a set \(S\), the support of the codeword \(x=C(\ep)\), for which \(M_i\) only has edges in \(S\) if \(\ep_i=1\), and \(M_i\) only has edges between \(S,S^c\) if \(\ep_i=-1\). We must have \(|S|=\fc n2\).

Now if \(x_k=\sum_{i=1}^{k-1} a_ix_i\), consider the set \(S\) where \(\ep_i=1\) iff \(a_i=1\), but \(\ep_{k}=-1\). Then \(S = S+x_i\) for all \(i\), and \(S\ne S+x_k\), contradiction.

This is very much related to the first proof. There, one can use a linear dependency argument to show there can’t be more than \(n\) eigenvectors with distinct sequences of eigenvalues. (Make this relationship more explicit?)