Relevant coordinates

Posted: 2016-06-02 , Modified: 2016-06-02

Tags: linear algebra++


General problem: Often, given high dimensional data in \(\R^n\), only a subset \(S\sub [n]\) of coordinates are “relevant”. Identify them.

Here are possible formalizations of the problem.


Let \(|S|=c_1m\) be a random subset of \([m]\). Let \(k\) be fixed. Let \(((x^{(i)},\si^{(i)2})\in \R^{S})_{i=1}^k\) be \(k\) centers and variances. (Assume some reasonable separation.) Each data point comes from some cluster \(i\in [k]\) (ex. uniformly at random). If \(x\) comes from cluster \(i\), then generate \(x\) by \[\begin{align} x_S &\sim N(x^{(i)}, \si^{(i)2})\\ x_j &\sim N(0,1),&j&\nin S. \end{align}\]

The goal is to find \(S\). (Then we can recover the centers by standard clustering algorithms.)

Note: There may be a cheap way to do this by identifying which coordinates are \(\sim N(0,1)\). We want something more generalizable. Ex. assume \(x_j\sim N(y_j, \tau_j^2)\). Even better, assume that the \(x_j\) are independent but their distribution is arbitrary.


Let \(A\) be a matrix such that taking the rows with indices in \(S\) (\(|S|=c_1m\) as above), and suppose that \(A\) is \(\ep\)-close1 in \(L^2\) to a rank \(k\) matrix, and the rest of the entries are generated as \(N(0,1)\). Identify \(S\).

A probabilistic version: \(A_{S,i}\) is \(N(0, \Si)\) where \(\Si\) is close to rank \(k\).


L1 vs. L2 norm

Look at the \(L^1\) norm and variance (\(L^2\) norm) of each row.

But this is heavily dependent on the exact distribution of noise! We want something more generalizable.

Community detection/SDP

Sometimes we can recover even if the noise seems to be larger than the signal, because the noise is uncorrelated. Ex. a random \(n\times n\) matrix with \(N(0,1)\) entries has eigenvalues on the order of \(O(\sqrt n)\).2

Reference: Synchronization problem, Amit Singer.

Baby problem: Recovering clusters

Problem: Let \(x\in \{\pm 1\}^n\). Given \(xx^T + E\) where each entry of \(E\) is \(N(0,\si^2)\), recover \(x\) (whp). What level of noise \(\si\) can we tolerate?

(We want to recover all of \(x\), rather than just something correlated with \(x\).)

Try 1: SVD

The largest eigenvector of \(A=xx^T\) is \(v_1(A) = x\). By Wedin’s Theorem, \[ \sin\angle(v_1,v_1') \le \fc{\ve{E}_2}{|\la_1(A) - \la_2(A)|} = \fc{\ve{E}_2}{n} \stackrel?{\ll} \rc{\sqrt n}, \] since the closest vector \(w\) to \(v_1\) is at an angle \(\te\) away where \(\cos \te = \fc{n-2}n\), \(\sin \te \sim \rc{\sqrt n}\). So we need \(\ve{E}_2=\wt o(\sqrt n)\)3.

To get \(\ve{E}_2=\wt o(\sqrt n)\) we need \(\si=\wt o(1)\). Using this method we can only tolerate a level of noise \(\ll 1\).

Try 2: SDP

We want \(\min_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n}\ve{xx^T-A}_F^2\). (Minimize the sum of squares because this is \(\propto\) the log-likelihood.)

Relax this: \[ \amin_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n}\ve{xx^T-A}_F^2 =\amax_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n}x_iA_{ij}x_j =\amax_{x\in \{\pm 1\}^n} \Tr(xx^T) =\amax_{B\succeq 0 , B_{ii}=1} \Tr(AB) \]

WLOG the optimal solution is \(\one\)4. By SDP duality, \(\one\one^T\) is the unique best solution if there exists \(Q\succeq 0\), \(\Tr(\one\one^T(Q-W))=0\) where \(W=A+E\) is observed.

Let’s consider when \(E\) is symmetric.5 We choose \(Q=\diag((\sum_{j}A_{ij})_i)\). Then \(M:=Q-W = \mattn{A_{12}+\cdots +A_{1n}}{-A_{12}}{\cdots}{-A_{21}}{A_{21}+A_{23}+\cdots}{\cdots}{\vdots}{\vdots}{\ddots}\).

We can think of this as a sum of random matrices \(\matt{1+\ep}{-(1+\ep)}{-(1+\ep)}{1+\ep}\) in the submatrix at indices \(\{i,j\}\times \{i,j\}\). The average is \(\mattn{(n-1)}{-1}{\cdots}{-1}{n-1}{\cdots}{\ldots}{\ldots}{\ddots}\) with eigenvalues \(n,\ldots, n,0\).

There is concentration up to \(\sqrt{n\ln n}\si\). We just need this to be \(<n\) in order to make the second smallest eigenvalue of \(M\) be \(>0\). (The smallest eigenvalue is 0.)

Thus we can tolerate noise up to \(\si = o\pa{\sfc{n}{\ln n}}\), much better!

Next step: try to generalize this!

More than 2 groups

We want to recover the clustering from \(\mattn JOOOJOOOJ\) plus noise.

Let \(x\in\R^{3n}\) be the (proposed) clustering, where we think of \(x\in (\R^3)^n\) and \(x_i=e_j\) if \(i\) is in the \(j\)th cluster.

We want \(\min\sum_{i,j} (x_{i1}x_{j1}+x_{i2}x_{j2}+x_{i3}x_{j3} - a_{ij})^2\) over valid \(x\)’s. For valid \(x\)’s, the quadratic term is 0 or 1, so we want \[\amax_{x_{i1}^2+x_{i2}^2+x_{i3}^2=1, x_{i1}+x_{i2}+x_{i3}=1} \sum (a_{ij}-1)(x_{i1}x_{j1}+x_{i2}x_{j2}+x_{i3}x_{j3}).\] We can write the expression in matrix form as \(\an{B,xx^T}\) where \(B=(a_{ij}I)_{i,j}\) (block matrix). For a SDP relaxation, replace \(xx^T\) with \(M\), \(M\succeq 0\).

How does this relaxation do?


In clustering we’re given \(v_1,\ldots, v_n\) each of which is either \(v\) or \(w\) plus noise. We can find \(V^TV\) and work off that matrix.

Look up literature on clustering and learning mixtures of Gaussians.


See Relevant coordinates: low-rank matrix.

  1. What \(\ep\)?

  2. \(\Pj(\la_{\max} \ge t) \le 2ne^{-\fc{t^2}{2\si^2}}\). Here \(\si^2 = \ve{\sum E_{ij}^2}=\sqrt n\), get concentration to \(O(\sqrt n\ln n)\).

  3. Write \(\wt o(f(n))\) to mean \(o\pf{f(n)}{\poly\log(n)}\).

  4. Why WLOG?

  5. We can reduce to this case, I think.