Approximation theory and approximation practice

Posted: 2016-08-08 , Modified: 2016-08-08

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1 Introduction

2 Chebyshev points and interpolation

Define Chebyshev points of parameter \(n\) to be \(x_j\) where \[\begin{align} \te_j &= \fc{j\pi }n\\ z_j & = e^{\pi j/n}, &0\le j\le n\\ x_j & = \Re (z_j) = \fc{z_j+z_j^{-1}}2 = \cos\te_j. \end{align}\]



(Note: from now on we will reverse the order of the \(x_j\), to go from left to right.)

The Chebyshev interpolant of \((f_j)\) is the unique polynomial of degree (\(\le\)) \(n\) going through points \(x_j,f_j\). To construct the interpolant for a function,

x = chebfun('x');
f = (function of x);
p=chebfun(f,n+1); hold on, plot(p,'.-')

(Note: x is like a vector here. So you must write .* for multiplication, etc.) .- makes it point out the Chebyshev interpolation points.

3 Chebyshev polynomials and series

Define Chebyshev polynomials.

The following are Chebyshev, Laurent, and Fourier expansions. \[\begin{align} f(x) &\approx \sumz kn a_kT_k(x), && x&\in [-1,1]\\ F(z) &= \rc 2 \sumz kn a_k(z^k+z^{-k}) & f(x)&=F\pf{z+z^{-1}}2&|z|&=1\\ \cF (\te) &\approx \rc 2 \sumz kn a_k(e^{ik\te} + e^{-ik\te})& \te&\in [-\pi,\pi] \end{align}\]

One can expand a polynomial in Chebyshev basis using the FFT or Fast Cosine Transform.

Chebyshev series: If \(f\) is Lipschitz continuous on \([-1,1]\), it has a unique representation \[f(x)=\sumz k\iy a_k T_k(x),\quad a_k = \fc2\pi \int_{-1}^1 \fc{f(x)T_k(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \dx. \]

Proof. \[\begin{align} a_k &= \rc{2\pi i} \oint_{|z|=1} (z^{-1+k}+z^{-1-k})F(z)\,dz\\ &= \rc{\pi i} \int_{|z|=1} z^{-1}T_k(x) F(z)\,dz\\ &=-\rc{\pi}\fc{f(x)T_k(x)}{\Im z}\,dz & dx&=\rc 2 \pf{z-z^{-1}}{2z}dz = \rc2 i z^{-1}\Im z\\ &=\fc2\pi \int_{-1}^1 \fc{f(x)T_k(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \dx. \end{align}\]

Orthonormality: \[ \fc 2\pi\int_{-1}^1 \fc{T_l(x)T_k(x)}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} = \de_{kl}.\]

4 Interpolation, projection, and aliasing

There are 2 ways to approximate \(f\) by a Chebyshev expansion.

  1. Interpolation of Chebyshev points \(p_n\)
  2. Truncation of Chebyshev expansion \(f_n\)

In computation, \(p_n\) are usually almost as good and easier to evaluate.

Theorem (aliasing). \(T_k\) takes the same value on the \((n+1)\)-point Chebyshev grid as \(T_m\), \(m=|(k+n-1)\bmod{2n} - (n-1)|\). (i.e., \(T_m\) takes the same value as \(T_k\) with \(k=2jn\pm m\).)

Proof. Look at \(2n\)th roots of unity.

Theorem (aliasing for Chebyshev coefficients). Let \(a_k,c_k\) be Chebyshev coefficients of \(f\) and \(p_n\). Then \[\begin{align} c_k &= \sum_{i\in \{2jn\pm k\}\cap \N} a_i. \end{align}\]

So \[f(x)-p_n(x) = \sum_{k=n+1}^{\iy} a_k(T_k(x) - T_{m(k,n)}(x)).\]

In Chebfun, to get truncation, interpolation use

a = chebpoly(f) % truncation/projection
fn = chebfun(f, 'trunc', n+1) % truncation
pn = chebfun(f, n+1)
c = chebpoly(pn) % interpolation

5 Barycentric interpolation formula

How to evaluate a Chebyshev interpolant?

