Real channels

Posted: 2016-02-27 , Modified: 2016-02-27

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What’s the model?

At what (limiting) rate can you transmit information?

Note: A sum is like an integral. Take exps instead of sin/cos for simplicity. Then for \(x\) a sum of exponentials \(\phi_n\), \[ \int_0^1 x(t)\phi_n(t) = a_n = \EE_{t=0}^{N-1}x\pf{t}{N} \phi_n\pf{t}{N}. \]

Useful: \(N(y;x,\si^2)N(x;0,v) = N\pa{x;\fc{v}{v+\si^2}y, \pa{\rc{v}+\rc{\si^2}}^{-1}}\). Mean is means harmonically weighted by variances (i.e. weighted by precisions). “Whenever two independent sources contribute information, via Gaussian distributions, about an unknown variable, the precisions add.”

“Real continuous channel with \(W\) and noise \(W_0\) is \(\fc{N}{T}=2W\) uses per second of Gaussian with \(\si^2=N_0/2, \ol{x_n^2}\le \fc{P}{2W}\).

(How do you think of discrete bits as encoding a point in real space? Or are you transmitting analog information?)

Bandwidth is more powerful than low noise.

(Q: Why does M say that entropy can’t be defined for continuous variables? I guess this should be taken to mean that the definition of \(h\) wouldn’t be invariant under change of coordinates.)


  1. (Solution p. 189/201) Use Lagrange multipliers with functions (calculus of variations). Use \(\fc{\de F}{\de P^*}\int P(x) f(x,P) \dx = f(x^*,P) + \int P(x)\fc{\de f(x,P)}{\de P(x)}\) (cf. normal product rule). Note \(P(y|x)\) is fixed (normal), but \(P(y)\) depends on \(P(x)\), it is really a function of \(P\), \(f(P)\). Simplify, and then substitute \(P(y|x)\). Match coefficients in Taylor expansion.

    Question: Why does the constraint \(\int P\dx=1\) become \(\mu\pa{\int P\dx}\) rather than \(\mu(\bullet-1)\)? They disappear after differentiation!

    TAKEAWAY: Calculus of variations. Gaussian distributions is best. (Why not 2 points as far as possible?)

  2. Just calculate the integral. Mutual info is \(\rc2\ln \pa{1+\fc{v}{\si^2}}\). This is the capacity (explained on p. 182) (?). The more power, the more capacity, scaling by log.

Cover, Thomas

Ch. 8

Nice summary on p. 282.

Ch. 9


9.10 looks interesting.


  1. I thought that this meant the \(f\) live in a finite-dimensional space. No? This confuses me. Are we taking infinitely many samples spaced \(\rc{2W}\) apart? Because \(F\) is not in a finite dimensional space.