Chebyshev polynomials

Posted: 2016-08-04 , Modified: 2016-08-04

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Define the Chebyshev polynomials by \[\begin{align} T_0 &=1\\ T_1 &=x\\ T_{n+1} &= 2xT_n - T_{n-1}\\ T_n(\cos x) &= \cos(nx). \end{align}\] Theorem. There exists a polynomial \(p_k\) such that \[\begin{align} \deg(p_k) &= O\pa{\sqrt{\fc{L}{l}} \ln \prc{\ep}}\\ p_k(0) &= 1\\ p_k(x)&\le \ep, &x\in [l,L] \end{align}\]

First attempt: Scale and translate the Chebyshev polynomial to be \(\le \ep\) on \([l,L]\). A Chebyshev poly at \(x\) is \(O(2^{n-1}x^n)\). Then the value at 0 is \(2^{n-1}\) is \(2^{n-1}\pf{l}{(L-l)/2}^n\), it suffices for this to be \(\le 1\). But this only that \(n\le \fc{\ln \prc{\ep}}{\ln \pf{4l}{L-l}}\) is sufficient.

This is a bad approximation!

We know \[\begin{align} T_n\pf{e^x+e^{-x}}2 &= \fc{e^{nx}+e^{-nx}}2\\ T_n\pf{u+\rc u}{2} &= \pf{u^n+\rc{u^n}}2. \end{align}\] Solving \(u+\rc{u} = x\) gives \(u=x \pm\sqrt{x^2-1}\) and \[u^n +\rc{u^n} = (x+\sqrt{x^2-1})^n + (x-\sqrt{x^2-1})^n.\] Thus it suffices to have (let \(k = \fc Ll\)) \[\begin{align} 2\ba{\pf{L+l}{L-l} + \sqrt{\pf{L+l}{L-l}^2 - 1}}^n \ep &\le 1\\ \iff n\ln \ba{\pf{L+l}{L-l} + \sqrt{\pf{L+l}{L-l}^2 - 1}} & \le \ln \fc{2}{\ep}\\ \iff n\ln \pf{(\sqrt k+1)^2}{k-1} & \le \ln \pf 2\ep\\ \Leftarrow n\pf{2+2\sqrt k}{k-1} & \le \ln \pf 2\ep\\ \Leftarrow n&\le \fc{k-1}{2(\sqrt k + 1)}\ln \pf 2\ep\\ &=\rc{2}(\sqrt k - 1) \ln \pf 2\ep\\ &=O(\sqrt k \ln \prc{\ep}). \end{align}\]

Restatement: There exists a polynomial of degree \(O\pa{\sfc{L+l}{L-l}\ln \prc{\ep}}\) such that \(p_k(L)=1\) and \(p_k(x)=0\) on \([-l,l]\).

Let’s solve \(Ax=b\) when \(A\) is positive definite. Consider \(f=\rc 2 x^TAx - b^Tx\) starting at \(x_0=b\). Gradient descent with step size \(t\) gives \[\begin{align} x_{k+1} &= x_k - t (Ax_k-b)\\ &= (I-tA)x_k + tb\\ x_k &= (I+\cdots +(I-tA)^k)tb \end{align}\] Now \(p(x) = 1+\cdots + (1-x)^n\) is an approximation of \(\rc{x} = \rc{1-(1-x)}\). Suppose all eigenvalues of \(A\) are in \([l,L]\). Then diagonalizing, we get that (take \(t=1\)?) \[\begin{align} \ve{(p(tA) - A^{-1})tb}_2 &= \ve{tb}_2\max_{\la\text{ of }A} (p(\la) - \rc{\la})) \\ &= \ve{tb}_2\max_{x\in [l,L]} (p(x) - \rc x) \\ &= \ve{tb}_2 \ve{p(x) - \rc x}_{L^\iy([l,L])}. \end{align}\]

But \(p(x)\), although it is a power series expansion of \(\rc{x}\), is not the best estimator of \(\rc{x}\) in the \(L^{\iy}\) norm. Polynomials based on Chebyshev polynomials do better. The Chebyshev polynomials are defined by a recurrence, which corresponds to a different recurrence relation on the \(x_k\).

For the above \(p\), the difference is \(\fc{(1-tx)^{n+1}}x\). Choosing \(t=\fc{2}{L+l}\), we get \(\pf{L-l}{L+l}^{n+1} = O\pf{\ka - 1}{\ka+1}^{n}\) convergence.

This motivates the following question.

Question. What is \[ \min_{\deg p = n} \ve{p(x) - \rc{x}}_{L^{\iy}([l,L])}? \]

Interpolate at Chebyshev points? Conjugate gradients, etc.

See exercise 8.10 in ATAP. First reposition at \([-1,1]\) as above. \(\rc{x}\) gets sent to \(\fc{k+1}{m(k-1)}\rc{x-\pf{k+1}{k-1}}\). For any \(\rh\) such that \(\fc{\rh+\rh^{-1}}2\le \fc{k+1}{k-1}\), i.e., \(\rh \le 1+\fc{2}{\sqrt k - 1}\), we get a bound \[ \fc{k+1}{m(k-1)} \pa{\pf{k+1}{k-1}-\fc{\rh+\rh^{-1}}{2}} \rh^{-n} = \rc m O_{\rh}(\rh^{-n}) \] This is an upper bound on convergence of conjugate gradient, because conjugate gradient finds the vector in \(\spn(\{b, Ab, \ldots, A^{n}b\})\) that is closest to \(A^{-1}b\).

(Thus, conjugate gradient gets \(\ep\)-close in \(O(\sqrt\ka \ln \prc{\ep})\) steps.)

(We can get a lower bound by computing the best possible \(L^2\) of the approximation. It should be on the same order.)

Conjugate gradient: \[\begin{align} v_0&=b\\ w_i&=Av_i\\ v_i&=w_i- \sumz j{i-1} \fc{\an{w_i,v_j}_A}{\an{v_j,v_j}_A}v_j. \end{align}\]

We have \(\an{w_{i+1},v_j} = \an{v_i,w_{j+1}}_A\) and \(w_{i+1}\perp v_{i+2},ldots\) so \(v_i\perp_A w_{i+3},\ldots\).