Lagrange interpolation:

\[\begin{align} p(x) &= \sumz jn f_jl_j(x)\\ l_j(x) &=\fc{\prod_{k\ne j}(x-x_k)}{\prod_{k\ne j} (x_j-x_k)} \end{align}\]

The computation of \(l_j\) is unstable and takes \(O(n^2)\) operations.

Modified Lagrange formula (first barycentric formula) \[\begin{align} p(x) &= l(x) \sumz jn \fc{\la_j}{x-x_j} f_j\\ l(x) &= \prod_{k=0}^{n} (x-x_k)\\ \la_j &= \rc{\prod_{k\ne j}(x_j-x_k)} = \rc{l'(x_j)}. \end{align}\]

This takes \(O(n)\) operations to evaluate. (Computing the weights takes \(O(n^2)\) but only needs to be done once.)

Theorem (Barycentric interpolation formula). \[p(x) = \left. \sumz jn \fc{\la_j f_j}{x-x_j} \right/ \sumz jn \fc{\la_j}{x-x_j}.\]

Proof. Note \(\sumz jn l_j(n)=1\). so just replace the \(l_j\) by \(\fc{\la_j}{x-x_j}\) and then normalize afterwards.

For Chebyshev points \(\la_j = (-1)^j \fc{2^{n-1}}{n} (1-\rc 2(j=0\text{ or }n))\). Obtain \[p(x) = \left. \sumz jn' \fc{(-1)^jf_j}{x-x_k}\right/\sumz jn' \fc{(-1)^j}{x-x_k} \] where \(\sum'\) means that the first and last terms are multiplied by \(\rc2\).

Proof. \[\begin{align} l(x) &= (x-x_0)\cdots (x-x_n)\\ & = (z^{2n}-1)(z^2-1)(z^{-n-1}-1) \rc{2^{n+1}} & x=\fc{z+z^{-1}}2\\ &= \rc{2^n} \pa{\fc{x^{n+1}+x^{-(n+1)}}2 - \fc{x^{n-1}+x^{-(n-1)}}}\\ \la_j &=\rc{l'(x_j)} = \fc{2^n}{T_{n+1}'(x_j) - T_{n-1}'(x_j)} = \fc{2^n}{2n(-1)^j(1+(j=0\text{ or }n))} \end{align}\]

by using the recurrence relation to compute the derivatives.

This is stable, whereas polynomial interpolation via Vandemonde is exponentially unstable.


6 Weierstrass Approximation Theorem

Theorem (Weierstrass approximtion). A continuous function on \([-1,1]\) can be arbitrarily well-approximated in \(L^{\iy}\) by polynomials.

Proof. Extend \(f\) to be continuous with compact support. Take \(f\) as initial data for \(u_t=u_{xx}\). The solution is \(f*e^{-\fc{x^2}{4t}}/\sqrt{2\pi t}\). For \(t>0\) this is analytic and has uniformly convergent Taylor series.

Bernstein’s proof is a discrete analogue replacing diffusion by a random walk.

Theorem (Mergelyan). If \(f\) is continuous on compact simply connected \(K\sub \C\) and analytic in \(K^{\circ}\), then \(f\) can be approximated on \(K\) by polynomials.

7 Convergence for differentiable functions

(Bounded variation means \(\ve{f'}_1<\iy\) where \(f'\) is interpreted in the distributional sense.)

