(HMR16) Gradient descent learns linear dynamical systems

Posted: 2016-12-27 , Modified: 2016-12-27

Tags: dynamical systems, quasi-convexity

Main theorem:

  1. (5.1) Suppose \(\Te\) is \(\al\)-acquiescent and \(\ve{C}\le 1\). With \(N\) samples of length \(T\ge \Om\pa{n+\rc{1-\al}}\), SGD with projection set \(B_\al\) returns \(\wh \Te = (\wh A, \wh B, \wh C, \wh D)\) with population risk \[ f(\wh \Te) - f(\Te) \le O\pa{\fc{n^2}N + \sfc{n^5 + \si^2 n^3}{TN}}\poly\pa{\rc{1-\al}, \rc{\tau_0}, \rc{\tau_1}, \tau_2, R=\ve{a}}. \]
  2. (5.2) For long sequences, dividing into samples of length \(\be n\) for large enough constant \(\be\) gives (suppressing the polynomial dependence on the other parameters) \[ f(\wh \Te) - f(\Te) \le f(\Te) + O\pa{\sfc{n^5 + \si^2 n^3}{TN}}. \]
  3. (6.2) Suppose \(\Te\) has transfer function \(G(z) = \fc{s(z)}{p(z)}\) with characteristic function \(p(z)\) that is \(\al\)-acquiescent by extension of degree \(d\), \(\ve{G}_{H_2}\le1\). Projected SGD with \(m=n+d\) states returns \(\wh \Te\) with risk \[ f(\wh \Te) - f(\Te) \le f(\Te) + O\pa{\sfc{m^5 + \si^2 m^3}{TK}}. \]


  1. Any poly of degree \(n\) with distinct roots inside circle of radius \(\al\) is \(\al\)-acquiescent by extension of degree \(d = O(\max\{(1-\al)^{-1} \ln (\sqrt n \Ga\ve{p}_{H_2}), 0\})\).
  2. If \(p\) has random conjugate pairs of roots inside a circle of radius \(\al\), whp \(\Ga(p)\le \exp(\wt O(\sqrt n))\) and \(\ve{p}_{H_2}\le \exp(\wt O(\sqrt n))\), so \(p\) is \(\al\)-acquiescent by extension of degree \(\wt O((1-\al)^{-1}n)\).

Optimization background

A function \(f\) is \(\tau\)-weakly-quasi-convex (\(\tau\)-WQC) over \(B\) with respect to a global minimum \(\te^*\) if there is a positive \(\tau>0\) such that for all \(\te\in B\), \[ \nb f(\te)^T(\te-\te^*) \ge \tau (f(\te) - f(\te^*)). \] \(f\) is \(\Ga\)-weakly smooth if \[ \ve{\nb f(\te)}^2 \le \Ga(f(\te)-f(\te^*)). \]

Note a convex function satisfies \[ f(\te^*) - f(\te) \ge \nb f(\te)^T (\te^*-\te) \] so is 1-WQC. If \(f''\ge a\) everywhere, then \(f(\te)-f(\te^*) \ge \ve{\nb f(\te)}^2\) so \(f\) is \(4a\)-weakly smooth.

For stochastic gradient descent, weak QC and S are enough for convergence guarantees.

Theorem. Suppose \(f\) is \(\tau\)-WQC and \(\Ga\)-WS and \(r\) is an unbiased estimator for \(\nb f(\te)\) with variance \(V\), \(\te^*\in B\), \(\ve{\te_0-\te^*}\le R\). Then projected SGD with a suitable learning rate returns \(\te_K\) with error \[ \E f(\te_K)-f(\te^*) \le O\pa{ \max\bc{\fc{\Ga R^2}{\tau^2 K}, \fc{R\sqrt V}{\tau \sqrt K}} }. \] (Dependence on \(K\) is most important here. Check this.) (Variance makes the convergence \(\rc{\sqrt K}\) rather than \(\rc K\).)

Control theory background

Consider dynamical systems in the form \[\begin{align} h_{t+1} &= A h_t + B x_t\\ y_t &= C h_t + D x_t + \xi_t\\ \xi_t & \sim N(0,\si^2). \end{align}\]

(This is a SISO - single-input single-output system.) The population risk is \[ f(\wh \Te) = \EE_{\{x_t\}, \{\xi_t\}} \ba{ \rc T \sumo tT \ve{\wh y_t - y_t}^2 } \] where \(\wh y_t\) is generated from the estimated parameters without noise. Evert SISO of order \(n\) can be put into controllable canonical form \[ A = \matt{\vec 0}{I_{n-1}}{-a_n}{-a_{n-1:1}}, \quad B = \colthree{0}{\vdots}{1} = e_n. \] Write \(A=CC(a)\), where \(a=-[a_n,\ldots, a_1]\).

