Posted: 2017-08-07 , Modified: 2017-08-07
Tags: life, under_construction
Parent: index
Children: Activation energy and the unit of discourse, Aligning reason and feeling, Answer in a different medium, Art and questions, Articulating why I do something, Basking vs savoring, Be yourself, Bite-sized writing for powerful thinking, Conversation on curiosity, Cyclicity vs the straight line, Fear of power, Forget your index cards, General advice, Ideal vs institutionalized, Individualism vs mechanism, Introvert-Extravert exchange, Lenses and theories, Life as remix, Life has few principles, Life is like a game of psychiatrist, Listening to music, Love is friendship, just deeper, Love, Nice guy, Open arms, People who have to be right, Personal bible, Personalized spirituality, Shadow, Signs, Surrounded by music, The beauty of ideas vs the beauty of writing, The diameter of intellectual space, The right movement vs the material story, There are two types of truths in the world, Trefethen, Two kinds of laughter, Two types of happiness, Understanding between sexual cultures, Webs and threads, What I learned from Patrick Winston, What is the root of your feeling, Where are you looking, Why are we still writing linearly, Why do people do what they do, X vs Myopic X, index cards