If \(f^{(k)}, k\le v-1\) is absolutely continuous and \(f^{(v)}\) has bounded variation, then \[\begin{align} a_k &\le \fc{2V}{\pi k\fp{v+1}} &\le \fc{2V}{\pi (k-v)^{v+1}}\\ \ve{f-f_n}_\iy &\le \sum_{k=n+1}^\iy |a_k| \le \fc{2V}{\pi v(n-v)^v}\\ \ve{f-p_n}_\iy &\le \sum_{k=n+1}^{\iy} 2|a_k|\le \fc{4V}{\pi v(n-v)^v} \end{align}\] Proof. \[\begin{align} a_k &= \rc{\pi i}\int_{|z|} f(\rc 2(z+z^{-1})) z^{k-1}\,dz\\ &=-\rc{\pi i} \int_{|z|=1} f'(\rc 2 (z+z^{-1}))\fc{z^k}{k}\dx\\ |a_k| &\le \fc{2}\pi \int_{-1}^1 |f'\Im\fc{z^k}{k}|\dx. \end{align}\]

For \(v>0\), integrate by parts \(v+1\) times to get \[(-1)^{v+1} \rc{\pi i}\int_{|z|=1} f^{(v+1)}(\rc 2 (z+z^{-1})) f_{v, k}(z)\dx\] where \(f_{0,k}(z) = \fc{z^k}{k}\) and \(f_{n+1,k} = \int f_{n,k} \fc{1-z^{-2}}2\).

8 Convergence for analytic functions

If the analytic continuation of \(f\) to the open Bernstein ellipse \(\pa{z\mapsto \fc{z+z^{-1}}2}B_\rh\) satisfies \(f\le M\), then \[\begin{align} |a_k| &\le 2M\rh^{-k}\\ \ve{f-f_n}&\le \fc{2M\rh^{-n}}{\rh - 1}\\ \ve{f-p_n}&\le \fc{4M\rh^{-n}}{\rh - 1}. \end{align}\]

Proof. \(a_k = \ab{\rc{\pi i}\int_{|z|=\rh} z^{-1-k} F(z)\,dz}\).

Converse: If there exist \(q_n\), \(\ve{f-q_n}\le C\rh^{-n}\), then \(f\) is continuable to the Bernstein ellipse \(E_\rh\).

Proof. Write \(f=q_0+(q_1-q_0)+\cdots\). Use the estimate \(\deg p\le d\implies \ve{p}_{L^{\iy}(E_\rh)}\le \rh^d \ve{p}_{L^{\iy}[-1,1]}\). Proof: Let \(q(z) = \fc{p(z)}{(z+\sqrt{z^2-1})^d}\). This is analytic on \(\C\cup \{\iy\}\bs [-1,1]\). (Why is it well-defined?) (It is defined at \(\iy\) because taking \(z\leftarrow \rc z\) we get \(\fc{p_{\text{rev}}(z)}{(1+\sqrt{1-z^2})^d}\).) The maximum is attained at the boundary \([-1,1]\) where the absolute value is 1.

9 Gibbs Phenomenon

At discontinuities, the overshoot of a Chebyshev approximation does not \(\to 0\) as \(n\to \iy\).

For Chebyshev interpolants of \(\sgn(x)\) on \([-1,1]\), \[\begin{align} \lim_{n\to \iy,n\text{ odd}} \ve{p_n}_\iy &\approx1.282...\\ \lim_{n\to \iy,n\text{ even}} \ve{p_n}_\iy &\approx1.066... \end{align}\]

For Chebyshev projections, \[\lim_{n\to \iy} \ve{f_n} = \fc 2\pi \int_0^\pi \fc{\sin x}x\dx.\]

Intuition: \(p(x) = \sum_{j=(n+1)/2}^n l_j(x)\). This is an alternating series which in the limit has finite nonzero sum.


10 Best approximation

Theorem. A continuous \(f\) on \([-1,1]\) has a unique best approximation \(p^*\in \cP_n\). It is uniquely characterized by \(f-p\) equioscillating in \(\ge n+2\) extreme points.

