Posted: 2017-02-24 , Modified: 2017-02-24

Tags: neural nets, GAN

See GANs.

AdaGAN algorithm


Here, assume the discriminator is good enough to force to get some multiple closer to distribution.


Can you reanalyze this with a more stable version of GAN, not based on KL divergence, but


From known results: (see MW)

Can you do better than simply mixture: ex. decide whether to regenerate according to some criterion, like \(\mathcal F_k \mathcal T\) for a different class \(\mathcal F\)?

Note MU/boosting doesn’t run into RPS problem if you mix/average.

Concreter questions

  1. Suppose you want to match \(f\) using combination of functions in \(\mathcal H\). What is the right formulation of boosting here?
    • Convex combination - this is just projection to a polytope in a subspace.
    • What are interesting \(\mathcal F\) here?
  2. In MU for GT: if column only plays \(\rc2+\ep\) good strategy, do you get anything?
  3. What is the guarantee of mixture of generators?

We’re actually training to completion at each step… What does “good” mean? Analogue of “over half can’t be distinguished”? MMD is bounded away from 0.

Ideas 2

  1. Simpler, boolean formulation. At step \(t\), have weights on data points, increase weight if it was successfully separated. (How did they calculate weights in AdaGAN?) At end, let \(D\) be best discriminator against uniform. What’s \(\E D - \sumo tT \al_t \E D(G_t)\)?
  2. Is there something more sophisticated/suitable than simple mixture? Ex. pick a data point and then try to generate something close to it? (not this actually…) Something like, run generators together and pick the best point from them?
  3. If you take 2 samples from the same distribution, the discriminator has the ability to distinguish between them (at least, without regularization). So you have to choose your discriminator to be less powerful than this, or otherwise you will end up memorizing. Is there an architecture/regularization for discriminator such that it will NEVER learn to discriminate between 2 samples from the same distribution?