A SISO is controllable iff \([B|AB|\cdots|A^{n-1}B]\) has rank \(n\). (See Control theory/2 Controllability.)

Let \[ p_a(z) = z^n + a_1z^{n-1}+\cdots + a_n = \det (zI-A) \] be the characteristic polynomial of \(A\).

The transfer function of the linear system is \[\begin{align} G(z) &= C(zI - A)^{-1}B=:\fc{s(z)}{p(z)}\\ & = \sumo t{\iy} z^{-t} \ub{CA^{t-1}B}{r_{t-1}}\\ & = \fc{c_1+\cdots + c_n z^{n-1}}{z^n + a_1z^{n-1}+\cdots + a_n} \end{align}\]

where \(p\) is monic. (We have \(M^{-1} = \fc{\text{cofactor}(M)}{\det(M)}\).)

(Why is the transfer function useful?)

Define the idealized risk as \[ g(\wh A, \wh C) = \sumz k{\iy} (\wh C\wh A^k B - CA^k B)^2. \] In the Fourier domain, \[ g(\wh A, \wh C) = \int_0^{2\pi} |\wh G (e^{i\te}) - G(e^{i\te})|^2\,d\te \] (The hat on the parameters means “estimate”, the hat on \(G\) means “Fourier transform”.)

Explanation. By unfolding the recurrences, then taking the average, \[\begin{align} \E [\ve{\wh y_t - y_t}^2] & = \ve{\wh D - D}^2 + \sumo k{t-1} \ve{\wh C \wh A^{t-k-1} \wh B - CA^{t-k-1} B}^2 + \E[\ve{\xi_t}^2]\\ f(\wh \Te) & = \ve{\wh D - D}^2 + \sumo k{t-1} \pa{1-\fc kT}\ve{\wh C \wh A^{k-1} B - CA^{k-1} B}^2 + \si^2. \end{align}\] The idealized risk takes \(T\to \iy\), and ignores the first term. Now by Parseval’s Theorem, \[\begin{align} G(z) &= \sumo t{\iy} CA^{t-1} Bz^{-t}\\ \wh G(z) &= \sumo t{\iy} \wh C \wh A^{t-1} B z^{-t}\\ \int_0^{2\pi} |\wh G(e^{i\te}) - G(e^{i\te})|^2 & = \sumo t{\iy} \ve{CA^{t-1}B - \wh C \wh A^{t-1} B}^2. \end{align}\]

(This can give some motivation for definition of \(G\). Simply put \(CA^kB\) as coefficients of power series; we get \(G\). This also motivates looking at the Fourier series.)

(Why is it useful to pass to the Fourier domain?)


Rouche’s Theorem. wikipedia

  1. If \(f,g\) are holomorphic in closed \(K\), \(|g|<|f|\) on \(\pl K\), then \(f\), \(f+g\) have the same number of zeros inside \(K\).
  2. (Symmetric form) … \(|f-g|<|f|+|g|\) on \(\pl K\) then \(f,g\) have the same number of zeros.


Showing quasi-convexity

Unbiased estimator

Let \(T_1=\fc T4\). Using loss function \[ \ell((x,y),\wh\Te) = \rc{T-T_1} \sum_{t>T_1} \ve{\wt y_t - y_t}^2, \] gradients wrt \(\wh a, \wh C, \wh D\) are almost (exponentially) unbiased.

Bounded variance



Ex. when we can’t hope to properly recover: \(G(z) = G_1(z) \fc{z^n-r_1^n}{z^n-r_2^n}\) where \(r_1\approx r_2\approx 1\). They are exponentially close but the characteristic polys are very different.

Approximation: Prove that the inverse of a poly can be easily approximated (cf. proof for conjugate gradients, Chebyshev approx).

Using the approximation result, get \(\ab{\fc{pu}{z^{n+d}} - 1} <0.5\), so \(\fc{pu}{z^{n+d}}\in C\) for appropriate \(\tau_i\).