Proof. The minimum is attained because it lies in \(\{\ve{f-p}\le \ve{f}\}\). (\(L^\iy\) norms.) If \(p,q\) satisfy the condition, and \(\ve{f-q}< \ve{f_p}\), then \(p-q\) has \(n+1\) zeros. If it doesn’t equioscillate, perturb by \((x_1-x)\cdots (x_k-x)\). (If \(\ve{f-q}=\ve{f-p}\), use the following argument: suppose \(p\) has equioscillation extreme points \(x_{0:n+1}\). Induct on: \(p-q\) has \(\ge j\) roots in \([x_0,x_j]\). Suppose this is first violated at \(k\) and obtain a contradiction.)

11 Hermite integral formula

Theorem. Let \(f\) be analytic in a region \(\Om\) containing distinct points \(x_0,\ldots, x_n\) and \(\Ga\) be a contour in \(\Om\) looping once around them. The polynomial interpolant of degree \(\le n\) to \(f\) at \(\{x_j\}\) is \[p(x) = \rc{2\pi i} \int_{\Ga} \fc{f(t)(l(t)-l(x))}{l(t)(t-x)}\,dt\] and if \(x\) is enclosed by \(\Ga\), the error is \[f(x) - p(x) = \rc{2\pi i}\int_{\Ga} \fc{l(x)}{l(t)} \fc{f(t)}{t-x}\,dt.\]

This is useful because it gives an estimate for the error in terms of “analyticity” of \(f\). If \(f\) is analytic on a larger region, we can take \(\Ga\) to be bigger, and the ratio \(\fc{l(x)}{l(t)} = \prod_{j=0}^n \fc{x-x_j}{t-x_j}\) is smaller. This also tells us a property we desire for the interpolation points: they should make \(l(x)\) small. (We shouldn’t have to go far away to make the ratio \(\fc{l(x)}{l(t)}\) small.)


  1. Let \(\Ga_j\) enclose \(x_j\) only, and not \(x\) By Cauchy, \[l_j(x) = \fc{l(x)}{l'(x_j)(x-x_j)} = \Res_{x_j}\pf{l(x)}{l(t)(x-t)}\,dt = \rc{2\pi i} \int_{\Ga_j} \fc{l(x)}{l(t)(x-t)}\,dt.\]
  2. Similarly, if \(\Ga'\) encloses all \(x_j\) but not \(x\), \[\rc{2\pi i} \int_{\Ga'} \fc{l(x)f(t)}{l(t)(x-t)}\,dt = \sum_j \Res_{x_j} \pf{l(x)f(t)}{l(t)(x-t)} =\sum_j f(x_j)\ell_j(x)=p(x).\]
  3. If \(\Ga\) encloses all \(x_j,x\), then this adds \(\Res_x\pf{l(x)f(t)}{l(t)(x-t)} = -f(x)\), so \[p(x) - f(x) = \rc{2\pi i}\int_{\Ga} \fc{l(x)}{l(t)} \fc{f(t)}{x-t}\,dt.\]
  4. For the first equation, note \(f(x) = \rc{2\pi i}\int_\Ga \fc{l(t)f(t)}{l(t)(t-x)}\).

12 Potential theory and applications

\[\begin{align} \ga_n(x,t) &= \prod_{j=0}^n \pf{|t-x_j|}{|x-x_j|}^{\rc{n+1}}\\ \af{l(x)}{l(t)} &= \ga_n(x,t)^{-n-1}\\ \al_n &= \min_{x\in X, t\in \Ga} \ga_n(x,t)\\ \log\ga_n(x,t) &= \ub{\rc{n+1}\sumz jn \log |t-x_j|}{u_n(t)} - \ub{\rc{n+1} \sumz jn \log |x-x_j|}{u_n(s)} \le \al_{n}^{-(n+1)}\\ \log\al_n&= \min_{t\in \G}u_n(t) - \max_{x\in X}u_n(x). \end{align}\]

We want to lower bound \(\al_n\) to get exponential convergence.

Think of \(u\) as a discrete approximation for a continuous potential \[u(s) = \int_{-1}^1 \ln |s-\tau| \,d\mu(\tau).\] On \([-1,1]\), equally spaced grids converge to \(\mu(\tau)=\rc2\) and Chebyshev grids converge to \(\mu(\tau) = \rc{\pi \sqrt{1-\tau^2}}\) in weak*.

