Posted: 2016-04-02
, Modified: 2016-04-02
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Back to Matrix factorization
- \(A\) is a \(n\times m\) matrix.
- \(\E X_i=0\) and \(X_i\in [-C,1]\cup [1,C]\) when \(X_i\ne 0\).
- \(X_i\) is independent conditioned on \(X_i\ne 0\) for \(i\in S\).
- “Bounded \(l\)th moments” for some \(l\): For \(|S|=l\), \(\Pj(\forall i\in S,X_i\ne 0)\le c^l \prod_{i\in S} \Pj(X_i\ne 0)\).
- The algorithm does the following: If the sparsity is \(k\le c\min\pa{m^{\fc 25}, \fc{\sqrt n}{\mu\log n}}\) and \(X\) has bounded 3-wise moments, taking \(p_1=\poly(m,\rc k, \log\prc{\ep})\) samples and time \(\wt O(p_1^2n)\), w.h.p. the algorithm recovers \(A\) up to \(\ep\) column-wise error.
- Same is true for \(m^{\fc 25}\) replaced by \(m^{\fc{l-1}{2l-1}}\) and \(c\) replaced by \(c_l\).
- The same is true when the samples are subject to noise: \(y=Ax+n\) where \(n\) is independent Gaussian, \(\si=o(\sqrt n)\). The sample complexity becomes \(\poly(m^l,\rc{k^l}, \log\prc{\ep})\poly\prc{\si^2}{\ep^2}\).
- Create a graph with an edge between \(i,j\) if \(|\an{y^i, y^j}|>\rc2\).
- Run the following overlapping community detection algorithm.
- Repeat \(\Om(m^2\log m)\) times.
- Take an edge \(uv\).
- Count the number of vertices that are connected to both \(u\) and \(v\).
- Let \(T=\fc{k/(2m)}{5} = \fc{k}{10m}\). If the number of common neighbors is \(\ge T\), add to \(S_{uv}\). (I.e., \(S_{uv} = \set{w}{|\Ga(u)\cap \Ga(v)\cap \Ga(w)|\ge T}\cup \{u,v\}\).
- Take the minimal sets (with respect to set inclusion). These will be (whp) be the collection \(\{C_i\}\) where \(C_i\) consists of the vectors having \(i\) in the support.
- To estimate \(A_i\), find the largest singular value of \(\wh{\Si}_i = \rc{|C_i|} \sum_{y\in C_i} yy^T\). (Alternatively, run the “Overlapping average” algorithm, which is not SVD but is similar in spirit.)
- Iteratively improve the estimate. (Wrks when \(Y=AX\) exactly. Omitted here.)
For the \(m^{\fc{l-1}{2l-1}}\) bound, look at common neighbors of \(l\)-tuple of samples.
Graph construction
We have \(\an{Y^{(i)}, Y^{(j)}} = \sum \an{A_p,A_q} X_p^{(i)}X_q^{(j)}\).
We want
- Completeness (if \(\Supp(Y^i)\cap \Supp(Y^j)=\{i\}\), then with high probability \(\an{Y^i,Y^j}>\rc2\)).
- Soundness (if \(\Supp(Y^i)\cap \Supp(Y^j)=\phi\) then whp \(\an{Y^i,Y^j}<\rc2\).
Both come from the same matrix concentration bound. We show soundness. Condition on the supports. Let
\(S_i = \Supp(X^i)\). Write
\an{Y^i,Y^j} &= X^T M X\\
M_{(S_1\cup S_2)^2} :&= \matt 0{\rc 2N^T}{\rc 2N}0\\
N :&= (A^TA)_{S_1\times S_2}.
Now use Hanson-Wright to show \(X^TMX\approx \Tr(M)\) with high probability.
Overlapping communities
We need to show
- if \(\Om^i\cap \Om^j\cap \Om^k\ne \phi\) then likely \(i,j,k\) have many common neighbors
- if \(\Om^i\cap \Om^j\cap \Om^k=\phi\), then likely \(i,j,k\) have few common neighbors
and find the right threshold.
- If \(\Om^i\cap \Om^j\cap \Om^k\ne \phi\) then \(\Pj_y(\forall j=1,2,3, |\an{y,y^j}|>\rc 2)\ge \fc{k}{2m}\).
- If \(\Om^i\cap \Om^j\cap \Om^k\ne \phi\) then letting \(a=|\Om^1\cap \Om^2|\) and similarly for \(b,c\), \[\Pj_y(\forall j=1,2,3, |\an{y,y^j}|>\rc 2|\Om^{(1)}, \Om^{(2)}, \Om^{(3)})\le \fc{k^6}{m^3} + \fc{3k^3(a+b+c)}{m^2}.\]
- \(\pf{k^2}{m}^3\) comes from intersecting each set separately.
- \(\fc{3k^3(a+b+c)}{m^2}\) comes from intersecting two together and the other separately.