Posted: 2016-04-04
, Modified: 2016-04-04
Tags: none
- Sparse coding/Dictionary learning: Write \(M=AX\) where the columns of \(X\) are sparse. Assume some properties on \(A\) (e.g., incoherence) and on the distribution of \(X\).
- Nonnegative matrix factorization: Sparse coding with the caveat that \(A,X\) are positive. Write \(M=AW\) where \(A,W\) have nonnegative entries. \(A\) is fixed (assume some properties on \(A\)) and \(W\) consists of random samples. I.e., we are given many samples \(y=Ax\).
- Topic modeling: Given \(x\), we see samples from the probability vector \(Ax\) (rather than \(Ax\)). Learn \(A\) and infer the \(x\)’s. ??
NMF is the least understood.
Previous work
- Hardness: If there exists a \(n^{o(r)}\) time algorithm, then there exists a \(2^{o(n)}\) algorithm for 3SAT.
- [AGKM12, M14] Given that the rank equals the nonnegative rank, there is a \(n^{O(r)}\) time algorithm for NMF. (Relies on solving polynomial inequalities.)
- [AGKM12] Under separability, NMF can be solved in polynomial time in \(n\). (Use the geometry.)
- Inference: A16 Given \(A\), recover \(x\) from \(Ax\) if \(x\) is sparse and \(A\) has small \(\ell_\iy\to \ell_1\) condition number. (“Parameter learning” is learning \(A\), “inference” is finding \(x\).)
- Topic modeling
- … see p. 23 in new_thread.pdf.
- [AGHMMSWZ12] A Practical Algorithm for Topic Modeling with Provable Guarantees:
- Sparse coding/ Dictionary learning
- SW08: Algorithm for full-rank matrices (no noise).
- Apply a \(\ved_0\to \ved_1\) relaxation.
- AGM14: Fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for overcomplete (incoherent) dictionaries, up to sparsity \(n^{\rc 2-\ep}\).
- Use the fact that high dot product between two vectors indicates intersection of supports to reduce to a overlapping community detection problem.
- Run SVD within communities.
- AGMM15: Efficient polytime algorithm for overcomplete (incoherent) dictionaries, that works up to sparsity \(\fc{\sqrt{n}}{\mu\poly\log n}\).
- Initialize with SVD, noting that with good probability the intersection of supports of two vectors \(x,x'\) will have one index in common.
- Apply alternating minimization and analyze using approximate gradient descent (correlation with the right direction).
- To get a sparse decoding, apply thresholding in the decoding step of AM.