Key property. The Chebyshev measure generates constant potential on \([-1,1]\), and so minimizes \(I(\mu)\) (proof omitted).

Some alterntive views.

The capacity is \(\min_\mu I(\mu)\); for \([-1,1]\) it is \(\log 2\). (Each grid point is at an average distance of \(\rc2\) from the others in geometric mean.)

How to generalize to other regions (compact sets of \(\C\))?

Theorem. Let \(f\in C([-1,1])\). Let \(\rh\) be the parameter of the largest Bernstein ellipse \(E_\rh\) where \(f\) can be analytically continued, and \(p_n\) be the interpolants to any sequence of grids with \(\lim_{n\to \iy}(\sup_{x\in [-1,1]}|l(x)|)^{\rc n}\). Then \(\lim_{n\to \iy} \ve{f-p_n}^{\rc n} = \rh^{-1}\).

13 Equispaced points, Runge phenomenon

Interpolation at equally spaced points can diverge exponentially (at the edges). Why? \([-1,1]\) is far from being a level curve. The curve \(l(x)=l(t)\) is a “football”; \(f\) needs to be analytic inside this football for convergence. The football goes to \(\approx .526i\). Ex. \(f=\rc{1+25x^2}\) is not analytic inside, so the interpolants diverge.

Even if convergence should take place in theory (\(f\) is analytic in the football), rounding errors can be amplified by \(O(2^n)\) causing divergence in practice.

14 Discussion of high-order interpolation

Much of the literature is skeptical of high-order interpolation because people saw it doesn’t work for equispaced point. However, Chebyshev interpolation does work.

2 important issues:

  1. Conditioning of the problem: interpolation points must be properly spaced, so the interpolant does not depend sensitively on the data. Ill-conditioning can lead to Runge phenomenon.
  2. Stability of the algorithm: Interpolation algorithm must be stable (e.g. barycentric interpolation formula) even when the problem is well-conditioned. Vandermonde is very poorly conditioned.

15 Lebesgue constants

The Lebesgue constant of a set of points \(S\sub [-1,1]\) is \[\La = \sup_f\fc{\ve{p}}{\ve{f}} = \sup_{x\in [-1,1]} \ub{\sumo jn |l_j(x)|}{\la(x)}\] where \(p\) is the interpolant of \(f\) through \(S\).

The largest possible interpolation error is at least \(\La-1\), and the interpolation error is at most \((\La+1) \ve{f-p^*}\).

More generally, define the Lebesgue constant of any linear projection by \(\sup_f \fc{\ve{Lf}}{\ve{f}}\). Then \(\ve{f-p}\le (\La+1)\ve{f-p^*}\).

No set of interpolation points can lead to convergence for all \(C([-1,1])\) (PROOF?) so \(\lim_{n\to \iy} \La_n\).


  1. Lebesgue constants for \(|S|=n+1\) satisfy \(\La_n \ge \fc{2}{\pi}\log (n+1) + \fc{2}\pi (\ga + \log \pf{4}{\pi})\).
  2. For Chebyshev points, \(\La_n\le \fc{2}{\pi}\log (n+1) +1\).
  3. For equispaced points, \(\La_n>\fc{2^{n-2}}{n^2}\).
  4. For Chebyshev projection, \(\La_n =\rc{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \af{\sin((n+1/2)t)}{\sin(t/2)}\,dt\sim \fc{4}{\pi^2}\log n\).

Instructive: Plot \(\la(x)\) for equispaced and Chebyshev points.

Intuition: The fastest a Lagrange polynomial can decay is \(O\prc{x}\), and adding up these alternating tails with alternating coefficients gives a harmonic series.

Related: For Taylor projection of \(f\) analytic on the unit disc, Landau constants \(\La_n \sim \rc{\pi}\log n\).