Relevant coordinates - Low-rank

Posted: 2016-06-07 , Modified: 2016-06-07

Tags: linear algebra++

See also Relevant coordinates.

Low-rank submatrix

Suppose \(I\subeq [m]\) is a subset of indices. Draw each column of \(A\) as follows. \(v_I\) is drawn from some distribution close to being supported on a \(k\)-dimensional subspace. (For example, first draw \(w\in \R^I\) from a distribution supported on a \(k\)-dimensional subspace. Now let \(v_I=w+\ep\) where \(\ep\) is error, independent on different indices. We can relax this in various ways.) For each \(i\nin I\), suppose there is a distribution \(D_i\). Draw \(v_i\) from \(D_i\) (independently).



Idea: on average, there is greater correlation between 2 random vectors in a \(k\)-dimensional subspace than 2 random vectors in \(n\) dimensions.


