Relevant coordinates
Posted: 2016-06-02 , Modified: 2016-06-02
Tags: linear algebra++
Posted: 2016-06-02 , Modified: 2016-06-02
Tags: linear algebra++
General problem: Often, given high dimensional data in \(\R^n\), only a subset \(S\sub [n]\) of coordinates are “relevant”. Identify them.
Here are possible formalizations of the problem.
The goal is to find \(S\). (Then we can recover the centers by standard clustering algorithms.)
Note: There may be a cheap way to do this by identifying which coordinates are \(\sim N(0,1)\). We want something more generalizable. Ex. assume \(x_j\sim N(y_j, \tau_j^2)\). Even better, assume that the \(x_j\) are independent but their distribution is arbitrary.
Let \(A\) be a matrix such that taking the rows with indices in \(S\) (\(|S|=c_1m\) as above), and suppose that \(A\) is \(\ep\)-close1 in \(L^2\) to a rank \(k\) matrix, and the rest of the entries are generated as \(N(0,1)\). Identify \(S\).
A probabilistic version: \(A_{S,i}\) is \(N(0, \Si)\) where \(\Si\) is close to rank \(k\).
Look at the \(L^1\) norm and variance (\(L^2\) norm) of each row.
For the non-noise rows,
A=\EE_{j=1}^n |A_{ij}| & > \sfc{2}{\pi}\sum|\si_{k_j}|\\
B=\EE_{j=1}^n |A_{ij}|^2 - (\EE_{j=1}^n |A_{ij}|)^2 &=\sum_i \si_i^2,
and \(\fc{\sqrt B}{A}>\sfc{2}{\pi}\).But this is heavily dependent on the exact distribution of noise! We want something more generalizable.
Sometimes we can recover even if the noise seems to be larger than the signal, because the noise is uncorrelated. Ex. a random \(n\times n\) matrix with \(N(0,1)\) entries has eigenvalues on the order of \(O(\sqrt n)\).2
Reference: Synchronization problem, Amit Singer.
Problem: Let \(x\in \{\pm 1\}^n\). Given \(xx^T + E\) where each entry of \(E\) is \(N(0,\si^2)\), recover \(x\) (whp). What level of noise \(\si\) can we tolerate?
(We want to recover all of \(x\), rather than just something correlated with \(x\).)
The largest eigenvector of \(A=xx^T\) is \(v_1(A) = x\). By Wedin’s Theorem, \[ \sin\angle(v_1,v_1') \le \fc{\ve{E}_2}{|\la_1(A) - \la_2(A)|} = \fc{\ve{E}_2}{n} \stackrel?{\ll} \rc{\sqrt n}, \] since the closest vector \(w\) to \(v_1\) is at an angle \(\te\) away where \(\cos \te = \fc{n-2}n\), \(\sin \te \sim \rc{\sqrt n}\). So we need \(\ve{E}_2=\wt o(\sqrt n)\)3.
To get \(\ve{E}_2=\wt o(\sqrt n)\) we need \(\si=\wt o(1)\). Using this method we can only tolerate a level of noise \(\ll 1\).
We want \(\min_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n}\ve{xx^T-A}_F^2\). (Minimize the sum of squares because this is \(\propto\) the log-likelihood.)
Relax this: \[ \amin_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n}\ve{xx^T-A}_F^2 =\amax_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n}x_iA_{ij}x_j =\amax_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n} \Tr(xx^T) =\amax_{B\succeq 0 , B_{ii}=1} \Tr(AB) \]
WLOG the optimal solution is \(\one\)4. By SDP duality, \(\one\one^T\) is the unique best solution if there exists \(Q\succeq 0\), \(\Tr(\one\one^T(Q-W))=0\) where \(W=A+E\) is observed.
Let’s consider when \(E\) is symmetric.5 We choose \(Q=\diag((\sum_{j}A_{ij})_i)\). Then \(M:=Q-W = \mattn{A_{12}+\cdots +A_{1n}}{-A_{12}}{\cdots}{-A_{21}}{A_{21}+A_{23}+\cdots}{\cdots}{\vdots}{\vdots}{\ddots}\).
We can think of this as a sum of random matrices \(\matt{1+\ep}{-(1+\ep)}{-(1+\ep)}{1+\ep}\) in the submatrix at indices \(\{i,j\}\times \{i,j\}\). The average is \(\mattn{(n-1)}{-1}{\cdots}{-1}{n-1}{\cdots}{\ldots}{\ldots}{\ddots}\) with eigenvalues \(n,\ldots, n,0\).
There is concentration up to \(\sqrt{n\ln n}\si\). We just need this to be \(<n\) in order to make the second smallest eigenvalue of \(M\) be \(>0\). (The smallest eigenvalue is 0.)
Thus we can tolerate noise up to \(\si = o\pa{\sfc{n}{\ln n}}\), much better!
Next step: try to generalize this!
We want to recover the clustering from \(\mattn JOOOJOOOJ\) plus noise.
Let \(x\in\R^{3n}\) be the (proposed) clustering, where we think of \(x\in (\R^3)^n\) and \(x_i=e_j\) if \(i\) is in the \(j\)th cluster.
We want \(\min\sum_{i,j} (x_{i1}x_{j1}+x_{i2}x_{j2}+x_{i3}x_{j3} - a_{ij})^2\) over valid \(x\)’s. For valid \(x\)’s, the quadratic term is 0 or 1, so we want \[\amax_{x_{i1}^2+x_{i2}^2+x_{i3}^2=1, x_{i1}+x_{i2}+x_{i3}=1} \sum (a_{ij}-1)(x_{i1}x_{j1}+x_{i2}x_{j2}+x_{i3}x_{j3}).\] We can write the expression in matrix form as \(\an{B,xx^T}\) where \(B=(a_{ij}I)_{i,j}\) (block matrix). For a SDP relaxation, replace \(xx^T\) with \(M\), \(M\succeq 0\).
How does this relaxation do?
In clustering we’re given \(v_1,\ldots, v_n\) each of which is either \(v\) or \(w\) plus noise. We can find \(V^TV\) and work off that matrix.
Look up literature on clustering and learning mixtures of Gaussians.
See Relevant coordinates: low-rank matrix.